Title: Maybe I'm Amazed

Fandom: Supernatural

Author: kissacazador- (This is my first story)

Rating: T

Pairing: Dean/Sam

Summary: AU-Dean and Sam are not related, both are 15 years old and in the 10th grade at separate schools. Sam Singer has a great life with loving friends & family and attends a private school, while Dean Winchester's life is full of misery, due to physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Warnings: This is a Slash Story with Dean/Sam; Main Gay Character; Some Vulgar Language; Mentions of Child Prostitution; Mentions of Sexual Assault/ Rape of a Minor; Parental Sexual Assault of a Minor; Mentions of Narcotics; Underage Sex.

Disclaimers: I Do Not Own 'Supernatural', it belongs to the Eric Kripke and the CW and I'm only using them for the entertainment of this story. The song 'Maybe I'm Amazed' was written and recorded by Paul McCartney; therefore, I Do Not own this either. Also, I Do Not have a beta-reader either, since I'm new to this site and there will be plenty of mistakes…sorry.

Introduction: Dean Winchester is the youngest son of John and Mary Winchester and he had two older brothers, John Jr. and Eric, both who are deceased. He lives on the wrong side of the tracks in Watkins, (Nebraska's poorest/ toughest city). Dean attends Christopher Columbus Public High School, where he is starting Quarterback for their Cavaliers and has a perfect undefeated pre-season.

Robert Samuel Steven Singer III, (Sam), is the oldest son of Robert Singer Jr., (Bobby), and Ellen Harvelle Singer. He has a 13 year old sister Joanna Beth, (Jo), and a brother Adam Robert who is eight. The Singers live in a 3 story, six bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood called "Magnolia Hills" in a sub-burb of Omaha. Sam's father became a self- made millionaire by rebuilding engines with his brother Caleb, for a semi-truck company he used to work for in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Bobby scavenged for parts in junk yards and saved the company so much money that he was eventually able to buy it. Ellen inherited half of the "Harvelle Roadhouse Restaurant & Bar" chain along with her brother Bill and his wife Marilyn, (their children are, Billy and twins Ethan & Emma), from their parents William and Emily Harvelle.

Chapter One

The Singer Family was heading to the first football game of the season at their children's school, (a private institution named after the town's founder: The Charles F. Milton Academy, home of the Mavericks). Sam and Jo met up with friends and eventually waved over by Jessica Moore, a cheerleader and Sam's best friend. While chatting with her, Sam immediately noticed the cute blonde Quarterback for the Cavaliers who was getting some water on the sidelines, who smiled and winked at him. Sam shyly smiled back, while Jo and Jess were checking him out and giggling. Dean smiled at them too and walked away, as all three noticed his cute, tight butt.

On the very first play of the game, Dean threw a 60 yard touchdown and by half-time, the Cavaliers were leading 28-0. At the end of the 3rd quarter, the Mavericks Head Coach, Donald Blair, benched their starting Quarterback and put in the back-up, but things only got worse. During the 4th quarter, Chuck Shurley, a defensive player, was injured and in a lot of pain. Dean rushed to his side and told him not to move, while holding him still. The trainers eventually took Chuck off on a stretcher, as Dean walked back over to his team. The crowd was solemn, but whispering about how caring the Cavaliers' Quarterback was by staying with him, when no one else did. Finally, the brutal game ended with the Cavaliers winning 49-10.

The next school day at The Milton Academy, everyone was relieved to hear that Chuck was not injured as bad as first thought, but would be out of school for about two weeks. Plus, there was a lot of buzz about the cute blonde Quarterback who played hero.

Jess sat with Sam at lunch and told him that Coach Blair had her do research on the Cavalier Quarterback during her first period class as the main office assistant. All she found out from the school's website was his name is Dean Winchester, fifteen years old, 6' tall, 145 lbs, blonde hair, green eyes and was a B-/C+ student. He plays football, baseball, basketball and soccer. His family has no phone number on record, except the father's work. Jess overheard the coach calling Mr. Winchester to invite him out to lunch today at a local steakhouse to discuss "Dean's future".

