The Demon and The Princess
By Luna the Darkrai
This is purely fan made! Nothing much else to say. Hope you like it.
This is for all the Aegisshipping fans out there.
Rated T: For Blood, Violence, and light swearing.
Disclaimer: Darkrai and Alice is owned by the pokémon company.
This is a romance between a a demon known as darkrai and a princess named Alice (From the movie). This is a longish one-shot.
Hope you enjoy!
There are two parts!
Darkrai's P.O.V
A black demon quietly crept out of the shadows. It's icy blue eyes glittered in the moonlight.
It was fear and hatred that most people felt around the evil creature. Darkness filled the air around it as if a cloud of smoke.
It looked around warily before moving on.
The breeze whispered through the trees creating a eerie melody. It knew this song all to well.
It was the song of death and it had only one thing on it's mind. Find who ever was creating a disturbance in his kingdom and destroy them.
Movement in the shadows caught his eye. He quickly put his hand on the hilt of his blade. Who ever it was or what ever it was he knew it must be delt with swiftly. He could sense it's over welming power. He closed his eyes trying to feel the energy.
*CRASH* He turned quickly towards the sound. A shadow stood up full height. It was at least 3 feet tall with a long tail. He drew his blackened blade from it's sheath.
He silently hissed to the shadow. "Who goes there?" There was a soft laugh and the shadow floated foward. It was mew. The pink cat giggled and said in a teasing voice. "You should know better than to attack me Darkrai!" He put the blade back into it's sheath and the demon retorted. "You should know better than to BE here at night."
The mew huffed and fluffed out it's fur at the threat. "Well you need to got to the hall of origin ASAP! There is a emergency meeting about to take way." Darkrai nodded and left to Mt. Cornet.
Mt. Cornet A few hours later
With a small flute he played a song that caused a portal to open before him and He entered emotionless. A long table was set up in the huge room. Everyone was there. Including Mew, Rayquaza, Latios, Latias, Groudon, and more.
'But wait where's celebi? She's never late.' He thought with an smirk.
Even his hated counter part Cresselia was there. Bad luck for me... He thought.
Acreus snorted and stomped his hoove at the nightmareish demon. "Your late!" He roared glaring at Darkrai.
Darkrai took a seat next to Raikou and leaned back. "Calm down I got a late notice from Mew. okay?" Acreus just shook his head in disapointment. Latias piped up. Her high voice rang through the whole meeting room. "So what's wrong Acreus?"
Acreus's gaze turned solemn. He looked down. "I have grave news."
Everyone looked scared, even Darkrai. Scared whispers arose from the table of gods. Acreus let out a heavy sigh. "The king of Sinnoh is becoming more and more of a threat to us. Today he captured Celebi. She had no chance. She couldn't escape into another time because of her ailment." Everyone whispered to eachother in fear.
Celebi's best friend, Uxie, whimpered. "B-B-But why?"
Acreus let out a low rubble deep in his throat and stomped his hoove. "Because of our power! The king wants our power! That bastard always wanted it and now he has Celebi!"
Darkrai let out a snort. Cresselia turned towards her counterpart. "What are you snorting about?" She asked in a low whisper. Darkrai just kept quiet. He never answers to her because he might anger her and when she's angry, she's dangerous. Cresselia got up and floated off out of the great room in anger.
Acreus shook his head sadly. "What ever you do, do not get caught or it will be over for you! The meeting is dismissed." Arceus turned and walked off slowly towards his throne. Everyone left except Darkrai.
His mind was heavy with worry. Thoughts ran through his head like a stampeding herd of Rapidash.
He was thinking about his decision to join the king. Was it the right choice or will it lead him to death? The king made a great offer. For if he joins the King in a blood oath, he will receive a hand in marriage with his daughter Alice.
