
She'd managed to steal one of the female Desians' spears in the chaos. The other prisoners hadn't moved out of their cells, but she wasn't about to stay with them and miss the journey of regeneration.

One of the few remaining guards had just broken through Lloyd's guard. She stabbed him from behind

"Thanks," Lloyd said, smiling at her.

She beamed back at him. "No problem, happy to help."

"Attention, prisoners!" Kratos was good at yelling, apparently. "Neil and these guards will escort you out of here. Please follow them as quickly and orderly as you can."

When she hung back from following the other prisoners, Kratos took notice first and scowled at her. "What do you want? We're in a hurry."

"I...I want to go with you!"

"No, it's too dangerous. Your Exs-" Kratos began, but was interrupted by Lloyd. She could kiss him at that moment.

"Come on, Kratos, until she gets a Key Crest she'll be in trouble no matter what she's doing. Besides, she's not that bad at fighting and we could probably use all the help we can get. What's your name, anyway?"

"It's April. You know, like the month."

Literally everyone in the room stopped and turned to stare at her with absolute malice. "Um...what'd I say?"

"April is only a month in the Desian calendar." Kratos growled in reply. "Draw your weapon, spy."

She felt betrayed and horrified. How could they possibly think that she was a spy? Why would Sylvarant even have a different calendar anyway? "W-what? No, I—"

"Sonic Thrust!"

No one ever heard from her again...

A/N: Oh you'd better believe I'm going to do more of these.