TMNT aren't mine.

The Terrapin Tart's roleplay and Round Robin has been updated so check it out.

Constructive criticism always appreciated.

It took every inch of control to contain the smirk that was threatening to spill onto her lips as Katashi stepped into her chambers. The man-no- the turtle paused for a moment at the sight of the Elite ninja there but he shrugged it off, he'd grown secure in the power Karai had allowed him to exercise.

Fool. This game had begun when he was barely out of childhood, he'd been young and naïve when he'd struck their bargain. And even though he was far older and dangerous now and far less likely to fall to subterfuge and trickery, their association had been built on a falsehood. All she had to do was fall in line and allow things to unfold and he'd remained blind to the deception being played right beneath his nose.

She could see him now, beneath the form of her deceased second in command the insolent reptile stood, calm and assured in his abilities.

"You needed to see me?" the lazy drawl in Raphael's voice never failed to set her teeth on edge, "And in the company of your honour guard no less. I'm so honoured."

One of the Elite twitched at the turtle's lack of respect and Karai held her breath, inwardly cursing the ninja as he came close to undoing years of work. But Raphael remained oblivious, confident that his powers kept his words for her ears alone, carelessly drawing close to her.

"Indeed I did," Karai nodded to the empty seat opposite her but Raphael instead settled casually on her desk. The urge to scowl at him was controlled by the knowledge that it was over at last, in a couple of minutes she'll have brought this turtle down. "I recently received news from the head branch in Japan-"

"Oh yeah, Japan," Raphael cut in, a thoughtful tone to his voice, "I've been meaning to talk to you about Japan."

For a second Karai's curiosity flared and she almost, almost asked the turtle what he wanted to do with the head branch but she squashed the impulse as she signalled slightly with her fingers.

The Elites snapped their blades up impossibly fast towards the turtle's neck and-


Karai gaped at her men for only a second, then she was on the attack, thrusting her tanto at Raphael's chest only for her body to seize up and freeze.

She couldn't move, no, impossible- they'd been so careful! They'd analysed Raphael's abilities carefully, spent years developing meditation techniques to counteract his illusions-

Raphael was not doing this.

Her body refused to obey her commands, she stared helplessly as the turtle casually reached out and plucked her blade from her hands. This was no illusion; there was no tang of energy on her tongue that accompanied Raphael's abilities.

Then what-

"About Japan," Raphael continued as though there had been no break in the conversation and the five humans in the room were not frozen statues, "I'm thinking we could start the next phase of the plan."

Plan? What plan? And how was he doing this? How had they misjudged him so badly?

"What this? You look a bit confused there Karai," Raph said mockingly as he climbed to his feet. He tilted his head at her to match eye levels. "Oh fine, I'll explain. The thing about illusions is that they make nice distractions…provided the other person doesn't know about them," the turtle abruptly smirked at her. "So, I figured, you guys will eventually stop falling for them and start learning how to see past them. I made myself nice and obvious and you kept all your attention on me. And all this time, Don's been free to take over each and every one of your ninjas."

Donatello. Why hadn't they considered that the other turtles may have developed other abilities? Coldness began to seep through her as the full extent of her helplessness dawned. This, this, what had he done?

"Don's got some pretty sick powers," Raph said cheerfully, "He has complete control over you Karai and it's only because he's letting you that you're going to remember this conversation. The best part is all he requires to take control of another person is skin contact. You touch another person and they're his to command."

"So about the head branch in Japan…"

I felt like tossing Virus!Don and Shadowpuppet!Raph together for some power mixing up. Um yeah, take that StillThunder. Don's taken control of the Foot Clan!