Since there is not much history given of Starkiller's parents I decided to write one. So here is the story of Starkiller's parents and the events that lead up to his apprenticeship with Darth Vader. Because this is my first "long" story feedback is highly appreciated, if there are any suggestions on how I can improve this story I would love to hear them. Reviews are always welcome and please enjoy. I own nothing.
Embracing each other in this moment is all they could do for solace but even that wasn't enough.
Her green expressive eyes nervously met her husband's brown ones.
"You really need to be more careful out there, I hate worrying about you…"she said trailing off while dabbing a damp cloth against the largest of the gashes on his forehead. He cast his eyes down, he knew how she felt, because it was the same way he felt about her. He flickered his protective eyes back to hers. Sparks danced between their gazes.
"Mallie, you don't need to tell me to be careful. I can take care of myself, It's you I worry about. I can't stand it when we aren't at the same battles because then I can't protect you," said Kento his firm strong voice rising slightly. Mallie didn't respond but continued to clean his wounds. Her movements were graceful and nurturing. He simply watched her. To him she was the most beautiful woman in the entire galaxy, from her light green eyes that reflected her passion, her light brown hair that sometimes reflected flecks of gold in the sun, to her warm comforting hands that so often reached out to his own battered ones.
Kento could never quite grasp the idea that she and him were together. It seemed like he was only dreaming sometimes, they had seemed so wrong for each other from the start. He was a passionate warrior and she was a gentle creature who never seemed ready for the horrors of a war. They had met on the battlefield after she had unceremoniously landed on top of him while pushing him out of the way from oncoming blaster fire. He was angry with her; she had tried to save him when he clearly did not need saving. He loved the feeling of being a lone wolf in battle and with her saving him it made him feel weak.
Fortunately for him those feelings had changed over time. Being in the wars had come with a heavy price. He had watched a numerous amount of his friends fall beside him and so when his feelings for her began to grow he chided himself for doing so. He didn't want to create such a strong connection with her that it might break him if she too fell. Warriors weren't supposed to feel this way let alone a Jedi warrior. Initially he had decided to ignore her, refusing even to talk to her but soon found this task was near impossible as the pull between them grew.
Regardless of that pull, they had agreed to remain friends, allies really, and she opened up to him revealing more to her being than just being so sickly beautifully to him. Through her words she began to show him the horrors and irreversible consequences of war. For the first time in his life he was able to see through someone else eyes, and her eyes were the most beautiful shade of jade he had encountered. His mind soon adopted her ideas of peace as opposed to the glory of war that he only previously known. Still, he sometimes found that he wanted to be a warrior, but his desire to keep her in his life started to cause a change in his attitude. She was the only thing in his life that didn't take a backseat to his heroic images of bloodshed. Mallie and Kento married shortly, in secret, after discovering their feeling for each other were too strong to be pushed aside despite the many attempts. While others would wait till the war ended they both decided against it, feeling that they couldn't wait, because they weren't sure when they could get the chance if one of them perished in battle. Their relationship was simple enough, he was her world and she was his and had been so for the past five years.
She finished cleaning his wounds then promptly threw out the cloth and began tidying up the small compartment they sometimes had time to share when the other Jedis weren't around. These stolen moments together were precious to both of them as there were too few. Being a secretly married Jedi couple came with its challenges. They could never embrace in public, let alone hold each others hands for fear of being detected so they had developed a silent form of love and communication. She pulled an old worn chair away from the metal table and scooted it close to him, sitting down her eyes shot to the door as if waiting for someone to walk in and discover their happy secret. No one came.
"Kento, I…"she took a deep breath in, took his hands in hers and tried to meet his soft brown eyes with her own responsive jade eyes, "I should have said something earlier but now I don't think I can hide it any-," her sentence was cut short as a fellow Jedi walked in wanting a word with Kento. Their hands separated in an instant retreating back to their respective robes. She immediately sprang from her seat as if she had been struck by electricity and made her way to the door.
"Thanks Kento, I'll keep that in mind, "she said in a monotone voice with her back facing him, not even giving him a second look back, before walking out into the corridor. The door slid shut behind her. Mallie leaned her back up against the wall feeling confused, afraid, and uncharacteristically downtrodden. Righting herself back up, she walked quickly, passing by fellow friends, who tried to engage her in conversation but she kindly refused their offers, her calm face hiding her emotions; she turned a corner and found herself outside in the strange foliage of their newest battlefield. She quickened her pace feeling the need to be alone. Finally when she was a far enough distance away to cry without someone seeing she let her tears fall freely.
"What have I done?" she sobbed out. How could I have been so foolish? Mallie thought to herself. She had gone against the Jedi code, fallen in love and now this… This is not what she thought her life would be like. She had been so proud, as a child, in the temple dedicating her life to the Jedi way. After her own master's demise she promised to uphold the Jedi ordeals. The trees around her were unwelcome strange and the wind whipped her back, sending her braided hair in all directions, and she pulled her tan robes closer to her chest hoping to find some comfort in them. A hand rested itself on her back. She twirled around and was able only able to whisper, "Kento". He just looked at her for sometime watching the wind play with her hair before he spoke.
"Mallie, what's wrong? I can sense your uneasiness. Tell me, please. You can tell me anything. Please." He pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and buried her face into his chest but did not cry. She wanted to news to be blissful news instead of the inescapable situation it really was. He kissed her forehead taking in her floral scent at the same time. "Mallie, if this is about me please don't worry I can protect myself and you," he said trying to be reassuring. She shook her head. Mallie lifted her head and stared at him and with all the strength she could muster uttered,
"Kento, I'm pregnant".