Title: Love you always

Author: Sundarkeyes

Pairing: Kane/Undertaker(Taker) and minor Triple H(Hunter or H)/Shawn Michaels(HBK)

Summary: Taker and Kane are together now but trouble doesn't stop around them. As long as there are secrets still to be unfold, there will always be situations to test their love with each other.

Rating: definitely M for everything.

Warnings: sex, very very graphic ones (please be warned) and there maybe more warnings in the next chapters.

Disclaimer: I don't any of the characters in this fiction, I only borrowed them.

A/N: This is the squeal to my first fiction (My One and Only Brother) and you have to read it first to understand this.

In this fiction The Undertaker and Triple H are 30 years old, While Kane and Shawn are 28 years old.

Enjoy the story and please review.

Chapter 1

It has been three months today since the events that reunited the brothers together. And now they are both working in the wrestling career and they are doing a hell of a job at it too; getting named The Brothers Of Destruction and dominating the WWF.

However, trouble seems to always find The Undertaker just when he finally thought that the curse that had been following him ever since the fire tragedy has finally left him for good.

It's the middle of December and everyone is talking about their plans for the holiday, but the dead man was a bit hesitant to make any plans, because it was this month that the fire had stolen away his beloved parents and left him alone in this world, until he got a bit of his life back when Kane showed up.

Taker's thoughts were startled when the door of his locker room banged open reveling a very excited Triple H.

"Hey Taker! How's it going man?"

Taker just shook his head with an amused smirk on his face muttering "Only you H."

"Huh?" Triple H asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Only you have the guts to barge in like this in my locker-room and gets away with it."

Taker clarified looking up at Triple H from where he was sitting on the couch still smirking.

"Not even your lover boy?" Triple H asked happy with idea of being special in something.

Taker's only answer was a short shake of his head as Hunter joined him on the couch.

Taker sighed saying "So? What's going on?"

Hunter shifted and turned towards Taker with determined eyes "I'm in love."

Few beats passed in silence until...


Taker's laughter echoed in the room, a sound very rare to hear if Kane is not in the same place as the dead man.

The said man sat up on the couch leaning trying to catch his breath.


Triple H asked confused and irritated with his best friend's reaction.

Taker settled down still smirking "Well it's about time you acknowledge it."

"Wah... What? I just figured it out myself! How did you know?" Triple H screeched surprised.

"Because I'm in love too, and I can see it in your eyes, your face, even your behavior changes you're around him." Taker answered with a pointed look.

Hunter took some time for his mind to process what Undertaker said, and then gave a heavy sigh nodding, glad that he has someone like Taker to talk to about everything and anything.

They stayed silence for a bit, until Taker got frustrated with his friend and sighed.

"But you're not sure if he feels the same way." In a tone making it more of a statement than a question.

Triple H nodded anyway sinking further into the couch.

Taker straighten up a bit taking hold of his best friend's hands collapsing them in his saying with all sincerity.

"I believe with all my heart that what you have between each other is something deeper than a friendship. But you will never know until you take the first move, and believe me you don't want to waste time being apart when you think that there is a slight chance that you two could be closer to each other than you are now. Take your chance my friend, don't do the mistakes I did and waited for so long."

Triple H looked at Taker's eyes surprised by the words he just heard.

H took a second then huffed out a laugh saying "I don't want our friendship to be ruined, but I can't stand it anymore, I can't hide how much I love…"

He couldn't finish his sentence because there was a sharp growl coming from the locker-room's door side.

The two friends turned their heads and saw Kane standing there clearly misunderstanding the situation they were in, seeing them holding hands and Triple H is declaring his love.

"Wow… just, WOW."

The dead man quickly got up heading towards Kane saying in a frantic voice knowing how jealous his lover can be.

"No love! Hunter was…"

but he was interrupted by Kane snorting shaking his head saying.

"Love?" And he started to turned around heading for the door.

"Don't... STOP!"

Taker saw Kane turning away from him and his world crumbled so fast he didn't even register the shout that came out of his mouth not caring who heard him, and Kane stopped after the shout.

