"Who're you?" Matthew's eyes snapped open when he heard a voice. He looked straight ahead to see his pet polar bear nosing him in the cheek. He seemed un-phased when his pet, that he took care of everyday, didn't know who he was.

"I'm your caretaker, Matthew." He answered quietly. He was used to this by now.

Everyday, Matthew would go through life never being noticed by anybody. People would even bump into him like he wasn't even there. He was convinced that he must be invisible.

There was a meeting at his job today, and everyone was fussing around, while he just sat and watched the chaos. Alfred was bugging Arthur about his heroism while Arthur just repeatedly called him a "bloody wanker." Francis started harassing Arthur, so he had to turn around and bash him on the head with his teacup, knocking him unconscious. Ivan was holding a part of a faucet in his hand and laughing to himself.

"I wonder if I'll get a turn to say something today." Matthew pondered. "What do you think, Kumiji?"

Kumijirou lazily looked up at him and said, "My name is Kumijirou, whoever you are!" Then he jumped off Matthew's lap and walked out the door.

Matthew watched as the quarrel in the room started to die down and everyone went to their seats, but someone took his seat on top of Matthew! 'Am I really so invisible that you sit on me!' He thought to himself. He looked up to see that it was Ivan who sat on him.

In a thick Russian accent, he said, "This seat is a little bumpy."

That last comment from the Russian passed the line. Matthew had finally snapped! He shot up from his seat, knocking Ivan off. He fell on the ground with a loud thud. The noise brought everyone's attention towards Matthew. "When did that man het here!" Alfred pointed at him.

"He looks familiar." Francis pointed out.

Ivan slowly got up off the ground and placed his faucet under Matthew's chin. "Why, you must be comrade Matvey, Да?

"Finally! Someone knows who I am!" Matthew raised his arms, thus knocking the faucet out of Ivan's hand. Everyone stared at him like he was crazy (which he probably was). This man had just hit Ivan's faucet, making it crash to the floor. No one messed with Ivan and his beloved weapon. Ivan stopped smiling and put on a sinister smirk. He lifted his leg, and gave a round house kick right to Matthew's stomach. He coughed blood from the blow, and fell to the ground. But, he didn't give up yet. You tend to have quite some strength when you've been bottling up your anger for your whole life. He quickly grabbed the faucet on the ground next to him, and hit Ivan is the face. He got up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and punched him in the belly. "That's the last time you'll mess with me." He whispered into Ivan's ear as he walked pat him. Ivan slouched down to the ground and didn't say a word while he clasped his stomach in pain. Matthew took the faucet, and dropped it onto the ground next to the injured Russian.

Matthew walked up to the end of the where he had been sitting before. Everyone focused their attention from Ivan to the cracked Canadian.


Hey guys! This is my first FanFic on here! I hope you like it. I don't know if I should continue it, though. Please review and tell me whether or not I should continue it, please! Thanks!