His cheeks turned red thinking about the young maiden. To tell the truth he kinda like her. Her beautiful saphire eyes could even make the stubornest charizard like her. He shook his head and got up from his chair. How could he fall for a human? The other legendaries would look down at him and tease him. Loving a human is forbidden. It was suggested that he wed Cresselia, but that'll never happen.
She was too diffrent...
He sighed and got up. Might as well speak to the king about this. He thought shaking his head. With a heavy sigh he left to the castle.
Alice's P.O.V.
At Moonlight Castle in the morning
A beautiful princess sat in her room combing her long blond, red tipped hair.
Her beautiful saphire eyes stared unmoving at her reflection.
She was a normal looking fifteen year old girl.
A normal sized body with not too wide hips. Her face had gentle features to them. A small nose sat above a thin set of lips. Very light freckles adorned each cheek. A set of deep saphire eyes made her all the more sweeter to look at when she was happy.
But today they were not.
Things were on her mind.
Her father was going to marry her to this... this... demon! She thought angerly. Why would her do such a thing? Because of power? Yes that's it! That's all he cares about is power. Ever since she was born her father was power hungry and thanks to him, her mother was killed by a knight from another kingdom. It just made her sick.
She hated the dark creature with all her heart and soul. It only brought her pain and suffering when ever it was near.
*Click* *Click* *Click*
The sound of armor echoed through the whole room.
A knight named Mathew stepped forward jis silver armor glinting and bowed deeply to his lady. "My lady the King requests your presence." She got up and sighed heavly.
She then straitened out her pretty flame colored dress and smiled at him before saying. "Okay... Thank you Mathew." She made her way to the Throne room.
Thoughts ran though her head as she went down the steps from her tower. What does that demon see in her?
She, a simple girl, was just normal. She had no powers that attracted attention. Nor does she have great beauty. She sighed and quietly headed down the hall towards the throne room.
At the throne room.
Right when she got to door, a horrible chill went down her spine.
That wasn't a good thing. She opened the huge doors and gasped.
HE was standing there talking to her father and as soon as he saw her, he smiled. It sent more chills down her spine.
Her father waved the girl over to him. "Ahhhh Alice... Please come here my dear daughter." He said quietly.
She nodded slowly and walk to her father's side. She stood as far away as possible from the creature. "Yes father?" She asked in a slightly scared voice as her gaze turned to the demon.
The demon spoke and his voice came out deep scary. It sounded like the darkness it self. "So Princess Alice we meet again. I hope you fair well?" Alice just glared at him not speaking a word to him. The creature didn't look happy about it. He rolled his eyes and snorted. Her father shook his head and sighed. "Do accept my offer Darkrai? Will you help me catch the other gods?"
So that's it's name. A disgusting name for a digusting creature. Alice thought but her face was still strait.
Darkrai shook his head no and growled. "The other gods are now on guard. They're protecting themselves and the temples quiet well. So no chance of catching them now. We were lucky to catch Celebi when we could."
Alice quietly gasped in shock scooted closer to her father.
She knew Celebi personally. She also knew Mew. They both were her best friends ever since she was just five years old.
Poor celebi was forced into a blood oath with her father.
Her father shook his head slowly. Probally thinking of a way to capture them some how. His eyes were filled with worry. Darkrai smiled and for some strange reason at Alice.
His voice boomed with an evil tinge. "Why don't we lure them out with celebi?"
He did that just to make her angry. Her father smiled widely. Alice's thoughts were racing through her head like a Garchomp flying through the air. Oh Arceus! That mean he'll not only have Celebi but also Mew!
Her father chuckled. "Good idea... Why don't you accept my offer? You and me could take over this whole world. You rule half the world and I'll rule the other half." Her father offered with a small smirk. Darkrai's eyes glittered at the thought and he bowed deeply. She knew what that ment. He was going to accept it! He smiled and purred with the sound of happiness in his voice. "I accept your offer!" Her father clapped his. He cried happly. "Its a deal! When shall we have the ceremony for the blood oath?"
