Setting; In the city where Souji came from after Kanji moves in with him.


Extra 3; They Call Him Love


Souji stepped down the steps slowly, his eyes half lidded. He ran his fingers through his hair, struggling to see. He was still a bit drowsy from his nap, the dark hallways not helping his eyes much.

He hadn't meant to fall asleep, Kanji was so comfortable to lay on though. They had been talking about what they were like when they were younger. It was a really interesting conversation, especially for Souji who loved to learn new things about his boyfriend. He had been listening intently as he curled against the larger male's chest. The silver haired boy hadn't realized he was so tired though, if he had he wouldn't have let his eyes fall shut. It was now two hours later and the small male was wondering where his partner had run off to.

The junior reached the bottom of the staircase, making his way down the dark hallway. The only light came from the living room was was as quiet as the rest of the house. He wondered if he was the only one awake. After all, it was pretty late. He wasn't the only one up though, and this became clear when the sound of laughter shot from the lit up living room.

He groaned gently as he turned to walk into the room, his eyes squinting due to the amount of light. No one noticed him as he made his way in, their backs all turned to the entrance. They all seemed to be fixated on the television.

His mother and father sat side by side on the couch that sat directly in front of the TV. Mr. Seta's arm hung over his wife's shoulders, holding her close lovingly. Kanji was on the love seat adjacent to the couch. The only difference was that the love seat was turned a different way.

The tired boy rubbed his eyes before looking to the screen. "What are you guys wa-" he cut himself off as he noticed what they had their eyes fixed on. On the screen was a video of a small silver haired boy playing in the tub. The little boy splashed about, creating a mess of water and bubbles on the floor.

"Oh no! We're sinking!" the six year old screamed as he forced the toy ship under the surface of the water. "Please help us, duck!" he held the rubber ducky in his other hand, forcing it underwater where the ship had sunk. He held both toys under the bubbles for a few seconds, noises that were supposed to represent swimming sounds coming from his mouth. The child pulled both toys out from under the water, grinning with joy. "Yay! You saved us!"

Souji turned a bright red as he clenched his fists tightly. He stomped over to his boyfriend, standing in front of the blond to block his view. "You pedophile! It's against the law to watch small children in the tub!" he said.

The younger male chuckled, grabbing onto his lover's hips and pulling him onto his lap. "It's not against the law, especially if that little boy is my boyfriend." He leaned up to kiss the smaller boy, not caring about the two adults that were close by.

The junior's eyes widened as he moved them towards his parents. To his relief, they were still watching the home footage on the screen. He placed his hands on the larger male's chest, pushing as hard as he could as he tried to escape from the other's grip. He wanted to pull away before his parents caught a glimpse. "Don't do this here." he hissed in a whisper. "Let go of me before they see."

Kanji shrugged, complying with the demand and letting go of his mate's frame. He watched as the silver haired boy fell back onto the floor with a thud.

The older couple turned their head to see what had fallen. They were surprised to see that it was their son that laid on the ground, rubbing his head.

The younger boy laughed, "He fell."

"Lair!" the junior snapped as he sat up. He glared at his lover before turning his head to look at his mother. "Why are you guys watching videos of me in the tub?"

Mrs. Seta smiled, "We found these old tapes and decided to watch them. Plus, you were so adorable it's hard not to want to keep watching!" she moved her eyes to the sophomore. "Don't you think he was cute?"

The blond smirked, "So fucking cute, I can barely stand to look at him."

The small male shook his head, knowing Kanji was saying it in the present tense just to catch his attention. The stronger male knew damn well that Souji's parents wouldn't realize he meant Souji was cute at that moment. "It's embarrassing to have my friend watch them!"

"What's so embarrassing about it? You were a fascinating child." the boy's father stated.

"Just put them back where ever you found them please." Souji climbed up to his feet.

"Is it really bad for me to miss my baby boy?" the juniors mother asked, bringing out the tears to get her son to cooperate. "I missed you a lot while you were in Inaba. You were gone so long it feels like I don't even know you anymore..."

The silver headed boy sighed to himself before moving to sit on the love seat next to the sophomore. "Fine, then let's talk, mumsi." he smiled warmly towards the woman. "Ask me whatever you like."

