The 5th family
Chapter 1: Finding out
11/2019 AN: I'm reposting all the chapters for this story so far. I took all but chapter 1 down to ffn being mirrored on different sites that sold adds and were making money off of our stories. That stopped a while ago and I went through another major edit on this story.
I toned down the sex scenes (except the first time for Bella). I've changed some small things and added some.
These disclaimers are for the whole story and will only be posted here in this first chapter.
Disclaimer: The Twilight Saga & all associated characters are the copyrighted creation & property of Stephenie Meyer. The Covenant movie was written by J.S. Cardone.
Any other publicly recognized characters, brands, quotes or "catch phrases" are the sole trademarked &/or copyrighted property of their respective creators. No copyright or trademark infringement is purposely intended with this story. The plot & any original characters of this story are the property of kim67255. This work may not be reposted, reproduced, or translated into another language without the author's permission. This disclaimer will only appear once throughout this fic.
Additional disclosure. I will mention other authors and books. I take no credit whatsoever for them. I'm just showing what I like and read. I make no money mentioning these books or authors. They are all protected by copyright laws. No infringement intended.
AN I own nothing. Just my plot. This is for over 18 due to language and sex.
The Twilight part: Everything happens the same as in the 1st book just a year earlier. Bella is 16 when she moves to Forks. She never tells anyone she can do things with her mind and has since she was 5. That was when she started to get 'the power.' Bella knew she was different, she just didn't know how different.
"The Covenant" characters, they are all 17 it will be at least 6 months before Caleb 'ascends.' There is no Chase or Sarah.
More story set up
Edward leaves after her birthday party when she turns 17. Bella is a zombie for several weeks. Then, she snaps out of it. She started researching her family genealogy online and found out that generations ago the men in her family, were witches. Now things start to make sense. She has always felt like she didn't belong with normal people, that is why the Cullens' and the wolves never scared her. It's also the reason why she was so good with weird.
The story starts on a Friday. Charlie is home early from work.
Bella talked to her dad about the family history. He told her about the old family stories and the witch trials. But, he didn't really believe any of it.
"Why are you interested?" Charlie asked.
"I just wanted a project and got interested in the family history. I need a change and I thought it would be good to go back to our family's roots, which is in Ipswich Mass. I looked through some of the boxes in the attic. I found information about the town our ancestors came from. I didn't go through everything because there are a lot of boxes up there."
"I need a change to get away from the memories of them. There is a very good private school there. I contacted them and sent them my school records. I was accepted and I'm getting a full academic scholarship. It will cover the rest of my junior year and my senior year as well. It will include, tuition, of course, then room and board, as well as a small monthly allowance. I have had them checked out by Miss Evans the school counselor here. She says they have a very good reputation. She has heard of the school and was impressed that I wanted to go there."
"Bells are you sure you want to do this. You know I'm going to miss you like crazy."
"Yes, dad I know but, you know how unhappy I've been. I know I'm dragging you down too. I don't want that for you. We both need to get on with our lives and start living. Don't you think?
"I guess you're right. So, do you need anything from me?"
"Well, we need to contact the lawyer in Ipswich that has been taking care of all the family finances and properties. It sounds like the family was very rich. There are a bunch of properties the family owns. We are the last of the line, so from what I understand we own all of it. I would like to make some calls and claim it if possible."
"Ok sounds good. Just let me know."
"Good. Thank you dad."
I go up to my room and look online and at all of the notes I have made. I find the lawyer's name and call him.
"Hello, office of Scott Simms Attorney at Law. This is Jenny how may I help you?"
"Hello, may I speak to Mr. Simms please. My name is Bella Swan. He doesn't know me, but I believe he is handling my families' estate. My father and I are the last of the Putnams'."
"Of course, Miss Swan. One moment please."
I'm put on hold for a few minutes then a male voice comes on the line.
"Hello Miss Swan, I am Scott Simms, but please call me Scott."
"Thank you, Scott. Did Jenny explain the situation to you?"
"Yes, she did. I have some questions for you though if that's ok?"