Darkrai smiled and answered. "As soon as the wedding is over." Her father nodded solemnly. He knew his daughter wouldn't like it at all. But he must have this creature in his army. The king smiled. "Okay when will that be?" "Six days from now. If possible." "Okay... We shall prepare for it. For now we shall just try to capture another god. You may leave." Darkrai bowed and turned around quickly with his cape twirling behind him.
Before he went out the door he shouted after her father. "I'll see you tommorow about the wedding plans."
Alice turned to her father. Anger burned in her soul like a flareon's fire. She hissed narrowing her eyes towards him. "You can't marry me to... to... to that thing! I will not stand for it! I rather kill my self then be wedded by a monster like him!"
Her father shook his head and said with a hint of a smile. "No my young one. You must marry him. It's the only way I can gain his power and you'll love him! Trust me! He is more than willing to give his life for you." She slapped him across his face and hissed. "I never want to see you again. Your a power hungry fool! You'll never get what you want! I hope you die!" She screamed as her anger rose.
He father's face turned bright red and he screamed at her. "I OUGHTA LOCK YOU UP IN THE TOWER FOREVER! GUARDS TAKE HER TO ROOM!"
She was dragged off to her room by some guards and was locked in.
As she sat there she cursed her father's name under her breath.
A dark shadow appeared to her window.
It startled her at first but soon she knew what is was after a moment. It tapped on the glass wanting in. She opened the window and let the man in.
She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Lance!"
The light red haired man smiled and hugged her back careful that his armor doesn't scratch her.
His eyes were filled with happiness. Alice smiled and looked at the handsome knight.
He was very handsome. It was a wonder how he fell in love with her. He had handsome forest green eyes that are lightly covered up by his bangs. His features were very manly for a seventeen year old.
He noticed that her eyes were filled with worry. He tilted his head at her and asked. "Alice, my dear girl how are you?" He asked nuzzling her cheek.
Alice looked down sadly. She said this with a hint of pain in her voice. "Not well, I am to be married in six days..." Lance tilted his head with wide confused eyes. "To whom?"
She bit her lip and whispered fearfully. "To the god of nightmares." Lance looked very disturbed.
She knew he wasn't happy about it.
They have been secret lovers for awhile and she wanted to get her father to like him so they can get married. But he was lowest ranking knight in the guard. But he is working hard. He saved her father in the battle that happened a few days ago. Making him rise to a general in her fathers army. Which is a step closer to getting wedded to his daughter.
But now there's no chance now. Lance whispered with a mix of fear and anger in his soft voice. "But why him?"
Alice placed her head on his chest. She didn't talk to him.
By reasons that she didn't want him to know about. After five long minuets she finally spoke. "Because my father is a power hungry fool! He just wants to use his power to take over the world. I rather die than become that bastards wife!"
Lance lifted her chin. She looked into his eyes, tears pricking at the sides of her eyes.
His eyes were full of determination as he looked at the lovely princess. "Then let's run away together! Let's leave this god-forsaken place and go to the Kanto region!" Alice's eyes brightened at the thought of this. It might work after all, she might not have to marry the creature after all!
"Lance I think that's a good idea! When do you think we should leave?" "At dusk, I'll bring my pidgot. He'll help us get there." Alice kissed his cheek. "and I'll be waiting." She whispered to him before she laid a soft kiss on his lips.
That night.
A soft flutter of wings can be heard outside Alice's window. A soft knock on the window warned her that he has arrived. She quickly ran to the window and opened them. Lance was on his pidgot smiling down at her. "You ready?" She nodded hastly and said with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Lets go." She jumped onto pidgot's back and left with him.
Darkrai's P.O.V.
Darkrai returned to his island as happy as can be. He was finally getting what he wanted. To be Alice's one and only soul mate. He could feel a blushing coming on. He never felt like this in years... no wait... Centuries!
He floated around his domain with no care at all. "Someone seems happy today." A femine voice purred happly as a shadow floated out of the forest.
