Paul's POV
I stood near the back of the line in a butt ugly blue robe. I was standing between Dan Vincetto and Hilary White in alphabetical order.
The buzz in the air was unmistakable.
My sight set on to the stage to where the principal was handing out certificates, Jared caught my eye and I turned my head to him and almost laughed at what a douche he looked like in that ugly cap.
We were all matching in the fugly graduation attire.
Jared stood on his toes- though there was no need since he was taller than the students and teachers in the cramped hall we were all tightly shoved in.
He waved to someone on stage- to Kim. She smiled shyly at him and wiggled her fingers subtly. He beamed when he noticed a piece of paper- a cue card, in her tight grip.
The Valedictory speech.
When Jared found out that Kim was Valedictorian he almost burst with pride.
I remember walking up and down the street with him, talking to random strangers, boasting how his girlfriend is the smartest person in the world.
I also remember punching him in the face because he was wrong- so wrong.
Jared moved back an inch, revealing the only person in the entire hall that could wear a blue robe and matching cap and still look hot as hell.
She had her eyes to the audience, her gaze flicking to the rest of the pack that sat at the front who would cheer their asses off when someone they knew would get called on stage.
I saw her family in the middle of the stands, her mum sitting next to mine while they both handed each other tissues for their teary eyes.
Even Mandy and Carly were sitting next to eachother, big smiles on their faces while they chatted aimlessly.
Over the past year our families have gotten close, Emily and Sam have gotten married, Jacob imprinted on Vampire girl's daughter, the packs have split up, the packs have reunited back together, Brady imprinted on Collin's cousin, everyone's a year older and Nicky and I have been an official couple.
"Nicole Summers," The principal announced, breaking out of my reverie. I whipped my head to the stage where Nicky gracefully walked up the steps.
The crowd roared with excitment as she accepted her diploma. I clapped and cheered with the rest of the pack who were giving her a standing ovation.
But when her stunning eyes flickered over to me I froze.
I swear, I am the luckiest man to ever live.
She winked at me once before hopping into the group of graduated students, making my heart jump.
"Jared Thail," Was next. I distinctly heard everyone of the packs voice, even from the five new kids that had phased in last three months.
I cheered for him but my attention was souly focused on Nicky. A beam was on her face and she was looking right back at me, her eyes sparkling with delight.
I don't know how long I was standing there watching her but someone tried to roughly push me, I turned around and snarled at Dan.
"Whoa dude, relax. They just called your name," He had his arms up in a surrender kind of way, nudging his head towards the stage.
The crowd went ballistic. And a tiny smirk appeared on my face.
"Congratulations, Paul," The principal said, handing me the rolled up paper.
I held it up high above my head for the crowd to see before jogging backwards to the spot next to Nicky.
I didn't care that we were on stage while everyone was looking, I didn't care that it was probably very innapropriate and all of the teachers that had tried to teach me something over the years were watching, but I grabbed onto Nicky's face, dropping my diploma as I crashed my lips to hers.
Giggles and more cheers arupted and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.
Even a few wolf whistles were heard. I wonder what group of friends that came from.
She pulled away, her cheeks flushed a little her lips covered with a bit of my saliva.
She looked stunning.
"Congratulations Paul," She whispered. She pecked me once more before bending down to pick up what was dropped from our hands.
Before I knew it my fist collided with Stan Calf as he checked out MY imprints ass.
It then created a ruckus. People were carrying on and gathered in a circle around an unconscious Stan.
Stan's a stupid name anyways.
"PAUL WALKER!" The principal announced over the speakers.
I could feel Sam's disapointment on me as he dragged me away by my shoulders.
But I swear- swear on my life, I saw Nicky smiling, shaking her head as I was shoved down the steps into the back double doors.
Almost like she was amused by me. My face broke out into a dorky smile.
"Paul!" Sam yelled, demanding my attention.
"Yes?" I asked sheepishly, trying to get the corner of my lips into a straight line.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. I caught the glimpse of his wedding ring shine from the lost sunlight that covered us.
Seeing that made my pocket almost burn. I became very aware to what was hidden in there now.
"Can you go one day without hitting someone?" He asked exasperatedly.