"Of course, I can guess your first one. Why am I contacting you now? When everyone in Ipswich thought our family died out. Am I correct?"
"Well yes."
"I just decided to check my genealogy online. I started to track my dad's side of the family. It showed John Putnam was his great, great whatever, grandfather. From the research I did, I found out that we are one of the founding families. It turns out when John Putnam fled Ipswich, he remarried and changed his last name to his wife's name, Swan."
"Then it talked about the witch trials. Also, we have all kinds of boxes up in the attic with all kinds of family papers including a family tree. I believe we are descendants of the 'John Putnam'. I also checked into Spencer Academy. They have accepted me. I will attend for the rest of my junior year, and all of my senior year. I was granted an academic scholarship. I was wondering what paperwork you would need from me and my dad?"
"Well, I would need to see all the papers you say you have. I need proof of who you and your dad are. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, family trees. Whatever you can get for me. It sounds like you have that already. I just need to see it all. I can fly out to where you are if you like. I'm free this weekend. I will also bring everything I have on the family holdings if I'm convinced that you and your dad are indeed Putnams. Then we will go over the property deeds, and bank accounts. I will also bring the paperwork to start putting things in your dad's name as well as yours." Scott said.
"That would be great. We have boxes of papers going all the way back to the witch trials. As I've said. I will get them all down from the attic."
"Ok good. Give me your address and phone number and I will let you know when I can get there."
I do give him the information. Then hang up. I go downstairs to dad and tell him everything.
I fix dinner and we eat. Charlie notices that I am happier now then I have been in weeks and is hoping for the best.
Maybe a change will be good for her. Charlie thinks to himself.
3rd Person POV
They finish eating, Charlie goes back to whatever game he was watching, and Bella washes the dishes and puts the leftovers away. She didn't even hear the phone ring until she turned the water off and heard her dad talking.
"..that would work for me. I'm looking forward to it too. I know Bella is very excited. Ok, thanks for coming out so quickly. We will see you tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want one of us to pick you up? Sure ok, I understand. Again, thank you. Bye."
"Dad was that Mr. Simms already?"
"Yes, hon he was able to book a flight right away. He will be here in the morning, flying into Port Angeles. He will get a rental car and drive from there. He is planning on staying until Sunday. It sounded like he was just as excited about meeting us, as you are to meet him." Charlie said.
"That's good. We should bring down all of the boxes I found in the attic, with the family documents."
"That's a good idea. Why don't you go on up and I will be there in a minute? We can spread it out on the dining room table." Said Charlie.
"Sounds good dad."
I go up to the attic and start looking at the boxes again. I push the ones I've looked through to the opening for dad. There is one box of marriage licenses and birth certificates. Then I spot a box of diaries that I found before. Then I start going through stacks of boxes moving them around. Thank god someone was nice enough to label them. The big question is, are they labeled correctly. I start looking in the first box, and to my astonishment I find more diaries. I move that box and continue.
I find 5 more boxes with diaries and move them to the trap door. I look through more boxes and find more family papers. Deeds to properties. I can't wait for Scott to come. I'm sure he knows more about the town history than what I have found on the internet.
I hear dad calling from below. I go to the opening of the attic.
"Bells are you ready?"
"My question is, are you? I have found at least 10 boxes. Half of them are old diaries. I can't wait to sort them out and read them."
"Ok. Well start handing them over and I will stack them on the table. It's a good thing we never use it." I laugh.
"Yes, it is a good thing. We will be filling it up." Charlie said laughing.
I start handing him boxes. I hear him walk back to the dining room then he comes back. We do this for a while.
"Dad that's it for now. But there are more boxes for me to go through. If you want to, rest for now. I will call you when I need you."
"Ok Bells will do." He said.
I hear him walk away and I continue the quest for my family's past. It took me another hour to go through the rest of the boxes, most are old family stuff. Very few were dad's or Renee's. There was only 1 box of old baby clothes. That kind of surprised me.
