Apologies for the late update my readers. I had been very busy and was unable to write for a few months. But, not to worry, more chapter is coming and don't forget to dropped down awesome reviews.

Sorry for the grammar readers, and thanks for all your wonderful reviews, I appreciate them and I'm trying my best here to improve. ;)

I do not own 'Harry Potter'.

Chapter 3

Le Dress

Lying on his green silk sheeted, expensive king sized bed, Draco Malfoy had his first insomnia and it was all Hermione Granger's fault. He couldn't believe he was rejected by the one and only the prudest…and currently the hottest girl in school. True, her face was very pretty and he'd noticed that, even before her huge transformation, especially her pair of big brown Bambi eyes, which he had been secretly infatuated with, ever since the first time he laid eyes on her. He tried his best to hate those inhumanly beautiful eyes, just because she's one of Potty's best friends and by how she had been annoyingly smart in every class except Physical Education. Oh, he hated the way she'd always raise her hand and correctly answered every question the teacher gave. He hated it when she congratulates Potter for winning his game. He hated her for being smarter than him. Talking about hating, insulting her had been a blast and fun, not to mention, it was his best chance looking into her pretty eyes. Well, damn the beaver, now he's so turned on by her sexy display.

It was her super short skirt, which Draco accused for giving him the picture of her firm buttocks and God, those tight top. It was a fucking t-shirt, and Draco blamed the t-shirt for being too tight, which showed her curves and her nice average sized chest. And, what about those red high heels? Well, what the hell, they all look hot on her with the addition of her latest hair style and not that bushy old one, she looked delicious.

Draco growled angrily as he frustratingly kicking his blanket on his bed until it fell on his carpeted room floor followed by his pillow. "Stupid Granger…" he hissed.

Come on… how could she be so blind? This is Draco Malfoy we were talking about. Draco Malfoy was filthy rich, his father was one of the richest man in the country, living in the biggest mansion in the area and Draco owned himself three cars, wore expensive attire to school everyday, for addition, he's one of the most good looking guy in school, except he wasn't as masculine as Ronald the Weasel was, not a football and basketball champion like Potty and McLaggen were, and not the smartest person in school either, well, at least he's the smartest guy in school. Shame on Granger. Shame. Shame. Shame. Hermione Granger was officially branded as the first female who dared to embarrass Draco Malfoy, in front of the whole school and she is going to pay for messing with Draco Malfoy the unstoppable.

Hermione woke up this morning with a smile on her face. She felt like she was the happiest girl in the whole world after her big transformation the day before.

As she made her way towards her bathroom, she danced and hummed the 'Syalala' song expressing her happiness. This is by far the happiest day of her life and not even her favorite romance novel could make her this happy.

The first thing she did as she got into her bathroom was examining and admiring herself in the mirror. She grinned at herself in the mirror as she noticed how her hair had become a bit messier than yesterday from after wake, she looked incredibly sexy with it. "Hello pretty lady…" she flirted with her own reflection and giggled to herself. Still with a huge grin on her face, she started stripping off her blue teddy bear print pajamas and stepped into the shower as she continue to sing.

She decided on a flowery summer dress today. Never in her life, had she ever worn such dress and she had to admit, she looked amazing in it, just like what the shop keeper had told her, on the day she bought it. The straps of her dress were tied up at the back of her neck and her dress itself was pretty classy and elegant.

Picking up her new school bag, she ran downstairs for breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Granger, who had been away for a week until last night was surprised and gasp in disbelief as they saw her daughter's appearance.

"Morning Mom, Dad!" she squealed as she excitedly ran towards her parents, giving them hugs and kisses.

"Wow honey! You looked so pretty!" Mrs. Granger said, cupping her daughter's face with her hands, "I can't believe you finally give in to my advice." She continued.

"Amazing! You looked beautiful. Don't tell me this is just a one day business." Mr. Granger added.

"I can assure you, this is no one day business." Hermione smiled.

Mr. Granger's face filled with question, what's with her daughter, being suddenly happiness, "So, what's with the sudden change of mind and the new style? Crush? Boyfriend?" he looked at her suspiciously, eager for answer so as his wife.

"Oh dad… I just need a change. I'm bored with the old me and I should have listen to mom's advice sooner." Hermione answered, not completely honest. She doesn't want her parents to worry about her current relationship with Ron and Harry, followed by another reason, which was to avoid being lectured for being stubborn. "And no, there's no crush, no boyfriend."

sighed in relieved, "Good.."

"Sam! How could you?" Mrs. Granger scowled.


"I've been waiting for the day when our dear daughter will finally get herself a boyfriend! How could you said 'good' when there's none."

Hermione rolled her eyes, 'Here we go again…' she said to herself.

"She's too young to have one!" Mr. Granger bickered back.

"Okay Dad, Mom, stop the nonsense. I'm going to be late to school if I stand here any longer. Plus, I'm starving."

"What in Lucifer's name are you looking at Weasel bee?" Draco hissed.

Ron's face grew red as soon as he heard his insulting nick name came out from the school bully's mouth. "I recommend you shut the fuck up and stay away from our Hermione!"

"Our Hermione? By that you mean Potter's and yours? That's pathetic! I thought she's no longer friends of you two pathetic living scum. Pity Weasel, pity, and the same goes to you, Pothead!"

With that Ron raised from his seat and attacked Draco, which made Draco fell from his seat as Ron throw a hard punch to the blonde's right jaw.

"RON!" Harry and Neville pulled their angry red headed friend away from Draco, who was now smirking evilly, wiping his blood away as Blaise helped him up.

"You are sending yourself to detention!" Harry yelled as he and Neville hold on to angry Ron who was trying to free himself from their grip.

"Let go of me Harry! I'll give him another blow!" Ron shouted as he still struggling hard to get out.

"So, it's true what I've heard this morning…" Draco smirked arrogantly, "Now that's a reason to call Granger 'smart'." He finished and began to laugh.

"Bugger off Malfoy! Hermione is too smart for the likes of you and she's also smart enough to not getting laid by you, you filthy little ferret." Harry mortified calmly.


"Hermione…Where did you get that dress?" a female voice asked and it was then, Draco move his sight from Potter to Granger, who has just arrived.

It was the sight of Hermione Granger that silenced Draco in the matter of seconds. That moment, everything around him seemed to go slow and worst of all, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.