Darkrai turned around to face Cresselia. He let out a silent hiss as she got closer to him. "What do you want?"
She didn't like his sudden hostility towards her. "What is your problem?" She snapped as her feathers fluffed out.
He didn't answer her at all. To tell the truth he was close to kicking her off his land forever. He just hissed something under his breath and floated off away from her.
But she just wasn't going to let him do that again. She quickly went in front of him. "Why are you so happy?" He flustered as her face got very close to his.
The way she's looking at him hinted that she was hoping he might tell her he loves her. That'll never happen!
"N-N-No reason..." He stammered floating away from her slightly. She knew it was something and Darkrai wasn't ready to tell her yet. But Darkrai knew she was persistant and she won;t stopped She pressed narrowing her eyes. "Tell me or I'll get Azelf to make you tell me."
That was a pretty good threat to him and he knew she would go through with it.
He lowered his head and quietly whispered. "I'm going to marry someone." She gasped loudly and said in a voice that hinted sadness and surprise. "T-T-To who?" He sighed heavly. He knew he was going to be hurt to doing this.
Cresselia loves him alot and will hurt Luna if necessary, just to be with him. He would hurt himself if that ever happened. "To Princess Alice." Her eyes widened to a point where they might pop out of her head. "The King of Sinnoh's daughter! That's forbidden you should know it!" She growled moving closer to the demon.
A small smile appeared on the demon's face. "Thats ironic... Don't you think?" The dream swan was baffled by this sentence.
Darkrai knew he got her right where he wanted her. "So I can't have a happy life but you can? I love her Cresselia! This is going to be my happy ending. For once the shadow finds peace in his life!" He cried beginning to cry fakely.
She looked down clearly ashamed. She softly whispered in a saddened voice. "Darkrai... I understand... but Acreus will do anything to stop the wedding..." All of sudden her eyes brightened.
That kinda scared darkrai a bit. What is she thinking?
"But if you wed her you can get her to set Celebi free!" He floated back a little. Betray the King! The only reason why he's marry Alice is because of a promise to capture every single legendary god. He knew what he must do.
He used hypnosis on the dream swan. She slumped forward and fell to the ground. Darkrai quickly snatched her up and left to the castle.
He smiled to himself shouldering his new catch. One of his problems solved...
At the castle
He entered the castle and went to the throne room. He stopped all of sudden sensing something. Something was wrong. He swung the door open and looked around scared. The King looked angry and as soon as he saw darkrai carring cresselia, he smiled. "Ahhhh Darkrai I see you brought me a present." Darkrai dropped Cresselia to the ground. Immediately knights chained her and carried her to the dungeon. The King strutted over to him. His eyes were serious but somewhere deep with in them was worry. "I've got bad news for you..." Darkrai was ready for anything that was going to be thrown at him. He hoped something didn't happen to Alice. "What is it?" Darkrai asked gruffly as he floated over to the king's side.
"Alice is gone. When the guard went up there she was just gone. An hour later they found out my second in command Lance was missing too." Darkrai couldn't belive what he was hearing. "Does that mean?" Darkrai rumbled with slight anger in his voice.
The king nodded and hissed with narrowing eyes. "She ran off with Lance." Darkrai clenched his fists in anger. She left him! He loved her and would do anything for her! Is that not enough? He thought in anger as he gritted his teeth.
How dare she do this to her future husband? He shook his head sadly. But sadness turned to rage and rage to fury. That Lance shall pay! He turned to the king. He said through gritted teeth. "I'll bring her back with that traitor Lance." The king smiled widely and said seriously. "Bring Lance back alive got it?" Darkrai nodded. He wanted him dead but that was out of the question. He secretly smiled to himself. He'll just rip off a limb or two.
"Got it." He left and Darkrai looked out towards the sky. His thoughts were wrapped around capturing the one who stole Alice from him.
Then she will be his... Forever...
Alice's P.O.V.
