TODAY IS THE DAY. TODAY IS THE DAY SEEU GETS RELEASED! :D Not only that, 3 demos have been uploaded on youtube by SBS Artech! I'm so proud of them for developing a Korean Vocaloid! I love SeeU! I can't wait to hear her sing more songs! :D

*cough cough* Anyway, 6 months. I've been working on this story for 6 months. It's sad I have to end it so soon. I finally get to publish the last chapter! After this, I have to update all my other fanfics, publish new stories, blah blah blah... Thank you for reading!

I Want To Meet You

by: yiseunggi

Note: I. Am. Me. :]

Take 10: The Nutcracker and Cinderella

What... just happened?

What am I doing? A person just fell out of the window from the third floor and I'm just doing nothing. Just looking out the window like there was someone there.

"Luka?" Gumi asked with curiosity. "Is everything okay in there?"

'No!' I wanted to shout. But I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I want to do something. Do something that can fix something. Fix a broken heart.


"Luka?" Gumi shouted. "Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

Looking out the window wasn't going to do any good. I needed to do something. If I want to fix something, then I will do it. No matter what it takes, I'll do it.

"I'm coming in-"

Gush of pink hair swirled around as I faced my back against the window. Then step by step, I walked out of the room.

"Luka-" Gumi stated when I finally opened the door.

"Call the ambulance." I yelled at her.


"Wait- don't. Don't call the ambulance. Just stay here." I didn't even bother listening to her reply because I was already sprinting. It took me two seconds to put on my yellow flip flops before I was ready to go out.

Those who whine and yell are pathetic and have girly manner.

I guess I am a pathetic, girly girl...




"Kaito!" I ran towards him with deep regret. He was there sitting on the ground, tangled up with pieces of leaves and sticks all around him. There wasn't any blood in the scene so I guess he's okay. But what bothered me was the fact that he didn't reply, nor did he turn to look at me. It was as if I was looking at a lifeless person in the middle of the streets surrounded by bushes and plants. "Are you okay?"

He wouldn't look up or even touch me. Anger started to boil up in my system but I held it in. He hid his eyes behind his blue hair so he wouldn't be seen. It was hard to look- his eyes I mean. It was just too... painful.

"Say something to me!" I cried, shaking his arms violently. "You're not mute! You're not deaf either! Don't lie to me!"

"Stop." he finally said. I sighed in relief. "They can't see me."

"What?" I mumbled, completely confused. But then I remembered, no one can see him. He has the ability to be invisible. Invisible to everyone else but me.

"Luka," he softly whispered. "people are looking at you."

"That's that the problem!" I shouted. "But why me? Why am I the only one able to see you?"

He didn't respond. In fact, he looked away from me when I asked him that question.

I huffed. "Why are you looking away? Are you sick of me? Is it because I bother you a lot?"


"I don't care."

I shivered as he looked up at me with a look I couldn't tell. But by looking at it, it was an shocking expression.

"I don't care if people are looking at me and talking to a person they can't see." I sighed. "Look, I know you saved me once when I was little, now it's my turn to save you from this... this mess."

His blue hair brushed against my hand as I petted him. It was so soft. It was almost silky. I loved it.

"How do you know if it's me who saved you?" he asked, not even bothering for an answer.

"Your voice," I replied. "I remember your voice."

"There's many people who can imitate the same voice."

"That's true," I bit my lower lip. "but that person isn't you."

"Lily..." he looked at me afraid. Like a person he didn't want to see ever again in his life. Like a child who's looking for his mom in a crowd full of billions of people. "Lily... she left me."

"I didn't."

"Not yet-"

"I won't." I felt my voice come out sharp as though it could slice a piece of ice. "I won't and I never will."


"I love you." I cut in, my throat voice beginning to soften. "I love you for who you are. It doesn't matter what you are or who you are. I love you because you're you."

Crowds of people gathered around us. Whispering and mumbling what a twenty year old girl was doing in the middle of the streets. I needed to get him out of here. I had to move him back home quickly as possible.

"Kaito..." I swallowed, thinking of the right words to say next. "thank you. Thank you for saving me."