The dead man started shaking and looking scared as hell his mind going a mile a second wanting to explain everything but his mouth is not cooperating with him.

Triple H got up quickly heading towards Kane.

"Kane this is all a misunderstanding and it's my fault, I was just..."

Kane turned around facing Triple H and seeing Taker behind him head down and still shaking, his heart was hurting seeing his brother standing like that but still preferred to be angry.

He growled at Triple H. "Okay… why don't you enlighten me!"

"you see I am in love, but it's not with Taker."

Triple H paused looking behind Kane to see no-one at the door he continued.

"I'm in love with Shawn, and I was telling Taker that I'm afraid that if I confessed to him and he didn't feel the same way then I would lose my best friend too."

Few seconds passed with deafening silence until Kane took a breath feeling like the biggest jerk in the world.

"Ohhh…oh my God."

"Yeah..." Triple H replied huffing at how can the big red machine be so stupid sometimes. "Okay, you need to fix this." He turned to Taker and said.

"And Taker, I'm sorry about all this and thanks for what you said."

Taker not lifting his head just gave a small nod.

"Okay I'm taking my leave now... good luck Kane"

Triple H headed for the door patting Kane's back and closing the door behind him.

When Triple H closed the door he saw some people starting to gather shocked to hear The Undertaker shout like that.

Triple H just told them that it was nothing, and they better stay away from the Brothers of Destruction's locker room before they get something they won't like.

Inside the room the silence was stretched out as the two brothers were standing in their places, the only sound is heard was Hunter telling people that everything was under control.

Kane took the first step towards his brother, he stood in front of him noticing how stiff Taker is being, he took a deep breath and said with all his heart.

"I am SO SORRY!"

Reaching to cupping Taker's checks and lifting his head to look in to his lover's eyes.

Kane knew from the look on Taker's face that he turned mute like he always does when he's too upset or too hurt, so Kane repeated again putting all his emotions and apology in his words.

"I'm so sorry! Please Taker, please love talk to me huh baby? Please tell me how much of an idiot I am for doubting your love... huh?"

Taker lifted his hands and wrapped them around his brother's back hiding his face in the crock of Kane's neck whispering not trusting his voice right now.

"Don't ever do this to me Kane."

Taking a shuddering breath feeling his body shiver he continued.

"Don't turn and walk away from me… I can't… I can't take it if you did this, I love you so much you idiot." Hitting Kane with his fist on the back.

With that Kane smiled knowing that he was forgiven for his stupidity.

"I love you Taker, I was so stupid I don't know what happened to me. And I promise not to hurt you and always be with you love, I just sometimes become a dufus for loving you too much."

Kane said with a silly loving grin on his face, Taker couldn't help but nod returning the smile.

Couple of seconds passed with them holding each other until Kane shifted a bit and Taker raised his head seeing a change in Kane.

"What is it?"

Kane just leaned in catching Taker's lips in his.

"I was just thinking how our first fight went better than I imagined."

Smiling a bit Taker said "Heh… well if this is our first fight then we should kiss and make up huh?"

"Ohhhh I think I love you too much for just a kiss!" Kane said slyly.

Taker with a flushed face, hit his brother again for what he's thinking, but didn't say no.

Kane understanding, he pulled his brother and grabbed him from behind smirking.

"Well, since we just finished with this week's show and seeing how sweaty we are, then maybe we should do it in the shower, how about it?"

Kane asked knowing very well that Taker loves having a shower sex considering they've been doing it after the end of each show.

Taker nodded with a blush on his face reddening his pale cheeks.

Kane didn't need another minute; he locked the door and took Taker's hands in his heading to the shower in the locker-room.

They started kissing passionately and Taker lost all his senses granting Kane access when he felt his lover licking his bottom lip loving the feeling that Kane is giving him.


Kane twirled his tongue and Taker couldn't help it but moan hugging his lover closer to deepen the kiss until they parted to take the much needed air to their lungs as they rested their foreheads against each other.

