I just wanted to point out that I'm using the characters names as they are mentioned in the WWE because I'm basing my fiction on the characters not the real people...

The only thing I own is the plot and my sick head!

I'll be finishing the fiction soon.

Chapter 6

Pule Beerer wasn't as stupid as he looks.

He was surprised of Kane joining him so easily knowing full well the relationship his son was having with that bastard Undertaker.

So with his evil twisted mind he found out that Kane wanted something from all this and not really joining him because of what he said to him, but Pule thought he's hurting Taker anyway and he came up with an idea that could hurt him even more if Kane is in a relationship with someone else and that's where the giant the Big Show came in the picture.

He didn't know Kane's plans, that is until Kane asked about the past, but sensing no threat he told the truth but not all of it, he left the part the most important parts just in case.

Months passed and Pule Berrer was slowly accomplishing his superficial selfish and evil goals in the wrestling industry enjoying the hurt look on The Undertaker's face every time they cross paths.

However, Pule found out that Taker is slowly recovering with the help of his friends and getting stronger again, winning his matches and getting the championship in his hand.

So evil that he is, he planned a plot to hurt and get rid of the trust between Taker and whoever he is close to, well if you didn't figure it out who then you have to read the fiction again kekeke.


"Is this Kevin Nash?"

"Who the hell wants to know?"

"Well mister Nash let me introduce myself, my name is Pule Berrer, and I'm calling to ask to meet you somewhere because I heard you were looking for someone by the name of Triple H and you are short on money right?"

"What the fuck does this have to do with you?"

"Well because I'll pay you one million dollar if you did what I ask"

"Meet me at the central park in two hours"

"I'll see you there"

Well before we go on with the story, meet Kevin Nash the biggest scumbag you would ever know, he used to be Triple H's best friend but then H found out about how Kevin would do anything for the money and by that I mean anything even stashing drugs in his friend's belongings telling the cops about it just because someone gave him the money to do it.

Thankfully there were security cameras where the incident happened but he was never caught, but now he is living in the street getting money from fight clubs and gambling until he found out his best friend -well at least that's what he thinks- is a famous wrester and became rich as hell, so he set on the road looking for a chance to get to Hunter and talk to him because he know triple H have a soft spot for him even after everything he did.

In the park…

"Hello Mr. Nash!"

"Call me Kevin and what the hell do you want?"

"Well… It's not about what I want is about what I can give you, I know where your friend Triple H is right now and I will gladly tell you all I know on one condition."

"What's that?"

"When you meet your friend, you will most definitely meet someone named The Undertaker that hovers around him, all I want you to do is to push Undertaker away from his friends until they leave him or he leaves them it doesn't matter as long as I see the misery in his eyes…" Pule said with evilness glittering his eyes.

"Easy, but I want half of the money first and the other half after this is done."

"You got my word on it."

"You better keep it because I don't play around when it comes to my money."

Kevin hissed in threatening tone that made Pule back away and walk back to his car almost pissing himself but ecstatic that everything is going just like he planned.

Or is it…

Somewhere else…

"It's funny isn't it? How I ended up working for him"

"I can't believe how much of a bastard he is! And what are you going to do now?"

"Well, there isn't anything that I can do really…"

"hum if I told you my story, then we can help each other cause in the end I guess we both want the same thing, and that is for that fat pig rotting in prison before hell"

"But I thought you were his son?"

"Heh… just listen to my story and tell me what you think"


"And that's all for this week's Monday night raw!"

"Don't miss next week!"

Undertaker walked to his room nodding on his way to the other superstars when they congratulate him for his win, getting in the room he sighed feeling the aches in his body as the adrenaline of the match started to fade, sighing again Taker shuffled around the room to get ready for a shower trying not to think about anything or more precisely anyone.

Finishing the shower and getting dressed Taker sat on the couch not feeling the energy of getting up and glance at his left hand where that ring was still attached to his finger.

'I guess I should stop wearing this now' he thought to himself as he slid the ring out of his finger and kept turning it in his hand.

"Hey man, great match!"

Taker looked up as he heard his best friend's voice.

"Hum? Oh thanks, you weren't so bad yourself" he gave a smirk.

Triple H returned the smirk and went to sit next to Taker.

After few minutes of silence...

"Hey H?"


"…You think I should stop wearing the ring?"

Triple H sat up a bit thinking about how to answer Taker's question.

He thought maybe it's a good time to tell his best friend about the letter from Kane, but knowing Taker he will definitely go to Kane and ruin the plane his brother set out to do for months now or maybe even worse he could go and kill Paul not that would a bad thing to do, but still he can't let that happen, so the best answer he can give in this situation is...

"I think… that you should listen to your heart even though its hurt and broken"

The silence came back but this time the tense was eased as Taker made up his mind and wore the ring again giving a small smile as he faced Triple H getting a nod from the other man and they both sat back on the chair in compatible silence until…

Knock Knock

"bet it's for you." Taker got up to open the door smiling as Shawn came into view.

"Hey Dead Man, he's with ya?"

Taker not needing to answer just nodded and opened the door wider to let Shawn in.

