I most DEFINITELY own PJO! I bought it from Rick Riordan!
. . .
APRIL FOOLS!. . . if you believed that for a SECOND I'd be seriously shocked.
So basically, I JUST realized something: I didn't have a fic to commemorate April Fools day! Gasp. So, I got some creative juices flowing (does anyone else realize that's a really weird sentence?) and VOILA! . . . I still have writer's block, so this might suck majorly, but I came up with it in . . . I'll tell you at the end! ON WITH THE FIC!
Percy was currently at the arena, practicing while fearing for his life. Annabeth was at archery doing the same. Most other people were just plain hiding in their bunks.
Connor and Travis Stoll were at camp. And it was April Fools Day.
Ah, so you see the dilemma now. The two Kings of da Pranks are at camp on the DAY of pranks. They had already gotten multiple targets. These are the pranks they'd gotten done so far:
Athena cabin: Rubber spiders (tarantulas, black widows, etc.) everywhere, graffiti on the walls saying how Percy loves Annabeth (in a much dirtier phrases . . . ), everything's out of place, and anything IN place is rigged to do something. Such as dumping glue on their heads, pelting them with pencils, dropping books.
Ares: Dumb as the Stolls may be, they still knew they shouldn't go far with this prank. So they didn't.
. . . that much.
. . okay fine, they were too stupid to hold back at all. This is the outraged scream of Clarisse when she found out they got into her cabin. What they did was replace all of their weapons with a variety of things for different genders. For girls, their weapons were replaced like this: daggers were now mascara, spears were now pencil eyeliner, etc. Boys: . . . well actually, the exact same as the girls. Also, they (the Ares cabin) woke up with clown faces. Absurd amounts of make up on their faces, with some paint possibly too.
. . . Ahem, moving on shall we?
Hephaestus: All of their machinery and tools were gone. G-O-N-E, gone. What were they replaced with?
Baby's toys. Baby's toys. Like, those little "Bob the Builder" toys where you "make stuff"? Yeah, that.
Aphrodite: Think of the Ares cabin prank. Now, think the exact opposite. Except the clown make up was literally CLOWN make up. White faces, ridiculous red lips, red nose (with super glue), blue eye thing. All their make up: POOF, gone. Their cabin's paint? A "puke green", as they said. Oh, and you musn't forget their clothes. They were all either with the clown theme, or worse.
A nurse's outfit. Something that, as they said, "doesn't go with anything!"
"It's like the shoes of shame, but worse!" one child of Aphrodite complained.
And that is less than a fifth of the list. WAY less.
"Yo Travis, who's up next?" Connor said, going through his supplies. See, some very . . . special people get pranks all to themselves, plus the one their cabin gets. Which is the reason why Percy and Annabeth were fearing for their lives. Percy's praying to the gods that he's not it this year. Last year, he woke up and what was the first thing he saw?
A dead fish hanging right above his bed. It scared the Hades out of him, seeing the beady eyes and the dead fish smell. But oh no, there wasn't just one. No, his whole cabin was covered in them. Let's not forget what the Stolls did to Annabeth.
When she was coming back from the master archery lesson, she wanted to do some more work on Daedulus's laptop. But she couldn't. Because her desk was glued to the ceiling.
How that happened, no one ever really found out. Oh, but that's not the end of it. She saw the owl above the door of the Athena cabin have some new clothes. Which happened to be her bra. The new flag of the Athena cabin.
Now, of course Percy and Annabeth got angry. They tried to make Connor and Travis's lives a living Hades. Sadly, as Travis stated after their fifteenth failur, "You can't touch DA KINGS!' So eventually, they just tried to stay away from being targets.
Long story short, by dinner time, the Stolls had gotten everyone at camp. Except . . .
"Dude, have you ever thought who's the better pranker?" Connor mused suddenly. "I mean, we're like, partners in crime and junk, but who's the better one?"
Travis immediately replied, "Me, obviously. I mean, I am older." Connor instantly stood up and shouted in protest.
"What does that have to do with anything! I mean, I bet I'm the better one!"
"I know I'm the better one!"
"Prove it!"
"You're on!"
"I, Connor Stoll, challenge my brother, Travis Stoll, to . . . "
"A prank off!" Travis supplied.
Connor nodded with approval. "For the month of April, in honor of April Fools Day, we shall have a Prank Off! Whoever gives up or runs out of ideas first, loses!"
"The terms: if no one gives up by the first day of May, we tie, fair and square. We can't go over the line."
"What line?" Connor interrupted.
"Where we have a chance of fighting and never being the same again. Anyway, we can prank each other, or anyone else, and each successful prank counts. If we tie, at the end of the month, we shall count up the successful pranks!"
Connor nodded again and spat into his hand, and held it out. Travis did the same. Ah yes, sealing the deal officially with the sacred spit-shake.
"Let the pranks begin!"
I originally meant for this to be just a one-shot, but then I got this idea since Connor and Travis are ALWAYS working together on pranks. Sad thing is, I have writer's block, and some work so I might not be able to update that much . . . just like my other story, Carved in Stone. But I'll try! Heh . . . okay now, YOU get to decide who you want to win from the very beginning! Right here, right now! Your choices are
1. Travis wins
2. Connor wins
3. They tie with the EXACT same amount of pranks at the end of the month
4. They both get sick of it and give up
The choice is yours loyal viewers! Click the little review button down there and VOTE!