Family Syndicate
Chapter 1: Our Sincerest Condolences
Couple: Akuroku + others
Warnings: Language and Other hot shit later lol
I've never given much thought to what would happen to me if my parents died… why would I? It doesn't seem like an interesting and happy topic at all and I'm only 16, I'm way more interested in the new video game that's coming out then what would happen if my parents died.
Apparently, this type of thinking is genetic. My parents obviously didn't dwell on what would happen to me more than 2 seconds, more worried about their jobs and other worldly, human things, which to be honest, I don't blame them for.
But it does open the question of what do I do now…
Because of my parents' total lack of preparation, I've been orphaned with nowhere to go, which the first part sounds back enough, but… I try not to think about sad stuff for too long. I could cry for hours about my parents' death, but honestly, I'm tired of doing so.
I haven't stopped crying since hearing about it till the funeral. My parents, while never being very open about what they do, had tons of money, which I now inherit at a great and terrible price. They died in a plane crash while on the way to America… why I'm not sure, but I always stop and wonder before reverting back into my teary pathetic self.
Since the accident, I was staying at my best friend's house. Hayner thought it was just like having a brother who couldn't stop crying and tried to make me feel as welcome as possible, like the rest of his family, but sadly, I just… didn't feel the connection. They were a wonderful family, but I knew they could never be mine.
So I didn't let myself get to comfortable, I focused on helping Hayner's mother plan my parents funeral, I invited relatives and I showed up at the funeral, eyes all cried out, in a black suit, ready to burn the bodies of my parents in the Buddhist cremation ceremony they wanted.
I don't know how many of my family members hugged me and told me they were sorry, I'm estimating fifty, but I know I'm rounding low, offering as much comfort they could give, but by the end of the night I was sick of it. Nothing they said could being my parents back and I'm kind of tired of hearing people whisper as they walk away, things like, 'poor dear' and 'where will he go?' becoming too much to handle.
The ceremony began with the priest chanting a sutra and giving them their Buddhist names… I never exactly understood why they did this. Hayner's mom told me it was so they couldn't come back to life if their name was called, but I have a feeling that's bull crap. The rest of the ceremony finished without us having to drop in flowers into the coffins, seeing as how we had them closed since the plane crash took a toll on both of them, and the hearse took them away.
Hayner's mother decided it would be nice to have people over after the funeral, so everyone began the journey to their house while I stayed behind to watch men put my parents' caskets into hearses. I could feel my eyes sting once more and I roughly rubbed my hand over my puffy red eyes. I'm done, no more crying, got that me?
A hand touched my shoulder and I nearly jumped, quickly turning to see who was touching me. I was shocked to find a man in a black suit covered by a black jacket with a fur collar, his eyes focusing on the hearse as mine where. Had this man known my parents? He had short brown hair, falling slightly in his eyes even though it was parted, a scar running across his face, right to left over his nose. His eyes though, frightened me. The blue/gray eyes where small and piercing, and I would hate to be the one they glared at if they were angry.
"You look so much like him." He said in a deep voice that made me shiver. He knew my father, it appeared. I had to wonder how but I had the feeling I didn't want to know. When did I ever want to know what my parents did? By the looks of this shabby looking guy, I had chosen wisely to never get in their business.
"Everyone says that." I say softly. Please don't hurt me!
The man chuckled, letting his hand slip from my shoulder and I felt relief. "I'm not surprised… You're like a mini Cloud… When I heard about… well, I didn't know what I'd do…" He had a polite way of speaking, which made his appearance confusing. "Then I heard he had a kid and well…" He turned to look at me while a smile that was small but still filled me with the warmth any huge smile could bring. "I'm Leon."
"Roxas." I replied, and returned the smile. He wasn't so bad… he was actually nice… "Are you coming to the… well… it's not really a party… the… after wake I guess?" What exactly would you call that?
"I have to." Leon said with a shrug. "Luxord wants me to." He began to walk away without clarifying and I noticed the hearse was pulling away to the crematorium.
I followed him, hoping to find Hayner and his mom quickly. Hopefully, I could get back before everyone got there and could start the work on my parents alter. I have to buy incense tomorrow, but I could at least set up their picture and set some candles.
I found Hayner's mom talking to a blonde man in a kimono. I stopped walking as soon as I saw this, my eyes widening. First Leon, now this strange looking guy? What's going on? Hayner's mom saw me and smiled, waving me over. I swallowed thickly, walking towards them, not exactly sure what to expect.
"Roxas! You have to meet your Uncle! He says he's never gotten the chance to meet you!" She said. When the man turned around I was still stunned. It seemed my eyes were staring back at me, there was no denying the family resemblance. He even had blonde hair, thought short and not nearly as messy as mine or my dad's, and a neatly kept goatee in the same shade, proving it was natural.
"Roxas, look at you! You look so much like you father."
"Thank you… uncle." The words felt weird in my mouth. I've never been told about my uncle before, especially not one who would come to a funeral in a kimono, but I've never met a lot of the people who showed up.
"Uncle Luxord, if you don't mind." He grinned in a way that made me remember Leon's smile. It was just as warm and I was instantly won over. "Now, let's get to this party."