"Hey babe!" Triple H said.

"Don't hey babe me! You told we can go and buy that horse after the show! But you disappeared until it's too late to go now!"

Taker shook his head thinking its hopeless with those two but you can feel the strong love that bound those two best friends and lovers just from listening to them.

Feeling a bit tired he went to sit back on the couch and closed his eyes as the two continued their bickering.

"Ugh, come on Shawn you know I hate horses! their eyes are weird when they look at me! Can't you go and buy them yourself?"

Hunter huffed crossing his arms dipping more in the couch.

"NO! We're supposed to do this together!"

Triple H was about to shout something back when he felt something drop on his shoulder he looked aside and found Taker's head leaned towards him as he fell asleep.

At that moment the two looked at each other sighing shaking their heads.

Triple H Looked at Shawn in his place not having the heart to move Taker from his slumber "Sorry" he whispered.

Shawn took a breath God he loved Hunter so much that just one word made all the anger go away.

"It's alright but next time don't disappeared on me okay?"

Triple H smiled and nodded lifting only his chin signaling that he wants a kiss, Shawn smiled at his lover antics and leaned to give Hunter a kiss but not before flicking his forehead.

"Idiot." He laughed getting a cheeky grin from the other man.


The voice broke their bubble as they looked at the troubled man whispering the name of his brother, his lover, his other half, and they can even say his life.

"Christmas is coming and I know it's stupid but I'm praying for a miracle to happen." Triple H whispered as he wrapped his hands around the sleeping man hooping to erase the frown that formed on his face.

Shawn gave a sigh himself kissing his lover over the head giving a prayer of his own.


Days passed in peace, but you know when you get that feeling in your gut when there is a heavy storm after the quietness, well that's exactly what the dead man's feeling and just like always his gut has never failed him.

It was another normal raw show that ended just as fans expected to end and waiting eagerly for the next week's show.

But what happened after the show that wasn't normal, Triple H didn't show up in Taker's locker room after the show like he always do.

'Maybe Shawn dragged to buy another horse' He thought as he packed his stuff and headed home trying not to think too much of it.

Meanwhile in DX locker room…

"Fuck that was hot babe!"

Shawn's only response was licking his lips savoring the taste of his lover's hot cum in his lips as he looked up from where he was kneeling giving his lover a full blown look of lust and the other man was measuring him like a hunter measuring his pray.

After doing a quick round in the shower they finally got dressed and started packing their things from the locker room.

"Hey Shawn, I'm going to go and check on Dead Man before we head home okay?"

Shawn walked to his lover and circled his arms around him saying in a husky voice "Just don't be late" grinding his body with Hunter's moaning seductively.

Triple H smirked as he grabbed Shawn's ass leaning and biting his ear whispering "Just wait until we get to bed you won't be able to walk for a week"

Earning another moan from Shawn as he let go and head for the door laughing as he heard the word "Tease."

Triple H was walking in the corridor when he heard shouting and he thought he recognized one of those voices so he went to check and he couldn't believe what he was seeing…

"What the fuck do you want from me huh?" Kevin Shouted knowing full well of Triple H's presence.

"Hehe you just look strong and I want you on my team that's all! I'm giving you a job" The other man sneered.

"I don't like the look on your face so let go of me before I beat the shit out of you!"

"Kevin?" Triple H said not believing his eyes.

Kevin shoved Pule away from him and walked to Hunter in full blown acting mood.

"Hunter! Thank god I found you!"

"What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"I heard you were performing in this city so I came to say hi, but this asshole grabbed me spiting some bullshit about a job!"He pointed angrily as Paul Bearer.

Hunter immediately sent a death glare to Paul making the other man raise his hands in surrender saying "Hey relax, tsk…" walking away with the a smirk knowing that Triple H fell for it.

Hunter turned to his fri… No… the other man awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Hey Hunter long time!" Nash give a fake smile that went pass Hunter as a genuine one.

"Umm Hey…"

"Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have came to see you"

Nash said and Hunter was surprised, Kevin never said sorry… ever!

"Heh I just wanted to see how you are doing..."

Triple H still shocked didn't give a replay.

"Well I see you're okay I'll be going now, it's been good seeing you again H"

He gave a hand waiting for Hunter to shake while putting that fake smile on again.

Triple H shook himself out of his daze and took Kevin's hand still not saying anything; he was confused Nash looked different from their last encounter.

'Did he really changed? The Kevin I know would be starting to babble nonsense and brag about stupid stuff and then he would ask for money before disappearing again…' He thought to himself.

After a small pause Kevin Nash stepped back saying "Well I'm be going now" And turned around almost disappearing when…

"Nash! Wait!"

Kevin Nash stopped and turned to see why triple H stopped him.

Hunter walked to Nash and said "Hey… umm how about we catch up on old times?"

Kevin replied with a hidden triumphant smile "Sure!"

"Okay just give me a second to make a call."

Triple H called his partner to tell him he would be returning home late and will tell him why when he gets there.

As the two men walked to a bar Paul Bearer looked on not believing that his plan is actually going smoothly, that Kevin is really something.