This was accidentally inspired by Paris in December, but being the Theo obsessed fool that I am I began writing Theo, forgetting entirely that I was supposed to write Blaise for her. I'm sorry Paris! I'll get to work on your Blaise right away ^_^

I own nothing.

Hermione sniffled a little as she ducked into the closest classroom from the Great Hall. She didn't think her night could be any worse. Ronald just had to ruin everything, didn't he? He always said the cruelest things to her, and then to top it all off Viktor just couldn't drop the subject and leave her alone! Hermione sat on a desk and rubbed at her eyes, but when she got the peculiar feeling that she was being stared at, she realized she wasn't alone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." She exclaimed, jumping up from her barely warmed seat. She blushed and headed for the door.

"You don't have to leave." He said raising an eyebrow that was entirely too well sculpted to belong to a man's face. "Why are you crying?" He asked, putting a particular emphasis on the fact that it was she, Hermione, that was crying.

Hermione fixed her face into a look of indignation and prepared herself for a fight.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. Theo grinned a little and sauntered towards her with an air of grace that Hermione almost didn't comprehend. She realized as he drew closer what it reminded her of, a tiger stalking it's prey.

"I just meant that I'm surprised to see you crying, shouldn't you be having fun with Krum?" He asked as he stopped a stride away from her, his mouth twitching into the ghost of a sneer at the mention of Viktor.

"Oh," Hermione muttered, glancing away from his eyes. "I was feeling rather smothered if you must know, so I left Viktor."

"Then you came in here to have a good cry." Theo surmised with a chuckle, filling Hermione with a sense of chagrin and making her blush. "It's nothing to be embarressed about," he told her with a kindness that she thought ill-placed. "All girls cry."

Hermione snorted.

"See, you noticed I'm a girl." She laughed ironically. Theo's eyebrows bent together in confusion, he looked at her for a moment before his face relaxed.

"I can guarentee you Hermione," he muttered, his voice dropping to a sultry octave as he reached up to tuck a stray curl behind her ear, "there wasn't a man in that room tonight that didn't notice you're a girl."

Hermione felt her heart begin to race as her pulse quickened at his nearness. The feeling wasn't entirely foreign to her, but it was different then anything she'd ever experienced. She was frozen there, even with Theo standing uncomfortably close to her, she couldn't move. She realized all too soon what was new about the feeling to her. There was a sense of fear and danger woven into the excitement.

"You're only saying that." She stammered slightly, trying desperately to clear her thoughts. He fixed her with a look that clearly stated he thought she was being foolish.

"What reason would I have to, only say that?" He asked her. "Is there something you have to offer me that I couldn't get anywhere else?"

Hermione blushed harder.

"I am not a liar Granger, and I rarely give out compliments. So listen closely, and don't take it lightly, because you're bound to never hear it again." His eyes roamed her body, drinking her in. "You look beautiful tonight."

Hermione blushed and turned her head away from his, embarressed and not wanting to catch his eyes. She heard him chuckle again as he took a step away from her.

"You are entirely too niave and modest for your own good Granger." He laughed again, heading for the door. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my night, have a nice cry." He looked her up and down once more, rather hungrily. Hermione thought for a minute that maybe, just maybe he wanted her to go enjoy the night with him.