The next morning, Jess was minding the sign-in desk during first period, when John Winchester introduced himself and his son Dean, stating they were to meet with Principal Stan McCormick, Vice-Principal Morton Bell and Coach Blair. She was told to escort them to the Principal's conference room, where they were excitingly waiting for the Winchesters. As Jess closed the door, Dean gave her a weak smile. About thirty minutes later, the door opened and everyone was smiling while shaking hands, except Dean, who looked dazed. The coach returned to the gym and then the principal quietly called Jess over.

John violently grabbed Dean's arm and with a threatening, yet loud whisper, "You better start smiling and show some fucking personality or they will think you are an autistic retard again and will put you back in the nut house or another shitty foster home! Is that what you want, you selfish bastard? Do you want to mess up our family again? Our future? You better man-up or else! Do you understand, bitch?"

Pale and frightened, Dean softly answered, "Yes, Sir."

Although Jess was very scared from what she just overheard, she walked over and quietly introduced herself, "Hi Dean, I'm Jessica and I will show you around this week."

Dean, while smiling at his dad, "Thanks Jessica, it's nice to meet you and uh, show me the way."

John walked toward the exit, while Jess took Dean to his first period and reminded him she'll walk him to each of his classes.

At lunch, Dean had already made friends with the jocks and cheerleaders and was sitting at their table. Even Head Cheerleader Anna was friendly with Dean, since she was hanging all over him and was licking his neck. Jess sat with Sam and told him everything about the Winchesters, especially how mean John was by threatening Dean.

Sam was eating french fries when Dean unexpectedly came over, "Hey Jessica, as you can see, I found the cafeteria all by myself." He proudly announced with a big smirky smile while stealing a fry out of Sam's hand as everyone at the table laughed.

Jess giggled and pointed, "Dean, this is my good friend Sam Singer".

Dean extended his hand to Sam, "Hi ya Sam. I'm Dean Winchester and I am a french fry-aholic". Dean stole another fry from Sam's hand as everyone laughed again, with Jess being the loudest.

Dean sat down, explaining to Jess what his next class was and Sam replied, "I'm in Mr. Chandler's class next period too."

Dean stood up, "Alrighty then, I'll go with Sam…okay Jessica?" She nodded. "Well, I'm all yours...if that is good with you, Sammy?"

"Yeah, sure." Sam grinned, "And it's Sam. Got it?"

Dean returned a big smile back, smacking him on the shoulder, "I got it, Sam. I'll be right back and then like I said, I'm all yours."

Jess and Sam watched him walk slowly away in his tight jeans, both of them licking their lips. Sam was picturing how Dean would look tomorrow when he will be fitted for the school uniform. Not too many people would look sexy in a long-sleeve white shirt, gray vest, black dress pants and a red tie.

"Sam, if you really like him, then I will stop my flirting."

"Jess, you're my best friend, the first person I ever told I was gay, so I think you know me by now, that yes…yes, I really like him, but I can tell he isn't gay. You already told me that his dad ordered him to be nice and smile at everyone. He must have heard that I am gay, so he's faking being nice." Sam paused, "I think if you like him, you should go for it. Jess, you deserve to be happy. I couldn't make you happy as a boyfriend, but I could support you as a friend."

Dean returned and followed Sam to class. As they chatted, Sam realized that they have the last five periods together. At the end of the day, the principal spotted the two guys at Dean's new locker.

"I trust you had a great first day here at our fine establishment, Mr. Winchester?"

While smiling at Sam, Dean politely responded, "Yes, Sir. Thank you again for having me here on an athletic scholarship, so I could attend this academy and meet nice people, like Sam here."

The principal asked Sam if he would spend extra time tutoring Dean, so he could catch up. Sam agreed and the principal decided to change all of Dean's classes to match Sam's. Dean also agreed to meet Sam a half hour early everyday before their first class in a quiet study room next to the library.

The next morning Sam was waiting for Dean to show, but was getting frustrated after fifteen minutes.

Dean finally ran in, out of breath, "Sorry Sammy, I missed one of my buses and had to run to the next."

Sam frowned, "Hey dude, I do not appreciate you wasting my time, just because you overslept and missed your bus! And it's Sam!"

Reaching for some water, Dean sadly looked down, "I didn't oversleep…sorry for being late and I really do appreciate your time. Are we still friends, Sam?"

Sam was embarrassed and nodded. They agreed to meet the same time tomorrow and walked together to the first class. Everything goes well for the next two weeks and Sam noted to himself that Dean was a lot smarter than his grades show.

