Title: 'So he can see a better world'

Summary: Konoha is in ruin. The fateful battle between Sasuke and Naruto has taken place, the outcome is tragic. The unexpected follows though. Naruto is given a second chance, an opportunity to change the future. He thus becomes fixed on finding a way to save Sasuke. (Timetravel, SxN friendship/slight romance if you want to see it that way)

Disclaimer: the world of Naruto and its characters - all belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

A/N: It's my debut work. I'll really appreciate your reviews! I won't mind you becoming my Beta either...


The rain was pouring down heavily putting out the last flames and exposing the wrecks. Numerous ruined, burnt and barely recognizable remains of buildings filled the area inside the huge wooden fence. The place was dead silent, not a moan or a cry for help could be heard, both have long ceased. Only one low chirping like noise lingered in the air. It was coming from the center of the annihilated village where two boys, badly wounded and bleeding, stood preparing for the finishing blow. They gazed intently at each other, wanting, desperately wanting to dissolve their deadly techniques and once again be friends, be at peace and pretend they had never faced such a gruesome fate. But couldn't neither forget nor forgive. Closing the pain-filled eyes for a second, they charged at each other. And there it came, Chidori vs Rassengan. Again...

After his meeting with Sasuke in the Snow country he thought that when, not if, they battle, they would both die. He, Uzumaki Naruto, was prepared. He has promised his best friend that he wouldn't leave his side; they would die together, finally freed of all the obstacles preventing them from being friends. But here he was, sitting in the ruins of his precious Konoha with dying Sasuke in his lap, being rapidly healed by the demon fox. How could he have forgotten about the Kyuubi's power? The damn fox just won't let him die along with his beloved friend. He mentally cursed the fox, receiving ferocious growl in return.

Naruto felt devastated, everything he loved had slipped from his hands. He lost his parents before he even got to know them, he lost his Godfather two years ago, today he lost his home, his precious people, friends, his mentors. He had failed everyone, just two weeks of him being hokage and the village is completely wiped out. Was it his fault? Yes it was. He was fooled by the enemy and lured out of the village. By the time he killed Madara and saved the World, his world had been destroyed. Not by anybody, but his best friend. If he wasn't sure that Sasuke hadn't heard about him becoming hokage, he'd swear the bastard attacked Konoha just to take his, Naruto's, dream away from him. Still he regretted hurting Sasuke. The Uchiha was the last remaining piece of his world which he probably treasured the most. Losing him was equal to losing all ties with the world and being completely alone – one thing he couldn't bear again. If only he had asked Sakura or Tsunade-baachan to teach him some medical techniques back then, he could have helped Sasuke. But he didn't and, being miles away from other possible sources of medical help, couldn't do a thing to help Sasuke.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered, gently removing blood soaked bangs from the Raven's face. The boy was unconscious and most likely didn't hear him, still Naruto continued.

"You know, Sasuke, it's probably my fault that everything has turned out like this. If I hadn't chased after this stupid dream of mine, I wouldn't have trained like insane and made you feel weak. Now, that I think about it, I was the one who made you leave the village seeking power, - he sighed heavily, - Competing with you, trying to surpass you… all I did was scaring you, making you doubt your powers. I'm such a fool". Such thoughts had been lurking in Naruto's head for quite a while. The more he thought about the reason why Sasuke left the village, the more he felt himself at fault. Feeling desperate, he was making suggestions on what history has never possessed - other possible turns of events, the many ifs which might have led to a completely different future.

"Just imagine, - Naruto smiled weakly, - if you stayed in the village you wouldn't have to fight your brother all alone. Maybe you wouldn't even have to fight him at all if we somehow figured he wasn't a criminal before it was too late. Then we could have brought him back to the village and you'd be a family again. Wouldn't it be great, Sasuke?" 'I really wish it was like that' he thought.

Naruto took off his tattered hokage robe and torn it down to ribbons.

"I'm really useless, I spent years with Sakura-chan, but didn't learn a single medical-jutsu. Don't worry, I'll bandage you and stop the bleeding. I promised that we will die together, remember? So, because the stupid fox has healed me, I won't let you die alone. The nearby village is a bit too far away, but we'll make it somehow. I'll save you, I promise. Just don't leave me…"

"You know, I'm hokage now, I've fulfilled my dream. Well, sort of fulfilled… Anyhow, you've also done your revenge. It's time to move on. Now everything can be different. I still believe in our bond. Let's try to start everything from the blank page. This time we can…" Naruto froze as a pale hand reached out to caress his cheek.

"You're so naïve, Usuratonkachi", Sasuke was looking up at Naruto's tearful face, "there's no second chance for me."

"No, you're wrong… just don't give up, please!" 'You're my only remained link to the world, Sasuke, how can you not understand?'

"Sorry, for everything, but I just couldn't forgive them" Sasuke closed his eyes, withdrawing his hand, regret could be clearly seen on his face. "All this time I was running away from you, trying to sever our bond, but I really treasured the friendship we shared. What I wanted was to forget that I actually can be happy to carry out my revenge. I wonder," Sasuke paused, glancing up at Naruto. "Can you still consider me your friend?" he questioned almost hesitantly.

'And they call him a genius. I've spend years chasing after him to prove that I'm still his friend, who needs him and longs for his return' Naruto chuckled lightly.

"Yes, I still view you as my best friend, Sasuke " Naruto gave him a cheeky grin before continuing. "I'm really an idiot to think so after all you've done, can't help it though. I might want to beat some sense into you with my fists, but I can't bear loosing you, Sasuke"

"That's great," Sasuke smiled weakly, once again falling into unconsciousness.

'Damn, have to take him to the hospital real quick or else' Naruto shook away the thought and, carefully moving Sasuke's limp body from his lap to the ground, tried to stand up. And failed. Suddenly feeling a searing pain behind his eyes, he pressed his palms against them tightly, but losing balance, fell backwards. When he recovered from the impact, he noted that the pain ceased, but still got scared as he could see nothing but pure white.

'Have I turned blind?' he waved his hand before himself and made a sigh of relief, determined that he sees it just fine. 'Well, I guess, not.'

Naruto surveyed his surroundings, actually, the lack there-of, finding himself in a completely white and empty dimension. 'Where the hell am I?'

"Kyuubi, is that yours doing?" Naruto shouted into the nothingness. "Let me out I need to help Sasuke!"

Naruto froze as he heard soft footsteps from behind him. "Kyuubi?" he turned around, promptly gasping in surprise.

"No, take another guess" the man who now stood before Naruto smirked.

'Uchiha Itachi' he recognized him as soon as he saw him, but just never expected to meet him again, especially since the clan murderer has been long since dead.

"How you…"

"Did you forget that I store some of my chakra within you?" Itachi rather stated. "I believe now is the perfect time for you to use my power."

"I don't need it unless it's some healing jutsu that will help Sasuke" grumbled Naruto.

"My bad, it isn't," the Uchiha moved closer to the Blond, eyeing him. "It can help, though."

"How?" Naruto inquired.

Itachi just smirked changing his usual Sharingan to the Mangekyou. "You'll see. Make sure to take care of my foolish brother and don't screw up again".

The world around Naruto distorted and he felt himself pulled down by some invisible force...

To be continued

A/N: So how was it? I have some nice idea for the development of the plot. Please, review!