My Boyfriend's Ludwig and you're going to pay

Part 2

Hello, hello, hello! Good to see ya! I've got part 2 up! We're up to the part where Ludwig and Wendy go onto =3 and meet Ray William Johnson, who is coincidentally travelling Australia, too and is taking a tour of Melbourne. I follow the copyrights of Nintendo and Hannah Montana and I give credit and follow =3 copyrights (I do not own anything). So, kick back, relax and away we go!


"What's happening, Forum?" Ray William Johnson said, starting his new episode 'Koopa Krowd' "I'll tell you what's happening. I'm touring Melbourne and came across the ultimate stars of the history of game cut scenes. Introducing, the Royal Stars of the universe, two of the Koopalings, Wendy O Koopa and Ludwig von Koopa!" Ray William Johnson introduced. Wendy and Ludwig walked into Ray's room and waved to the audience. "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ray. I'm Ludwig von Koopa." "OMG, its Ray William Johnson. Hi Ray, I'm Wendy O Koopa and I LOVE =3." "Aren't they adorable? Am I right guys? You guys make a cute couple. I ship Lendy, do you guys?" Ray asked. The crowd chants "LENDY, LENDY, LENDY, LENDY, LENDY!" Wendy said nervously, "What's the first viral video, Ray?" Ray then shushed the audience and said "Oh yeah, I forgot. Wendy, Ludwig, Forum check out this thirteen year old girl sing her guts out." This girl in a green dress sang Strawberry Kisses and then the lights came back onto Ray. "Now this girl is from Melbourne and she is Australian, but seriously, WTF! OK, I kid the Australians, but Forum, GEE-ZUS! OK, this next video is SpongeBob Squarepants merchandise on TV in Japan." This picture came up with a list of Japanese SpongeBob merchandise with Hiragana written on it and this Japanese voice said "SPONGEBOBBLE!" Wendy said "Spongebobble? What?" "No I kid the Japanese Forum, but SPONGEBOBBLE? I get it. But you know what I don't get, Forum? The comment question of the day which comes from a user named BLOW! (Pink Diva) And she says:" Ray paused. "My comment question of the day is why do they show you classics in school?" Was Pink Diva's comment question of the day. "So tell me, guys, why do they show you classics in school? Leave your creative and interesting responses in the comment section below. Or on Facebook ore Twitter. Let's just ask Wendy and Ludwig something. Has something special gone on between you two?" Ludwig titters and says "Well...Ray...Wendy and I...we were never dating." Ray goes all bug-eyed to the audience and says "GEE-ZUS!" Ludwig then says to Ray "I do love Wendy. But more like a sister and I was hoping that we could get back to that." The audience awes and chants "HUG! HUG! HUG! HUG! HUG!" Ludwig and Wendy, smiling to the audience, link arms and hug. Wendy whispered "I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Ludwig simply replies "Me too. I'm sorry." and they hug and Ray says "Well, sibling love...cute. But thanks for watching today's episode of =3, I'm Ray William Johnson, she's Wendy O Koopa and this is Ludwig von Koopa," All three then said "And we approve this message." Ray asks his last question "So tell me Forum, what do you think a celebrity does in his or her spare time?" The Dancing Kitty comes on to end the show, dancing to "Club Villain" by Your Favourite Martian with some comments of the audience viewing onscreen and ads to =3 merchandise.