James Potter: Please don't, please don't take Lily or Harry. They need to live, they are my everything. Please.

Lily Potter: My little boy, don't you dare place a hand on him. He is my baby, my baby. I will gladly die instead, but not my Harry.

Quarrel: I am a good person, gone bad.

Cedric: Harry will beat Voledemort, one day. I was just in the wrong place, wrong time.

Sirius: I will look over you Harry; you are the best god son one could ask for. Such a brave soul. But all along this might be my place, with James. I love you Harry, I know you will do great things.

Albus Dumbledore: You have no protector, but you can do this Harry. In the darkest night there is light. I believe in you boy.

Rufus S: Harry Potter, you must defeat him. Evil forces defeat them.

Hedwig: I will always protect you Harry. Best master one could ask for.

Mad Eye Moody: I died not in vein, Harry you must win this. Not for me but for the world.

Ted Tonks: I reckon Harry will end him, hope so. Keep my wife and daughter from harm, that's all I ask.

Emmeline Vance: I did the right thing. He is just too powerful, for anyone but maybe just maybe not Harry Potter.

Peter Pettigrew: Sorry James and Lily for betraying you. I am just too much of a coward. I really do hope Harry will end him.

Fred Weasley: I died with a smile on my face. Think of me and laugh, I will be watching…

Crabbe: I did not know that would happen, shit.

Remus Lupin: Teddy, know that I did this all for you. I love you Tonks. Take care of my boy Harry.

Tonks: I love you Teddy, I love you Remus. With every fiber of my being, I did not die in vain.

Colin Creevy: Harry can win this, I know he will.

Severus Snape: Harry will win this I can see it in his emerald eyes. He was not a bad kid after all, he will lead a great life if he defeats him, and after everything I risked for him he better. But for now, here I come Lily. It was for you all along.

Bellatrix: That bitch. Those blood traitors.

Voledemort: How dare he.