His mom moved to the end out the couch so that she was closer to her son. She grinned happily. "I would like to know if my baby is a man yet."

"What do you mean?" the leader asked.

"Did my little boy lose his virginity."

Souji blushed fiercely, "I um.. of course not! Why would you ask such a question so suddenly!" he bit his lip, knowing that he had just told a huge lie. He had not only lost his virginity, but had had sex so many times he lost track. He had even done it on the love seat they were resting on at that moment.

Kanji burst out laughing, looking towards his mate. "A man? I wouldn't call him that."

The older boy drove his elbow into the other's ribcage. "You should shut up before your no longer welcome in my room." he said nervously. He looked back to his mom who looked a bit uneasy.

Tears ran down the middle aged woman's face. "My baby is all grown up!" she sniffled, seeing through her son's attempt to disguise the fact that he was sexually active.

"We can continue this tomorrow." the small teen said as he rose from his seat. "I'm going to bed. Night." he gripped his boyfriend's wrist, pulling him up from the love seat. He dragged the blond back to his room quickly, completely flushed with embarrassment. He closed the door behind them, locking it before retiring to his bed.

"That" Kanji said with a smile, thinking of the only word to describe it. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking down to the smaller boy. "You really were a cute kid."

Souji hugged one of his pillows to his chest, staring up at the white ceiling. The only light came in through the window, it's source being the bright moon. "Thanks.." he moved his fingers to grip the fabric of the pillow case.

"You got cuter with age though." Tatsumi stated, leaning over his partner.

The gray haired boy moved his eyes to meet his boyfriend's. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling it gave them to just look at the other. Souji smiled big as he closed his eyes to break the stare. He pulled the pillow up to cover his mouth. He felt blissful even though all that had happened was the meeting of their pupils.

"Let's do something tomorrow." The sophomore said as he laid besides his mate. He wrapped his strong arms around the submissive male, pulling him close.

The leader kept his eyes shut, "Like what?"

"I don't know, anything that'll make you happy." Kanji said sweetly, kissing the other's forehead.

Souji turned onto his side to face the younger boy. "Why so suddenly?"

"I want to make memories with you." he pressed his forehead to the smaller one in front of him. "That way, when we get all old and forgetful we'll have the recordings."

The gray eyed boy nudged his nose against the other's as he moved his hands up to cup Kanji's face. "What if we become to senile we forget who it is in the videos?" he questioned.

The blond smiled, pulling the small frame against his body. "Believe me, I could never forget such a beautiful face. Especially the gorgeous face of the one that I'm in love with."

Souji sighed contently, "I love you."

"I love you too." the larger teenager replied. "Now get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.

Kanji closed his eyes lightly, too excited to fall asleep. He wasn't particularly excited about tomorrow though, he was looking forwards to spending the rest of his life with the other boy. Just the thought was enough to make him believe he was already dreaming.


Well, that was it for this story. It's officially done. I feel kind of sad to be finished with this, even if no one reads it.

I think that it's safe to say that I'm 90% sure that I'm going to write a sequel. I find so much enjoyment in writing for this pairing. Since I'm doing the Higurashi story though, I don't know how soon I'll be able to start it.

I mean, I have the basic plot line and the new characters developed, but is it going to be worth writing another whole story? Will the SoujixKanji pairing become boring to read about? These are things I wonder. I guess I shouldn't be letting my mind get the best of me though.

I think I'd love it if I got suggestions for things that should happen in the plot if I were to write a sequel. It's not that I can't write it on my own, I just think it'd be awesome to incorporate other's ideas like I did with this (Only with more people besides Bryant, Dallyn, and Zoey.)

Ima give lots of credit to Bryant (MyLoveNeko on here) for helping me out a ton with this, because without him I don't know how good this story would have been ( even though he suggested a lemon scene every time he heard I was writing a chapter.). And to Dallyn (DallyDidIt) who gave me pointers and taught me some Japanese mythology. ;D

Thanks to my reviewers also, (especially GumShoeLover who became my motivation to keep typing this.) and everyone who read this.

Well, I guess this is bye for now. (;