I pushed the rest of the boxes by the opening and called dad. I had him just put them in the hall since I was done and wanted to get out of the hot, musty smelling attic. When all the boxes were down, dad helped me down the stairs. He then pulled the steps up then closed and secured the door.
We started to carry the boxes to the dining room. It was only 8 pm so I decided I wanted to start sorting through things. I think dad was a bit excited too.
"What can I do to help Bells? You have me interested now." He chuckled.
"That's good dad. How about you go through the boxes of family papers. There should be marriage licenses and birth certificates in those. Can you sort them out by date? The oldest on top. I will sort out these diaries. There are more boxes of them than of the papers."
"Dad I need to tell you something and I'm afraid you'll be mad when I tell you."
"I promise I won't honey. You know I love you no matter what."
"Ok, here it goes... those family stories you told me. Well, they aren't just stories. Do you remember when mom told you about strange things happening around me when I was younger? Like moving my toys around?"
"Yes, I do. I thought she was just making it up. Bells honey are you trying to tell me you're a witch and have..." He puts air quotes up 'the power'.
"Yes, dad I am. There are things I can do but never told anyone about it. I always felt different. You and mom both say that I was born middle-aged. I know from the Cullens' that my mind works differently from others. What about you and your fishing? Do you honestly think it's just luck that you catch something every, single, time, you go out? Have you taken a look at the freezer in the garage? There has to be enough in there to feed all of Forks for 2 years."
"Huh, I guess I have never thought about it. Now that you mention it, I have gotten out of situations I shouldn't have. Like car crashes that I should have been hurt in and wasn't. I was always exhausted afterward too. I just thought it was the panic or rush wearing off. You know hon there might be something to this. I would like to read some of those older diaries to see why they moved here. I would also love to see if there is anything written during those witch trials."
I nod my head. We start going through the boxes and start making piles on the big table. It took a while, but we emptied the boxes and stacked them up in the corner. We start reading. Dad goes through the family papers, deeds to properties, stock and bond certificates.
I find the oldest diary and start reading. I found it fascinating, luck was on my side and it starts out when John Putnam ascends. He talks about the power he felt and the more he used his magic the more powerful he felt. He goes on about meeting his wife and then the trials. They didn't have any living children. His wife miscarried, or they were stillborn. His wife died during the birth of his last child. The child also died, it was a girl.
He was so power hungry. It talks about how he invested his money and bought up properties. He talked about how he never felt like he was rich enough. He also talks about how he was banished.
He did take some of his wealth with him. He decided to change his last name and try to live a normal life. He found a good woman, Sarah and she changed him in lots of ways. He was no longer money hungry. She was his whole life. She wanted to give him children but miscarried often. She was finally able to get pregnant and gave birth to their only child, a son named Samuel. He wanted a better life for his son, so he did tell him about the power. He explained what happens when it's used too much. That it should only be used to save your life or one you love.
The family moved to Forks in 1720. Sam was still young and so was the town. The family loved it so much, no one ever bothered them. They liked the feel of the small town. They stayed this whole time.
I must have read a box full of diaries at that point. The next set of diaries were Sam's. They talk about the stories his dad told him and what to expect when he got his power.
diary excerpt
Father told me to start to write down my thoughts and any odd things that happen. I'm in my 13th year and things do seem different with me. I feel more confident and powerful. It's a bit scary after the stories father has told me.
I am out walking in the woods. I love it out here, the smells and sounds. I hear an animal coming close but am not frightened of it. It walks up to me. It's a large wolf. It looks me in the eyes almost trying to talk to me. Then I feel something strange and my point of view is different. I look at my hands and they were replaced by paws. Strange yes. I felt like I was expecting it though. Then suddenly, I hear a voice in my head.
"Young one what is your name? How is it you change into one of us?"
"I am called Samuel and I am a witch just getting a portion of my power. I guess this is part of my power. What are you called?"
"I am Taha Aki, my people are protectors of our tribe. We protect them from the cold ones."
"Oh, I understand. I will not harm any of you. I live in the village of Forks. I just like to walk in the woods. I promise I am not a danger to you or your people."