Kane's hands moved to Taker's clothes to undress him wanting to feel the naked skin against his.

"God I can't wait to be inside you, making love to you while you scream my name and begging me to let you come."

Kane's lustful words went straight to Taker's groin making him instantly hard grinding to Kane and tugged on his clothes ordering him to take him and all of him.

Kane didn't waste time, he turned on the shower making it the right temperature just the way his brother likes it.

Driven by the lust for his lover, Kane took his clothes off in a record time making Taker chuckle in amusement until he was grabbed into the shower with a yelp.

Under the spray Kane's hands were all over Taker's body feeling him up.

Kane grabbed his brother's hard cock in his hand rubbing it softly from the shaft to the tip earning shivers from Taker.

"Mmm... Kane..."

Came the husky plea and Kane took hold of his brother's mouth in him sucking on his lover's tongue as he moved his free hand to Taker's butt hole pushing his middle finger inside and twisting it a bit to brush his lover's sweet spot.

"Ahh! Shit! Yeah... right there!"

Taker couldn't help but break the kiss to nibble Kane's exposed neck moaning.

"yeah, uhh… yeah Kane... that's it stretch me for your big cock!"

"You're so tight big brother, can't wait to be inside you."

Kane said as he nibbled Taker's ear adding another finger and scissoring them feeling Taker being stretch for him and God he love it.

"Kane please… I need you uhhh..."

Taker shifted his hip so that Kane's fingers in him would go deeper to emphasize on what he wanted.

Kane couldn't control himself anymore feeling he could come then and there from the moans and huffs that his lover is making.

"Shit brother, I love taking you under the shower, it makes you so horny and open for me, fucking great!"

"Urgh… mmmm..." Taker made a protest sound when he felt the fingers leaving him, but soon he was turned around and his hands were placed on the tiled wall, he hears Kane whispers.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby brother."

Undertaker said spreading his legs apart for Kane, making his lover shove his thick hard leaking cock in him in one swift move and moving instantly in a slow pace looking for his heaven spot.

"Ohhhh! Urgh! So tight and so deep... I love you big brother..." Kane groaned.

Kane's thrusts got faster and deeper going all the way out and shoving his thick huge cock back in making Taker helpless in keeping his moans from coming out as he feels Kane all over inside and out.

"Oh God!... yeah… urgh Kane… so big... I can feel you everywhere... Amazing... Yes oh God... Ohhh!"

Kane never the one for soft things continued pluming Taker harder grinding Taker to the balls until he heard it.

"Ahhh Fuck! Yeah love right there… oh God! That's it! Yes Oh! Oh! Oh GOD!Fuck me hear Kane!"

Kane was so ecstatic knowing that he was the only one that could cause Taker to moan and scream like this, and to make these sounds that only he gets the pleasure of hearing them and no-one else.

Feeling that he's getting close Kane grabbed Taker's weeping rock hard cock feeling it twitch in his palm, and started milking it with his thrusts making Taker's moans and whimpers even more.

"Taker... Brother I'm so close... Let's come together my love…urgh! Come on love show me your come... Let it all out... Come for me!" Kane grunted.

"Yeah Kane… Yeeah…I'm coming! Oh God I'm gonna come so hard... Ohhh! Ahh! Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm COMING! URRRRGHGHGH!"

Taker screamed while shooting his white seeds all over the wall and feeling the spunk of his lover inside him filling him up.

A minute passed and the brothers were still in the same place wearing their orgasm out, finally Kane moves his now soft cock out of Taker's tight hole making his lover moan and shudder as his semen spilled out of him.

Kane gently turned Taker and looked him in the eye saying with all his heart.

"Love you."

"Love you too." Came the reply from Taker smiling and kissing his brother proving his words.

Hearing their locker room's door knocked and someone telling them that the light will be out in an hour, they both smiled and Kane said

"Well I guess we'll clean up and leave home after, seeing as though we have two weeks off for Christmas "

Taker just nodding and did just as planned.