"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod…." Edward was hyperventilating.

"Here we go again." I mumbled, lying next to him.

"How are you not freaking out right now!" He exclaimed.

I shrugged, "I had a good time. Emmett would be proud."

He looked horrified, "Oh my God I have to tell him."

I sat up quickly, "Oh no you don't."

"I'm his best friend." He argued.

"And I'm his baby sister." I tried reasoning, "He'll not only murder you, but he'll murder me for ruining his friendship with you."

"I have to tell him." He said again.

I sighed, "Okay so maybe you should have told him when you didn't know who I was, but having sex with me again? Right after Emmett introduced me as his little sister? Do you have a death wish?"

He slapped his forehead and groaned. "I'm fucked."

"Literally." I said.

He glared daggers.

"Oh come on!" I whined, "That was a good one!"

Bella decided to go back to her hotel to get ready for tonight. She flipped a bitch when I tried to bring her saying 'I don't need a man to take care of me!'. She was going to be a difficult one.

I lay back in bed thinking, but all I could do was smell her in my sheets. I shook my head trying to get the image of her face out of there.

I thought about her quick mouth and her short temper. I laughed to myself, any normal guy would run far, far away, but I couldn't help it.

The sex was great, it couldn't get any better, but there was just something about her that never failed to draw me in.

The girl was crazy for sure, but she was unique.

Dude I'm fucked.

"Rose you'll hate my brother." I said.

"Oh great," She said sarcastically. "I can't wait to meet him."

"Just try and be nice, okay?" I pleaded.

"Bella," She scoffed, "I am the queen of nice."

"Uh huh." I said, "Sure."

We were on our way to the club. I decided not to tell Rosalie about Edward. She knew I hooked up with someone last night but I told her it was the bartender. I didn't want to complicate things even more by having more people know.

Besides, she was already worried about me as it is.

"You look beautiful." Emmett kissed me on the cheek as soon as we met up with them.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I was wearing a black, halter top dress that hugged every curve. I decided to leave my hair down, and tame my curls a little better. The stilettos I wore were dangerous to anyone in a five feet radius, but they looked good.

"Emmett," I gestured to Rose. "I want you to meet Rosalie."

"Hi." She smiled.

I could see that he was instantly smitten. I knew that would happen, Rose was a beauty.

What I didn't expect was that Rose was blushing. There was no way in hell she could like a guy like Emmett!

He was good looking I guess, but Emmett was Emmett.

"Umm…" Feeling awkward, "Maybe I should…"

I left the two lovebirds at it and went to find a drink.

"I'll have a Blue Moon, no orange!" I called out to the bartender.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A voice said in my ear.

"Put it on this guy's tab." I said as the bartender handed me my beer.

I tried walking away, but not before the asshole grabbed my arm.

"Hey the least you could do was give me your number." He squeezed.

"The least I can do is kick you in the balls if you don't let me go!" I screamed.

I pulled away and managed to spill my beer all over this asshole. I couldn't help it, I laughed.

"Bitch." He shoved me into the wall.

"Hey!" Turns out the wall was Edward.

"What are you going to do about it pretty boy?" Tough man asked.

What Edward did next, shocked me, and turned me on a little.

He grabbed the guy by his collar and said something to him, I didn't hear, the music was too loud, but I could tell it was a threat. One that Edward would follow through on considering the look on the guys face.

"Next time you'll be more of a gentleman." Edward said pushing him away.

The man scrambled off into the crowd and I was left gawking at Edward.

"What?" He asked.

"That was incredibly sexy." I told him.

He blushed and I couldn't help sidling up closer to him.

"What if Emmett sees?" He backed away.

"Emmett is off in his own little world." I prowled. "And now your all left to me."

He kept looking behind me, probably to see if Emmett was around, but all I could do was touch him. Everywhere.

I raked my hands down his chest, feeling his chiseled muscles beneath his shirt, and I couldn't stop pressing our bodies together. We could have been naked for the full we had.

I nibbled on his neck, loving the scent of him.

"Bella." He groaned.

"Let's get out of here." I gazed into his hungry eyes.

He nodded as I led him out of the club and into a waiting taxi.