Alice and Lance had to rest because of Pidgot was tired. The large bird pokemon couldn't fly anymore.
She didn't mind itat all. As long as she is with Lance she's going to be happy. She leaned against Lance as the knight layed against a tree.
He smiled and chuckled at the young girl. "It shouldn't be to far from the docks my love..." She smiled and nodded at this. She knew once she got out of this horride place and far from that monster she would be safe. Closing her eyes she dreamed of how life will be like once they were wedded. She smiled at the thoughts that cantered through her imagination.
Lance all of sudden stood up strait and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. He quietly whispered. "Shhhhh, someone is here..." Alice quickly got up and looked around afraid.
Has he found them? No he couldn't have! Lance called out in a brave strong voice. "Who's there!" A small shadow came forward. Alice imediatly reconized it. "Mew!" Alice cried out running to her old friend. The pink cat smiled and curled it's tail around her shoulders.
"Hi Alice!" Alice smiled back with as much happiness.
It was great to see him. Mew had been her friend since she was just a small girl. Alice walked over to Mew and gave him a hug. Then she turned to Lance. "Lance this is the God of Happiness! Mew!" Lance was clearly impressed. "Nice to meet you..." Mew did a back flip in the air and said. "You too! Hey Alice you seen Celebi lately... I mean the king is your father right?" Luna nodded slowly. She knew mew would cry after she told him.
Alice whispered adverting her eyes away from Mew's. "Sadly yes. The real truth is my father forced her into a blood oath with him."
Mew let out a horrible hiss and snarled in his cute young voice. "How dare he do that!" Then it came to her as she returned her sad gaze to the pink creature. Maybe he knows Darkrai by some chance.!"Hey Mew by any chance do you know Darkrai?"
Mew's eyes widened and he gasped. "Do you know him?"
Alice nodded and quietly said looking down towards her feet. "Yes..." Mew gasped in shock and said in a high voice. "But how?"
Alice snorted and laughed as she threw back looking up towards the stars that peaked out of the clouds. "He was going to marry me as a deal with father. He's going to use Celebi as a decoy so he can capture the rest of you."
Mew's fur fluffed out and his eyes widened in terror. "I knew something fishy was going on! That bastard traitor!" He cried letting his claws out. Alice was shocked at mew. He never swore in front of her before. Alice blinked in fear as she looked down, claws began appear on his small paws. "Wait until Arceus hears about this!"
"Until Arceus hears about what?" An evil voice snarled from somewhere near by.
Everyone turned around and gasped. Alice could feel shivers go down her spine.
Darkrai stood there with a ferious look on his face. He hissed in a evil voice. "Mew I can't let you do that!" Mew snorted and flicked his tail angerly. "and how are you going to stop me?" Mew asked flicking his tail back and forth angerly. Darkrai smiled evily and purred. "Like this." With lighting speed, he grabbed Mew's throat and threw him down onto the ground. Then he used shadow ball causing Mew to faint instantly. Alice backed off a little, whimpering softly. "H-H-How did you find us?"
Darkrai smiled evily and replied. "Easy, I just followed my friend mew." Mew let out a soft groan at the sound of his name being called.
Darkrai took out his sword and pointed it towards Lance. He yelled in a challenging voice. "I challenge thee to a battle. Who ever wins shall get the Princess and who ever loses will be killed." Lance smiled and pulled out his sword. Alice knew he wouldn't win so she was ready interven when needed. "I accept your challenge!"
Darkrai came foward with lighting speed. Lance barely was able to block it in time. Lance lunged his sword at darkrai's chest. But Darkrai easily blocked it by placing his black sword in front of the blow. The battle went on even as dawn came.
Lance glared at Darkrai and stopped to catch his breath then lunged again at him. Darkrai blocked it once again. Lance commented. "Your pretty good." Darkrai smiled back at the naive knight and blocked another attack from Lance. He answered in a unimpressed tone. "So are you..." Darkrai cut his arm. Lance let out sharp cry of pain and almost dropped his sword in the process of clutching his arm.
