Chapter 10
She was gone. She had died as she lived, caring for others more than herself. He had marched into the markets to find those who had killed her only to discover they had all fled. Kento held a private funeral for his beloved wife with only himself and his son in attendance. Galen had slept peacefully during the entire event.
Kento was merely a shell now, going through the functions of living but not really doing so. He sat at his table, son tucked away within the confines of his robe, bubbles spewing from his mouth. He stared at the two lifeless objects in front of him.
Her light saber hilt and the necklace that she had worn around her slender neck sat as still as she had been in his arms. Kento blinked back his tears staring at his wife's possessions; they were all he had left of her. His free arm slowly reached for Mallie's necklace but stopped short, afraid of feeling the cold metal in his fingers that just reaffirmed that her warmth was gone and would never come back. It scraped across the table as he picked it up. The necklace dripped from his fingers as two small hands reached up to grab it. Kento looked down at his son. His son would never know his mother and Kento was a poor replacement for her. Kento lowered the ring into Galen's hands. Galen took this as a sign that he could chew on the necklace happily without having it be taken away.
His home seemed different now. Even taking a look around brought a pang of guilt to Kento. She wasn't here and it was his fault. He had failed to keep her safe. The promise he had made her was worthless. The floor still bore the scars of their last goodbye. A small area of the wood was stained a slightly darker color where her life had poured onto the floor. It would always stand as a constant reminder to him and his inability to protect those he loved the most.
Her light saber still lay as an unwanted guest on the wooden table. Kento slowly began to dismantle it piece by piece. When Galen started his training.…Kento immediately stopped this stream of thought. Did he really intend to teach his child now, after this? If Galen were never trained then he would be free and safe. Free to make his own decisions and would never feel burdened by the responsibilities of caring such a weapon. While he could feel his son's obvious ability he was hesitant to make a clear choice on his training. Mallie herself had been unsure of her Galen's fate. One day when he was older they would perhaps breach the subject.
Kento returned his attention to the light saber, dismantling it, until he found what he had been looking for, her light blue saber crystal. It was clear and bright. Without a second thought he replaced his own green one with hers. At least in one way, if he ever had to raise his weapon again, she could be with him even if it was in a miniscule way.
Galen was rubbing his eyes, his small mouth widening into a yawn, the necklace had fallen onto his father's boot. Kento took that as a sign that they both should go to bed. After Galen was comfortably sleeping, untroubled by thoughts of loss, Kento climbed into his bed that felt too large. He had clasped the necklace onto his own neck and began twisting it in fingers. He kissed it. He absent-mindedly stretched his hand over to the opposite side of the bed expecting to feel his wife's warmth but the bed was cold.
As far as Kento was concerned Galen was a happy child. He often spent time running around in the surrounding woods, playing in the little creeks and catching all kinds of animals eager to show his father.
These past four years had been difficult for Kento. Raising a child alone was a hardship for him. He loved his son more than anything and was always a little too over protective for Galen's own good. He was committed to keeping his wife's promise, to keep their child safe. Even with his focus always on Galen he thought of his wife with each sunrise and missed her at each sunset. When Galen smiled she was there, when he held the warm hand in his own she was there. It was a mixed blessing. He told stories of Mallie daily to Galen, he wanted her to be a large part of his life so he wove tales of her bravery during the war and shared all of her adventures. The only story he could never tell Galen was the one surrounding her death. He would tell his son the full story one day, when it didn't hurt as much, and he was just far too young now. He hoped his son's chest would swell with pride as his own did when he thought of how selfless his Mallie had been, trying to protect their friends on that fateful day in the markets.
With everyday that passed Galen's power seemed to grow and called out to Kento, urging him to harness that energy and teach his son to do great things. Kento ignored that call. Perhaps if his wife was still alive his choice would be different but her death reaffirmed his choice to keep Galen from that life. He would keep his son safe like he had promised.