Hayner's mom smiled and led me into the car. I turned to watch my newly found Uncle Luxord walk away into a black car when I remembered Leon was talking about a Luxord needing him to be at Hayner's… Whatever the reason, I just want to get started on that altar…
It seemed everyone who gave their condolences at the funeral forgot and where all over me once they arrived at Hayner's house. My best friend was trying to pull me away from the mourners, hoping to get me with Pence and Olette so they could begin trying to make me smile, but the sea of them seemed to keep dragging me back. I was getting annoyed to say the least, but I guess it was nice they cared, right?
"Think they'll send him to an orphanage?"
Or maybe they just wanted to know what was going to happen to me… I'm sure Hayner's mom is going to want me out of the house soon… this is awful…
"Roxas! There you are."
Luxord was grinning at me, his smile stretching this goatee. He held up a bottle of sake and motioned to a seat by him. I gladly took up his offer, hoping it would stop people from trying to tell me how sorry they were for me. "I take it you father never told you about me did he?" The blonde man said, pouring himself a drink.
I felt bad, but shook my head no mostly because I wouldn't know what to say if I lied.
"Don't worry, I didn't think he would." Luxord laughed, drink his sake in one sip before going for more. "Who are you staying with?"
"Um… They're letting me stay here… but I don't know what's going to happen to me after that." I say, trying not to let the reality of not having an actual place to stay get to me. I was going to end up sleeping on the streets wasn't I?
Luxord's eyes widened greatly, actually putting down the sake. I could feel pity in his stare but something out I didn't get when people heard about my situation. Utter repulsion. I had a feeling I said something wrong and I hurried to fix it.
"But I'm sure I'll find a place! I mean, I was almost hoping a relative would take me in, but I wouldn't want to be a burden. I have the left over money so I'm sure I could find a place to stay and get a job. I suppose I'll have to drop out of school but-"
"Cloud didn't let a will for you or anything?"
"Well, who wants to think about that stuff?" I could tell I was talking quickly, but I didn't want Luxord to snap and start yelling. By the looks of him, I wouldn't be surprised if he did so.
"…Listen, Roxas… How about you stay with me?"
My eyes widened in shock, but Luxord picked up his sake once more and drank it down, pouring more. This was really the first time anyone has offered besides Hayner's mother. I won't lie, I wanted to… I wanted to stay with some real family, even if he wore a kimono to a funeral and drank sake like it was apple juice.
"You don't have to decide right this mind, of course." My uncle said, smiling at my, I'm sure, blank face. "You could stay over for a month or so and see how you like it. Then stay if you want. How about it?"
Was the a word more decisive as yes? Mega yes? Ultra yes? "That would be… amazing… are you sure I won't bother you?"
"For my brother's son? Never." He smiled and tilted his sake glass towards me a little then drunk it with a smile, as if he was toasting to my answer and it made me fell happier then I had since my parents died.
I guess the altar will have to wait for a while. I want a nice place to put it in my new home.
I've never walked into a room, well… into ANYWHERE and had this happen to me… Never in a million years would I had thought it would…
I packed all my things, promised I'd see Hayner around and thanked his mother for the hospitality, and headed down to the address my Uncle Luxord gave me. At first, I saw a huge wall with the words Strife Family Syndicate etched into the gold plate in kanji and slightly questioned the syndicate portion of that, but shook it off.
Then as soon as I walked into the opening in the wall, which was a sealed iron gate, millions of men were waiting for me, bowing as I arrived, and all in unison said, "Welcome home, young master."
… okay… something fishy here.
I stood in shock until I heard laugher and found Leon walking towards me, a brunette boy my age hiding behind the long, fur lined coat he wore. "Roxas, good to see you again." He looked different then the funeral, now in a suit which he felt the need to cover in belts it seemed… His coat was different too, this one had kanji words embroidered threw out it, and I'm pretty sure I could make out the words 'kill' in one of them… "How've ya been?"
His speech seemed to change too. Back at the funeral it was so polite… now he spoke in a strange accent that confused me, but his tone was still the same at least. "Um… Good… and you?"
"Good." He smiled. "Let me introduce you to someone."
The brunette kid behind him stepped in front of the man, a huge grin on his face. The kid seemed to have messier hair then me, which seemed impossible, but it was true. His eyes were similar to mine as well and he wasn't dressed in a suit or a long coat which, for some reason, made me feel a little better.
"This is your cousin, Sora."
Sora walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug as if we've known each other for years and weren't just meeting now. "Hey, cuz!" He said in an accent much like Leon's. "Let me help ya!"
My cousin reached over and grabbed one of my bags, hulling it in to the huge place while the gate shut behind me. Sora walked down the aisle the bowing men created for me and I hesitantly followed him, Leon leading us into a large house behind all the men. I got a pretty good luck at them, finding a lot of them had tattoos and long coats much like Leon's. As I got to the big house behind the man they stood and looked at me with faces of indifference and it suddenly occurred to me what was going on.
I was in the in the house hold of Yakuza…
Neeeeeeeeeew !
So yeah, in case you don't know what Yakuza is, it's basically the Japanese Mafia lol So yeah...
I shall have Riku and Axel in the next chapter =3
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