Alice ran forward to help him but darkrai blocked her path. He smirked and said with a teasing voice. "Hehehe, you should know better Alice my love." Alice watched in horror as Darkrai brought his sword down upon Lance with shocking force. It sliced right through his right shoulder and his arm fell off as well as his sword from the hand.
He screamed in pain as blood poured from the wound. Darkrai laughed loudly and got ready for a fatal blow. He gloated holding his sword over Lance's chest. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." Lance snatch up his sword with his left hand and swung his sword blindly in hopes of hitting Darkrai. It was a hit! A cut appeared on Darkrai's right cheek. Darkrai flew back with a hiss. "HOW DARE YOU!" He roared in fury.
Darkrai attacked and knock Lance into a tree. Darkrai smiled in triumph. "Bye-Bye." He gloated.
He plunged the sword into Lance's chest. Lance's eyes opened up wide and fell to his knees. He looked up at darkrai with terror in his eyes. Alice screamed as she began to back away. "LANCE!" Lance closed his eyes and slumped foward. On his last breath breath he whispered. "Im sorry Alice..." Darkrai pulled his sword out of Lance's chest. Lance fell to the ground with a dull thud. Alice knew she must run.
For if she doesn't he'll take her back and marry her. She couldn't have that happening. Before Darkrai had a chance to turn around, she ran for what her life was worth. The scene of Lance's death ran through her head over and over again. She heared Darkrai tease her. "YOU CAN RUN MY DEAR ALICE! BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!" She ran faster. She knew she could never get away as long as he's alive.
Darkrai's P.O.V
Darkrai's triumph was so sweet. He could still hear his enemy's last cry of pain before he delt the final blow. This is what he lived for. The pain of his enemies. But as sweet as it was he wanted the real prize. His new love Alice in his arms crying her thanks for slaying the horride human boy.
But she fled instead, crying in fear of him and the scene before her.
That didn't faze him one bit. He would chase her to the end of the world if he had to.
He made his way through the dark forest listening to the sounds of the day. Then he heard something that gave away her location. A soft voice called out to the gods for help as a shadow kneeled infront of a large stone.
"Im begging to you great Gods. Stop this beast from taking me. I promise on my life to be diffrent from my father... I promise to stop his tyranny. Even if it costs me my life..." Darkrai knew that wish will never happen. He hide behind a bush and watched her beg for mercy.
She closed her eyes and prayed to them again. But it came unanswered to his never ending dismay.
It pained him so to see her like this. He knew only how to give pain and not how to heal a broken heart. He looked away biteing his lower lip.
Then Alice said something that caught his attention.
It was just a whisper but he could hear it. " Darkrai... Why doesn't he leave me alone... Can't he see I have no intrest in him... The only way out of this is..." She lowered head whispering, Her voice shakey with fear. "Is only death..."
Darkrai could feel shivers go up and down his spine. He felt overwealming pity for the young maiden. He wanted her to be happy. But he also wanted happiness himself. He made his choice after awhile of standing there listening to her. He came out of the bushes quietly and slowly floated to her. "Alice..." He called quietly. Alice turned around startled. "Darkrai..." She gasped wide eyed. Darkrai looked down. He knew he would regret this for the rest of his life. But this is the right thing to do. "I'll call off the wedding... I understand you don't like me. I'll set you free. The only reason I do this for you is because... I love you Alice... It's that simple I love you..."
She gasped in shock. "L-L-Love me! But isn't that forbidden by the gods? Humans and Gods could never be together!" A unknown voice rumbled as a booming sound came from near by. "and Darkrai knows better."
A shadowy figure appeared from the trees across from them. Darkrai narrowed his eyes and tensed up. "Acreus!" He hissed. He was ready to flee just in case if Arceus decided to attack. Arceus' attention was now focused on Alice. "Your Alice correct?" He asked raising an eyebrow. She nodded slowly and stammered as her eyes widened in awe. "Y-Y-yes..."