"Dean, do you want to go with Jess and me to The Pizza Palace at lunch, because Monday's are half off for Milton students?" Sam asked, hoping to spend more time with the hot guy of his dreams.

"Wow, that sounds like fun, but I can't. The principal and coach have meetings scheduled for me every Monday during lunch. I have to meet with board members, alumnus and other donors. I am like a spokesman for the school, so I have to sign footballs, pose for pics and kiss babies." Dean chuckled. "So maybe another time okay."

On Thursday, Dean walked in late to his early morning session with Sam and was very shaky, plus he had a bruise on his forearm and a fat lip. "Sorry I'm late again."

A worried Sam questioned, "Are you feeling okay?"

Dean tried to smile, "Yeah, I just need to get something to eat. I forgot to eat dinner last night and didn't have time for breakfast. I'm going to grab something, okay?"

That was when the student body president, Lilith Gellar, saw Dean before he entered the hallway and demanded he pays $240.00 for his lettermen jacket. With her hands on her hips, "Dean, you have been putting me off for a couple of weeks now. Do you have the money or not?"

Dean sighed, "Yeah." He dug out a bunch of fives and tens from the bottom of his backpack and handed them to her.

"These are filthy! Where did you get these… the gutter?" Lilith counts out $240 and snapped, "Where is the other ten dollars?"

"For what?" Dean angrily replied, while his stomach was growling.

"Do not take that tone with me! You are the one who has been stalling me for a couple of weeks. I am telling you now what I told you then, that there will be a ten dollar late fee. Obviously, you do not remember...figures...a brainless jock and a dumb blonde...life for you must be a merry-go-round. Do you want the darn jacket or not? Pay the late fee now or I will cancel the order since today is the deadline!"

That bitch! "Hey, this is my last ten, so can I please pay you the late fee tomorrow? I really need to eat something right now or I'm gonna pass out."

Lilith gave him a look that meant hell no, therefore, he handed her the 2 five dollar bills and walked back to his seat near Sam. Dean searched through his backpack looking for an empty water bottle then walked to the drinking fountain and filled it up.

"Dean, you look terrible. Here's a ten, go buy yourself breakfast."

"I don't need charity, Sam! If I drink a lot of water, it keeps me full...I do this all the time."

"I think you will feel better and since I'm your friend, it can't be considered charity. You could just pay me back tomorrow, okay?"

Still shaking, Dean slightly smiled, "Thanks."

He came back with two breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, an apple, king size bag of peanut M&M's and a large OJ. Sam handed him the receipt that Lilith had left for the purchase of the jacket. Dean stared at it and smirked, thinking, Last night I had to give 3 blow jobs and let a fat cop screw me to make that damn $250. Now I will have to go back out again tonight...money for food and to pay back Sam...ain't life just peachy?

Sam looked up, smiling, "Dude, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing. I was uh, just making mental notes on what I have to do tonight."

"Hey Dean, do you want to come over to my house today and start the science project?"

"Well Sammy, I have practice, but I could come over when I'm done."

"Great, here's the address...it's about 12 blocks from here." Sam said, quickly writing down the information and couldn't wait to spend more time with the sexy quarterback.

After school, Sam hurried home to get ready for Dean's visit. He made sure he had plenty of snacks in his room, took a shower, shaved and put cologne on. Dean showed up around 5:30, so Sam showed him around, then said hi to Adam and Jo as they walked into Sam's bedroom and closed the door.

Dean rolled on to Sam's bed, on his back, looking up to the ceiling with his hands behind his head, "I'm all yours, Sam, so what's on the agenda?"

Sam cleared his throat, "Uh...how about a snack, Dean?"

Dean slightly lifted up his sweatshirt, rubbing his stomach, "Sounds great."

Before they could do anything, Sam's father walked in without knocking. Bobby stared at Sam, then Dean and then back at Sam. "Who the hell is this in your bed, Sam?"

Now completely mortified, Sam snapped, "Dad! You can't come into my room without knocking! This is my friend Dean and we are going to start our science project. But since he just got here, he was resting then we were about to have a snack!" Sam pointed at the snacks and juice on the table.

Confused, Bobby just stood there speechless.