He looked at me with a sad look. He didn't look convinced at all.

"Let's go home. Let's eat ice cream and visit lots of festivals on the holidays. I'll be more open about your lack of common sense."

My left hand reached for his right at the same time his left reached for my right. I held onto them tightly as possible.

"I know you have your problems and I have mine; but I promise we'll fix it. But for now, let's enjoy the time we have."

"Together." he panted. "Together." he whispered in the same melodic tune I heard years ago.

"Let's create a new memory." I chuckled. "A memory only we can create. It's going to be a special memory only for the two of us."

"Memory." he whispered again, smiling lightly. Then, like magic, he began to chuckle. I smiled.

"Let's go home together."


Ding dong! The door bell rang but no one even bothered going to open the door. It rang a couple more times followed by a series of knocking sounds from the door.

"Luka?" a mysterious male voice called from outside. "Luka? Are you in there?"

Kaito's eyes snapped open by the loud voice. He blinked a few times before getting up from his couch and approaching the door with a curious look. He never opened a door for a stranger in Luka's house. It was quite amusing and special for him.

"Who is it?" he asked amusingly.

"Luka?" said the voice from the other side.

Kaito opened the door and peeked out to see a certain person who resembled someone he knew dearly. Both he and the opponent raised their eyebrow in curiosity while looking at the person straight in the eye.

"Luka?" Kaito asked, a little tone of worry escaped his throat. "Did you cut your hair? You seem a lot... taller... and muscular..."

The pink haired foe growled angrily. "What are you-"

"Move out of the way!" cracked a displeased voice behind Kaito.

"Oh," Kaito turned around with his usual expressionless face and frowned. "Luka, there you are."

"I told you not to-" she began but stopped when she saw the person by the door. "Luki?" she almost screeched.

"Luka!" Luki came in and hugged his sister dearly like she was fragile as glass. He couldn't stop kissing her cheek with joy. "I missed you so much!"

"What are you doing here?" she gasped as she tried to pull away from him. Behind her, Kaito was staring at them with an horror look. If anyone had to guess what he was thinking right now, they would probably answer something similar to, 'This idiot is her brother?'.

"Luuuukaaaaaa, you never told me you have a stranger living in the same house as you!" her brother pouted and turned to look at Kaito with a look that can kill. "Did you harm her? Or blackmail?" he spat angrily.

"It's a long story." Luka cut in and sweat dropped at her brother. "He didn't do anything to me! I let him stay." she couldn't help but tell him answers that weren't even true.

"You didn't... you know, do it with him, did you?" Luki asked with his most serious look he could manage.

"No!" Luka blushed deep red and shook her head as a no. Kaito coughed and looked out the window pretending to enjoy viewing the birds soaring through to sky. Luki didn't look convinced. Not even the slightest. In fact, he didn't seem to be enjoying this act at all.

"You don't mind me staying her for a couple of months, do you?" he asked.

"Huh?" Luka turned to look at her brother with wide eyes. Kaito began to whistle pretending he didn't hear anything at all. "Here?" she asked unsure, pointing to the room they both were standing in. "In my house?"

Luki nodded. "I can, right? After all, I am your older brother."

"O-oh okay." Luka whispered, thinking which rooms were available to use. "But I don't have any room left. You have to sleep on the floor."

"The floor?" Luki frowned and pointed to the white couch. "Why can't I sleep on the couch?"


"Because that's where I sleep, stupid." Kaito answered, shooting an annoyed look at a certain pink haired male.


"Did you just say something to me?" Luki frowned, grabbing Luka's left hand for protection.

Kaito snorted. "Are you deaf? And yes, yes I did." The blue haired fox grabbed Luka's other hand and shot him an evil glare.

Luka groaned. "Stop it-"

"I'm not deaf."

"I think you are."


"Shut up."

"Same goes to you, blueberry!"

Of course, it was going to take more than that to stop the two growling males. For Luka, chaos entered her world once again.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed~ I know this story ended but don't worry! I have plenty more stories I have in mind! :) Wait for me, I'll be back with an another fanfic ASAP!