Kid was convinced that Soul and Black*Star were on some kind of drug. That was the only way to explain why they had him blindfolded, tied up, and kneeling in the center of a candle circle. However, the weirdest thing was that they were changing while pouring lemon juice on him. He, vaguely, wondered if this was some weird ritual normal people did.
He was snapped out of his wandering thoughts when Black*Star suddenly broke of the chanting. "Dear Holy Gods of Lemons, take this sacrificial virgin into your arms as an offering of peace and love from your humble servants!"
Before Kid could protest the sacrificial part, something kind of cold and very wet was squished onto his head as Soul and Black*Star began whooping and laughing. Thankfully, they decided to release Kid from his bindings when they caught their breath.
"Look Kid," Soul wheezed, "We did it symmetrically, just for you." Kid did as he was told and noticed that yes, the candles were evenly spaced and everything was nice and neat. Kid, however, suddenly realized he was covered unevenly in lemon juice and started to scream anyways.
"Told you he wouldn't care. Now, since the ritual is done, pass the Dr. Pepper." Soul handed the Dr. Pepper bottle to Black*Star who was holding half a lemon peel. He poured the Dr. Pepper in the peel and began to drink it. "Love this stuff."
Soul hummed in agreement, watching Kid in amusement as he finished digging the pulp out of lemon half. He sprinkled salt on it before eating it. He, then, followed Black*Star in pouring and drinking Dr. Pepper from the empty peel.
AN: So one time, my sister and her friend tied me up…and sacrificed me to the lemon gods. Also, drinking Dr. Pepper or any soda, out of a lemon peel is amazing. It doesn't make it lemony, it just makes it a hint tangier. Salt on lemons is good too. I love lemons.
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