Galen looked out from his bedroom window, pushing aside the panels so he could feel the wind against his face. He liked the wind; it was if it sometimes spoke to him. His head rested on his folded arms as his large brown eyes searched the heavens. The stars were always amusing to him. Sometimes his father would tell Galen stories of all the different planets that were out in the cosmos, Galen always asked his father if they could go to all of them, to that point his father would firmly answer, "No". Even being such a young child he yearned to go exploring much to his father's displeasure. Once he had traveled a little too far from home, and his father had come charging towards him, yelling his names, carrying a blue stick of light, his eyes had been wild before he picked up Galen and placed him on his shoulders and carried him back to their home. Something flashed across the stars and Galen instantly knew it had not been any type of shooting star; it had a blinking red light and seemed to fly across the sky. Something was coming.
Kento bolted upright breathing heavily, he grasped the ring that lay on his chest, he rubbed it with his fingers, he could feel the disturbance and the presence of a long forgotten friend. The garish nightmare still played in his head, his son was hurting, and Kento could not help but feel responsible. He quickly grabbed a shirt and threw it over his head, attempting to put it on while he headed for his son's room. He threw open Galen's door so roughly that his son had screamed slightly. His son stood facing him, his back to the window, the wind pushed him to his father. Kento walked to the window closing it shut, but not before he could see more of the unnatural lights littering the sky. They wouldn't have time to leave.
Galen watched his father strong face change into an expression he had never seen before. He pulled on his father's pant leg, his father looked at him, Galen wasn't sure why but he felt somewhat afraid,
"Yes Son," Kento answered placing a hand on his son's soft hair.
"I'm…I'm afraid," Galen whispered out looking to the floor
"That's okay. Everyone gets scared," Kento said putting on a brave voice for his son the truth was Kento was terrified. Galen slept for a few hours on Kento's lap, the sun had risen in the sky, and the sounds of a battle were nearing with every passing moment. Kento had changed into some of his older robes, his hood concealed with concern. For a moment Kento hoped that this darkness would not recognize him. Inwardly he laughed at himself. If he could sense Vader then surely Vader would not be so easily fooled. Still, Kento was willingly to try to impossible to save the only thing worth fighting for, his child. Soon the presence was pressing down upon him it was so close he could no longer ignore it. He woke his son, pulling both himself and Galen off of the sofa. He yanked the chain from his neck, he got onto his knees so he could he eye level with Galen.
"Galen," he said, placing the necklace around his son's own neck, "I need you to promise me something". Galen nodded so Kento went on, "I want you to hide, do not leave the house, I don't want you to come looking for me, okay?" He placed a hand on Galen trembling shoulder, he gulped, "Stay here and hide. Don't' come out until I find you and tell you to come out. If I don't come back stay hidden for a day then when the sun goes down I want you to find the Wookies they'll know what to do".
Galen didn't understand. He just looked at his father, why would he need to hide? Galen was afraid so he fell into his father's form balling up bits of cloth in his hand. Kento protectively squeezed back his child's affection. He wasn't sure if he would every see him again, in fact he doubted it. He kissed his son's forehead and walked out the door.
"Father, wait!" Galen shouted running behind his father who was lengths from their home. Kento turned and embraced his son for the very last time. Galen spoke softly,
"I want to go, please".
"Galen I can't let you come with me," he voice was at the same level as his son's, "I made a promise to protect you to your mother and I intend to keep matter the cost. Now please keep your promise to me, go and hide". His son let go of his father and raced back to the house.
Kento marched forward feeling a weight in his chest. He prepared to face the dark presence that had been growing closer threatening to extinguish any light Kento might hope to hold.
He could feel the wave of calamity that had come only for him. The destruction was massive; the ships came in never ending waves. Even the powerful Wookies seemed to be overrun. The trees were on fire, the homes burned charcoal and the dead lay in the street.
Kento stood rooted in front of his home serving as the last protection for his son.