Dean stood up and extended his hand to shake, "Hello Mr. Singer, I'm Dean Winchester, a new student at the academy and thanks to Sam's tutoring; I'll be able to get caught up with my school work. Sorry that I am here so late, but I had football practice, so I was just resting before we start the project." He briefly paused, "I will leave now, if you want me to, Sir?"

Bobby shook his hand, "Uh, no need. I will let you get started. Sam, your mother will be home soon and I want you to introduce her to Dean." The tired father added, "Plus, this door will remain open at all times. Understand?"

Before Sam could answer, Dean intercepted, "Yes, Sir."

Sam was utterly embarrassed, but tried to smile at Dean, who shrugged his shoulders, "I guess if I sit on your bed from now on, my feet better be touching the floor." Dean chuckled. "Well, I better have that snack now, so when your father comes back, he will see my tummy full." Dean lifted up his shirt again, rubbing his belly saying, "Feed me. Feed me." Sam laughed as he handed out the snacks.

The project was being started at the desk when Ellen walked in, still wearing her coat. "Hi Dean, I'm Sam's mom, Ellen. Would you like to stay for dinner? I brought home meatloaf from the restaurant...we have plenty."

Sam intercepted Dean this time, "Yes, he will."

"Great. You boys wash up and be down in fifteen minutes." Ellen added, "Sam, you set the table."

The two males walked down the stairs on the way to the dining room, when Bobby asked Dean to join him in the living room, while Sam went to set the table. Dean knew exactly what he needed to do around parents…be extra polite, speak firmly and tell them what they expect to hear.

"So Dean, the Mavericks have won all their games since you became our quarterback. You are quite the athlete and we are very lucky to have you."

"Well Sir, I'm the lucky one. I am here on an athletic scholarship, so it is nice to be able to concentrate on my education. At my old school, it was very overcrowded, the teachers were stressed and I couldn't reach my full potential. And with Sam's help, I'm getting caught up and learning a lot. I may even be able to go to a university on some type of scholarship."

"Dinner is ready." Jo announced.

Everyone gathers around the table, Dean sat next to Sam and there was so much food; plus, he was very hungry. The conversations were brief and polite. Then Bobby started asking Dean personal questions.

"What does your father and mother do for a living?

"Well Sir, my dad is an ex-marine and an ex-police officer, who is now a mechanic. My mom was a nurse until she got sick...with uh, breast cancer." Dean briefly paused, "She has good days and bad days."

"Sorry to her that, sweetie." Ellen added, "Is there anything we could do for her or for you?"

"No, nothing; thanks, Ma'am."

To cut the somber tension, Bobby loudly asked, "So, what are your plans for the future? What do you want to be…a professional football player?"

"Well sir, I don't really like football. Or any sports actually." Dean smirked, "I just play for my dad, since he was very competitive and was an all-star QB in his day, so sometimes I make him happy by playing." The young teen paused, "I really want to be a chef. I thought I could save up enough for culinary school, but that hasn't worked out so well. I think my only option is to keep playing sports. I guess I should just wait to see what the academy can do for me."

Everyone looks at each other and there is an uncomfortable silence, until Sam said, "Culinary school…you want to be a chef?"

"Yeah, Sam, it's kind of dorky, but I want to make great food at an affordable price."

"That is great." Ellen states. "Maybe you could run one of our restaurants someday."

"Dean, do you really hate sports?" Adam inquired, "That's too bad, because you are really good at throwing touchdowns. Could you teach me?"

Before Dean could respond, Bobby asked, "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"I had two older brothers who died in a house fire trying to save me."

Jo decided to change the subject, "Hey Dean, do you like peach pie, because that's what we're having for dessert? Maybe later we could play scrabble or something."

Dean softly replied, "Thanks Jo, I would like to play scrabble and FYI, I love all desserts, especially pie."

Dishes are cleared, games were played and Dean had 2 pieces of pie, then stated, "It's getting late, so I better leave before the bus line shuts down."

Ellen immediately offered for Bobby to take Dean home.

"That's okay Ma'am, I'll take the bus. It's not safe to be driving in that area, especially at night, plus it would take over two hours to get there and another 2 or so to get back."

"Dean, where in the heck do you live?" Bobby demanded.

"Sir, I live on the outskirts of Watkins and the bus line stops running at 12:30 am in certain areas. It takes three hours, so I have to be able to make all 4 of my buses." He weakly smiled, "But, thanks for offering and thank you for the great meal."

