So lyke prussia who is zomg the most schmexy-est guy on the face of the earth went into france's house. Btw, france's house is all big and cool and painted black because france is totes emo an stuff. Yeah, he's so dark and depressing and cool cuz and listens to MCR and cuts hmelf and is a vampire.

France is also extremely hot.

Anyway, prussia came in (and england wasn't there cuz he's stupid and can go screw Portugal for all I care!) and prussia was like, 'omg france, I was talking to west and I told him I loved him and he rejected me! Now I have noting to live for!'

France gapsed. 'no way! He is such a jerk.' oh, and fyi, france was wearing a black skirt that showed off all his bootylicious curves because he's a cross dresser and fishnet tights. Prussia had on all black and a shirt with hillary duff's pic on it, only her head was scratched out with marker.

'yeah,' prussia said depressedly, tears of blood falling down his face. 'I'm going to committ suicide now.' he took out a knife and was about to slit his rists.

'zomg don't do that prussia! I love you! I want to have your babies and live happily ever after in a house with a picket fence and our 2.5 children!'

'do u really mean that?' prussia asked. France nodded, his eyeliner and mascara getting smudged from his tears. 'I love you too france.'

Then thay started making out like crazy. No seriously it waz hot stuff y'all. They proclaimed their love for each other again.

Then suddenly germany burst throught the door. 'prussia, I've decided I don't love Italy like I said I did. I only love you.' germany had on black skinny jeans, no shirt on and was showing off his satanic toatoos (germany is totes a Satanist and a vampire- but he doesn't friggin sparkle, dangit!).

Prussia began crying tears of blood again. 'I can't be with you west. I have moved on and now I'm in love with france!'

'but prussia,' germany said, 'I'm pregnant11!'

Frane and prussia 'omg-ed'

'I'll raise the kid with you west but I can't love you.'

Germany got really angry and stuff. Like, the fires of hell were coming out of the floor boards n stuff. 'FINE THAN I'LL JUST TAKE MY REVENGE!11"

And he zapped france. Then germany pulled out a stake and drove it into his own heart and his black blood was everywhere and the stain was never coming out of the carpet, btw.

'france!' prussia yelleded, totes sad about the carpe- I mean, france. He clutched freance's body to him.

'I'm ok. I have magical healing powers.' france said, getting up. 'sorry about germany and the baby. That really sucks.'

'yeha.' prussia nodded sagely. 'you wanna make out again?'

'lyke, totally.'

So they did.

What do you think of my mad author skills. And no flams!

April Fools! You guys didn't really think this was serious did you? I think I lost a few braincells writing this. Reviews make it all better though! XD Kay, I'm gonna go hide from the flame-throwers.


earth warrior