"For some reason I believe you." He walks away, then I hear him run. I think human and change to my normal form. Oh, I have no clothes on. I better get home..."
end of diary excerpt
"Wow, that is interesting." I said out loud.
"What is it Bells?" Dad asked.
"Oh, I better just let you read it. I finished the first twenty or so diaries. They are very interesting. It may explain more to you then you expect." I hand him the books.
"Oh ok. Bella, I have sorted out all the papers and the oldest marriage license is John to Sarah and that shows the Swan name. There are also deeds to a lot of properties, power of attorney and other legal papers."
"Ok dad. I will take a quick look at them."
I do. The family has 25 properties. The legal forms show a power of attorney (or the equivalent for that time) so John's lawyer or solicitor can pay taxes against the bank accounts he had. It also gave him permission to sell or buy stock as he saw fit. There was also a will. I can't wait to see if any of this still belongs to the family. To see if there is any money left.
I go back to the diaries. They are from each of the males in the family. They talk about how they met their wives and about their children. Strange they only had one boy each. I thought to myself.
"Bells what was that?" Dad asked.
"I'm almost through all of the diaries and it looks like the men in your family only have one surviving son in each. None ever had a daughter until you. That's weird huh?"
"That is a bit strange. We should finish up here and get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow will be an exciting and long day." Dad said.
"Ok dad I just have a few more, they are grandpa's."
I finished reading and it talked about his power, then about when he was dying he willed it to dad. Huh. I bet he doesn't even know that was done. I say in my head. I hand them to dad.
"Dad these are the last ones. I think you will be surprised at what they say. I'm exhausted and going to collapse into bed. There is only one huge book left on the table. I'll look at it in the morning. Goodnight dad."
"Good night my darling daughter." He kisses me on the forehead, like usual. I go up the stairs to the bathroom after grabbing my shower stuff. I take a quick shower getting the attic grime off of me. Then brush my teeth. By the time I get to my bedroom the living room light is off and I hear dad snoring. He must have gone to bed right after me.
I get deep under my covers and think about everything that I have read. Each generation of males in the Swan family had a different power. One was a shapeshifter but can change into any kind of animal they wanted too. Then there was one that could move things like I can. Then one that could read minds. That person was my grandpa.
I miss him. I remember him a bit. He always smelled so good. Gran used to bake all the time. Even in the end they loved each other so much. It was strange seeing them still pat each other on the butt at their age (they died when they were both 92). They were so cute together. They argued but it was almost like it was for fun. Grams always yelled at grandpa for throwing away the mail before she could look at it. She saved everything.
They were good together. Suddenly, I see a figure. It looks like an older version of dad or a younger version of grandpa.
"My Bella, look at how beautiful you turned out. You look so much like your grandma. Such a big heart you have. The one that left you never deserved you. Don't be sad anymore, it's hurting your dad. I'm happy you found out the big secret. It turns out you're good at finding secrets, aren't you?"
"Grandpa is that really you?"
"Yes, my lovely Belle. I am so proud of you. You snapped out of your depression and put all of your efforts into something worthwhile. You and your dad needed to learn our family history and take it all in. Things will only get better for you both. The book you didn't get to read will have a lot of information for you. Please make sure you read every page. Also, know that Scott, the attorney that is coming in the morning, knows the secret. He is one of the 4 families. His son along with his 3 friends have 'the power'.
They will be able to help you understand it. Also, like you did with the Cullens' you will make a big difference in their lives, as well as their families. I look forward to seeing what happens now. Remember to trust your instincts, they have always been right. Also, trust your dad. He may be moving with you. Now my Belle please get some sleep. Remember what I have told you and you will be fine."
That was it. I must have fallen into a deeper sleep. No bad dreams no waking up screaming. It was nice for once.
Please review good or bad. This is my first story. Tell me honestly what you think. I plan to continue no matter what. I have no idea where it is going. Things may change as I get more into my story. Please keep in mind that this is FICTION. I'm taking huge liberties with the plot and characters. If you don't like it stop reading. I look forward to reading your comments.
Edited November 2019