The darkness was finally here. Kento was disgusted at the figure in front of his eyes. He had once considered the creature a friend, but now he was a threat, an enemy. His grip on his saber tightened. He had been in many battles in his life, the scars on his face, arms, and legs were a testament that. As dedicated as he had been in previous fights this one was the most important and would define his life. His chest rose, he wasn't as powerful or young as he had once been, but he would fight until his last breath. Taking strides towards the dark figure with strength he did not feel proclaimed,
"Dark Lord. Whatever you want you won't find it here". Vader did not even pause, as he felt the familiar trace of a long forgotten warrior. It was a strange meeting as the last time they had both laid eyes on each other they had been friends. So much had changed for both men since then. Vader then acknowledged Kento,
"You cannot disguise yourself from me" With this recognition Kento ignited his saber. It shone brightly before him, holding the protection of two parents for their son. With more bravado then he actually possessed Kento shouted at Vader,
"Turn Back".
Instead he did not turn back so Kento attacked knowing his skills were outmatched. They both began the dance of the duel weaving, ducking, and turning avoiding each other's blows. In some distant memory Kento and Anakin had once fought each other when they were younger for training exercises. They had laughed then. Now they did not laugh the hatred between them was palpable. Kento continued to press his attacks but was quickly caught in Vader's grasp, thrown against a tree, a rock until finally being shoved back into the door of his home so powerfully that it broke sending crashing onto the floor.
Sprawled out on the floor Kento tried to get up onto all fours, sweat fell from his face onto that darkened spot of wood that held his wife's last breaths. Without much warning Kento felt his body being lifted upwards by an invisible hand that held such anger and malice. Vader stood in front of Kento, his hand raised into the air, as he tightened his grip on Kento. Vader had felt Kento's distinct trace, it was the same from years ago, but there was something else he felt, it was a strange mixture of such power and feebleness. It soon overshadowed Kento's trace. With his red saber clutched in his hand he demanded the answer to the foreign force that filled the small hut,
" I sense someone far more powerful nearby. Where is your master?" Kento struggled to breath, his heart racing with fear. Vader could feel his son and there was nothing Kento could do to prevent that. He tried to hide his emotions in his weak response,
"The dark side has clouded your mind," he tried to gulp for air, "You killed my master years ago". Raising his saber higher Vader prepared to slay Kento without any remorse,
"Then now you will share his fate". As Vader's light saber rose for the final strike, Kento paid no attention. Fear plagued his eyes as he witnessed his son's small form peeking out from under the carved table, emerging from his hiding place.
No, he thought.
It was Galen's eyes that haunted him, their usual playful brown shade was a drenched in unbelief and horror-struck realization that his father was not as strong as he believed. He moved behind Vader, unconsciously pulling Vader's weapon from him into his tender hands. Kento's hand stretched out in a fruitless effort to reach Galen but just as he had failed to reach Mallie, he could not reach Galen.
There was obvious surprise in the dark lord's voice,
"A son?" With the remaining breath Kento held he pleaded with the only thing in his life worth holding onto to,
"Run!" Pain and agony rippled within Kento's body as he fell to the ground, his windpipe had been crushed. He could no longer breathe. He could no longer fight. In his last moment he watched the darkness step towards his son and his son stood unprotected and alone. His son's chances of survival looked bleak.
Kento had failed. He had failed to save Mallie and now he had failed to do so with Galen, it was as if he had lost Mallie all over again. One final thought misted it's self across Kento's mind as he perished.
I'm sorry, son.
Author's Notes: Thank you, Thank you! Thanks for all the favs and thanks to all of those who encouraged me to keep going, you know who you are, thanks!
Thanks for reading my humble attempt at this sorry excuse for a story. I hope you enjoyed it, if you like this story go check out some of my other ones.
I will definitely be returning to make major changes in the near future on this chapter and previous ones.
Thanks again!
Update: This story is soon to be deleted as I really don't like it, however a new and better version of this story should be making it's appearance soon.