Acreus smiled. "and your father is the king correct?" She nodded again speechless.
Darkrai knew exactly where this is going. Acreus was planning to destroy her. Darkrai quickly interupted the converse to avoid the outcome. "Arceus what brings you here?" Arceus smiled widely. "I heard her prayers."
Alice shook a little and said in awe. "You heard my prayers..." Arceus nodded and rumbled in a gentle voice. "Yes my young one..." Darkrai looked shocked at Arceus.
"But why would you answer her prayer? She's the daughter of The king. She-" Arceus let out a soft laugh interupting the dark creature. Darkrai blinked in confusion at this. "and yet she is diffrent from her father."
Darkrai looked back over at Alice. She had fallen to her knees and was whispering something to herself about how she doesn't deserve Acreus's simpathy.
He quietly floated over to her. "Alice my dear..." She looked up at him and when she saw him, she glared at him as he got closer. Her anger burned through him like a wild fire. "What do you want monster..."
Darkrai felt pain inside his heart. This is what she thinks of me?He thought understanding for the first time. He pulled her to her feet and whispered. "Im sorry..." She looked up at him confused and pushed away. She asked him confused. "What? What are you sorry about?"
Darkrai looked down is shame/ He knew he hurt her horribly and he had now way of changing it. "Im sorry about everything... I would bring back Lance if I could... But I can't." Acreus's voice rumbled. "But I can..." Alice looked towards him teary eyed. Hope filled her eyes. "You can?" She asked in a hopeful voice. Acreus nodded and said tilting his head towards the large rock. "I can. If that's what you wish." She clasped her hands together in sheer joy. "Yes it is..."
Arceus closed his eyes and a strange humming sound started. A light appeared before them. As the humming became louder the light became brighter until he couldn't look anymore. There was a loud pop and the light went away. Lance stood where the light was and looked around confused. Luna cried out in happiness. "Lance!" She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as tears ran down her face. Lance looked at Alice and kissed the top of her head. "Luna... My love..." Alice looked up at him and smiled as tears began to run down her cheeks. "Lance..." Lance bent down and kissed her.
Darkrai could feel his heart break and shatter to a dozen of peices.
Tears came to his eyes. He knew his love was lost and was never to return. He turned and began to leave the sad yet happy sight. "Darkrai..." He turned around at the mentioning of his name.
Alice was looking up at him with sad eyes. She walked up to him and placed a soft hand on his cheek. "You don't have to leave. I would like you to stay... Her cheeks began to turn red at what she said. "I mean... Uhhhhh... Ummmm..." Her cheeks began to turn a deeper red.
Darkrai smiled at the young girl's clumsiness. "I thank you for invitation but I think Lance wouldn't be happy about me staying here." She smiled and looked over at Lance. "Im sure he won't mind..." Lance just grunted and turned around.
Darkrai took that as a no but Alice smiled and said with happiness. "See!" Darkrai nodded trying to force back the tears that collected in the corner of his eyes.
He tried to smile but his heart stopped him. It was painful to do so. He knew he would never forget about her. He looked down and said in a deeply sad voice. "I thank you again but I must leave. Tell your father the deal is off and I'll be back for celebi and Cresselia."
She nodded as sadness collected in her saphire eyes and turned around. She hopped onto pidgot's back and wrapped her arms around Lance's stomach. "Lance let's go home." She whispered looking down. Lance nodded and they left on Pidgot's back.
As Darkrai watched them leave he wonder if he made the right choice. He shook his head at his idiotic question. Yes he did. He gave her happiness and allowed her to live her life with the one she truly loved. Darkrai closed his eyes and dreamed of the time when he finds the one. Where ever when ever, he knew he would find someone.
The lonely demon left to his forest of solitude.
I hoped you enjoyed ending 1! Please review. I am still looking for a beta reader! So if your willing to please PM me.