"Dean, you have to take all those buses and it takes 3 hours each way?" Sam concernedly asked. "Is this why you're late for school sometimes?"

"Yeah Sam, but it's okay, because now I get to go to Milton."

Ellen leaned over to Dean, "Sweetie, when do you have time to do your homework? To sleep?"

Looking up at her, "Well Ma'am, I do my homework on the buses and I sleep a few hours a night. No big deal, really…I'm fine."

Dean headed toward the door. "Sweetie, please let us take you home."

"I'm fine; I'll see you tomorrow Sam and thanks again." Dean remarked then walked out the door.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief as Ellen demanded, "Sam, did you know that Dean lives that far? And what about his parents, are they not concerned?"

"NO MOM! All I know is that is dad is a total dick!" Sam protested, "He shouldn't be out this late! Not in that neighborhood and we should go after him…now!"

"You watch your tone Sam! You are not too old to be punished!" Bobby barked, Obviously, the kid knows what he's doing. And what did you mean about his dad being a dick? Have you met him? Have you been to his house?" Pausing, "Answer me, Son!"

"No Dad, I have not been to his house! I just know that Jess overheard Mr. Winchester threatening Dean to be nice and smile, so he wouldn't end up in another nut house or foster home and stop being a selfish bastard!"

"What on earth does that mean? What do we know about this kid?" Bobby commanded, then looked to his wife. "Ellen, what the heck is going on? Sam, what in the hell are you doing with this kid? Do you hear me, I want some answers…now!"

Ellen rubbed Bobby shoulders, "Sam, your father asked you some questions."

"Mom, Dad, I know as much as you do. I learned a lot about him tonight since he never talks about himself." Sam took a deep breath, "I thought maybe he was a victim of child abuse or something, since he has a lot of unexplained bruises, but I'm not sure. He is not my charity case...he's my friend, so that is what I am doing with him." Sam stood in his father's personal space, "Dad, if you are trying to ask if we are lovers...We are NOT! However, you must think that, because why would you burst into my room! Why would you send mom up, as soon as she got home? She didn't even take off her coat; it was so damn obvious!"

Pacing back and forth, Sam huffed, "Do you really think that I would invite my boyfriend over to have sex in my parents' house with my brother and sister at home during dinner time? Do you think I'm that stupid? Ever since I told you last year that I am gay, you are so suspicious of me, especially when I am talking to a guy. And before you ask, yes, I do like him. But, he only likes me as a friend though. Oh and for the record, I would have sex with him, but NOT in this house!"

Bobby, Jo and Ellen all yelled, "SAM!" at the same time.

"No point in yelling, it's not getting us anywhere, so let's just call it a night. We had a great time with Dean; he can be invited over anytime, okay?" Ellen calmly said, "And if we are stating stuff on the record, house rules apply to everyone... the bedroom door always remain open, whenever a guest is over. Sam, we do not have a problem with you being gay, we do trust you, but we feel that you are not ready for a sexual relationship...you are just too young. So for now, just get ready for bed and we'll talk about this tomorrow."

Bobby and Ellen were restlessly lying in bed. "Bobby, we need to find out more about Dean. It's not that he may or may not be Sam's boyfriend, but I think there is something wrong."

"Yeah, you are probably right. I don't trust anyone who is so quick with his answers and that sir this and ma'am that...it's too Eddie Haskell for me."

"Bobby, you are silly. I think I will have Sam invite Dean over next week for dinner."

The next morning, Dean met Sam for their early session and hands him a $10 bill. "I got paid again last night, so thanks."

"Dean, where did you get this?"

"From work last night. I got paid again...were you not listening?"

"When did you have time to work?

"Duh, when I got home."

"Where do you work?" Sam quizzed.

"I wash dishes at a 24 hour truck stop."

"When did you sleep?"

"I got a couple." Dean replied, "What's with all the questions?"

"I'm just worried."

"Awe Sammy, you are worried." The blonde mocked, "That's cute, but no need since I am fine." Dean leaned over and gently grabbed Sam into a long, deep kiss. When it's finished, Sam opened his eyes and saw the quarterback smiling at him.

Sam smiled back, "I guess it pays to worry."

Dean chuckled and licked his lips, "Sure does."