"Well if they didn't look at my girlfriend's ass," I retorded in an instant. My fists were were clentched tightly by my sides. All traces of a smile on my face was gone.
"It's your Graduation Day, just ignore everyone else. You get to spend the rest of your life with Nicky- other boys don't get that chance," He said as if that would suddenly solve everything.
"And they never will," I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.
"She's mine. And everything on her, including her ass, is mine too. I don't like other people touching my stuff," I cut him off.
"God, Paul. You're so possessive. She's not a piece of meat," Sam argued.
"I know that... she's so much more," I backtracked, realising what a caveman I must of sounded like.
He sighed once again, covering his face with his hands, "Go," I think I heard him say. His voice was muffled by his palms.
"What?" I was kind of expecting him to order me home or something. Maybe even do double patrols?
"Go! It's your last day of being a student at the school. Make it last,"
He didn't get to finish that sentence as I bolted through the double doors and into the auditorium.
I saw the disaproving looks from many of my teachers as I snuck back on stage while Kim nervously stood infront of the microphone, making her speech.
Jared was standing intently behind her. His arms were linked together under his chin as he mouthed every word coming from Kim's mouth.
"I've become someone, I know who I am now..." Kim went on.
I looked around at the spot where Stan once was. He was now sitting on a chair with an icebag, glumly, pressed against his cheek. He glared in my direction but I took no notice.
"I've not only learned so much, but I have found myself. The people I love are all here, friends... family. Even teachers. I wouldn't be here without them," Kim's voice was in the background as Nicky waved me over to the spot beside her.
I walked over, making sure I gained no attention. Jared would kill me if I ruined Kim's moment.
As I stood beside her I felt her hand clutch mine. I looked down at Nicky to see a small smile on her lips.
"We did it," She whispered.
I could only nod. she made me speechless, and she barely had to try. My heart was pounding as my pocket seemed to weigh a tone.
After the ceremony I was surrounded by the pack. I literally had to push them over to get through.
I saw a glimpse of the purple dress Nicky wore under her blue robe, through the swinging doors that led outside.
I saw the rain pouring from the window, a gasp broke from my throat as I rushed through the emotional crowd of people.
I could just see a few sprinkles of rain as they touched Nicky's skin, making me move frantically faster.
"NICKY!" I called out.
What was she thinking?
She stood there, still as ever and watched the sky as the grey clouds roared, angry thunder.
I pushed the doors open, barging my way out to where she was standing alone.
"Paul?" She asked turning around.
"Nicky! What are you thinking? It's raining out here," I said standing infront of her.
She gave me 'the look' the one she normally gives me when she thinks I'm over reacting.
"You could get a cold," I shrugged off my robe and gently wrapped it around her shoulders.
She rolled her eyes as if she was annoyed but her smile told me otherwise.
"You shouldn't worry too much," She said.
I scoffed, "Then don't make me worried," I wrapped my arms around her, officially glad that her mermaid days were over.
Not that her in mermaid form wasn't breath-taking but I like being able to keep her warm when it's raining and not worry about keeping her from water.
We don't really know why she doesn't transform anymore.
Maybe it was something to do with the big secret?
Ah well, I couldn't care less anyways.
"What are you doing out here?" I breathed in her ear. I watched as goosebumps appeared on her neck.
"Watching the rain," She said quietly as I nuzzled her neck, "What are you doing out here?" She turned her head to look at me.
"Watching you," I said without hesitation.
She smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss. I held her head between my hands gently as I kept her closer.
My lips moved with hers and her fingers clasped into my hair.
"I love you," She mumbled against my lips.
I think she could feel the smile spread across my lips while they were still attached to hers.
"I love you more," I finished.
I couldn't be happier.
'I know what I want to be now," I remember Kim saying in her speech. As I looked at my Nicky's eyes as we seperated I knew exactly what I wanted to be now.
I want to be Nicky's. Forever.
My hand found it's way into the back pocket of my jeans where I clutched the velvet box that has been burning a hole, just waiting to be presented to my girl.
I didn't care if I was possessive, as long as she'll have me.
'Cause today was the day I would make her mine. And mine alone.
{Thank you to all my amazing readers who have stuck by throughout the story! This would not be finished without you!}