A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back again :D. This time I'm going to try a hand at one shots and of course I'm starting with bleach :3. I actually had the pairing of NelxIchigo and some innocent mentions of IchigoxOrihime in my head but I decided to add on extra and throw in some minor NelxGrimmjow in the mix to see how it would be :3. Criticism is highly appreciated but please let it be constructive and not hurtful .. I'm new at this =^.^=

Update: So I have looked on and seen that ppl want me to continue and I shall! :D

Overview: He was never really hers to begin with... Still in her dreams she continued to hold him...

Chapter 2: Aftermath and a feeling

"You must stop this tryst with Ichigo Nel... Out of two things can come from this and neither is a good option."

"Who you tellin'." Closing my eyes, I let Urahara work on me in the gigai.

"You know how much this would kill Orihime if she found out."

I wanted to strangle the man there. "Of course I do and I dont want that to happen." And I barely managed to grit that out in a normal tone. I don't think he realized that I know what's at stake here and I was never a person to play games.

"Then why are you having sex with Ichigo?"

"I don't know." I exhaled. "Shit happens."

"Well it must happen a lot. Is he that good?"

Opening one eye, I was tempted to wipe that smirk off his face. "Keep smirking old man and see if I don't hurt you."

"I'm just saying it must be if you keep going back for more."

That's it. "Why you...!?"

"Lay still, the more you squirm the more it takes to fix you. Ichigo doesn't primarily take it easy on you does he?"

Biting my lip, I knew he meant it in a serious way more than a playful one.

"Damn limiters keep breaking."

"Ah!" Shaking in pain, the amount of spiritual pressure he had to use to set the limiters hurt like hell.

"You sure you don't want to exit the gigai?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright, but let me know if it gets too painful."

Closing my eyes, I felt the next wave of pressure and took it with stride. This pain was nothing compared to the guilt that was eating at my soul.

"All done."

Panting, I was sweating and trembling as I sat up. The process was only two hours but the amount of stuff that had to be done to repair the gigai was a lot. For one, blood was not something that could be easily replicated when attaching a soul to a fake body. So all the marks had to be healed manually. And that's just one of the lighter things that had to be fixed, I will not go into details on the others.

"Are you sure you can stand?"

"Yea." Swinging my legs down, as soon as my feet touched the floor I crumpled down and stayed there. Holding onto the side of the table, I managed to pull myself up but I fell right back down as soon as I got up on my feet.

"Thought so, you're still too weak from me fixing you up. Up you go!"

"Ack!" Clutching Urahara's shirt, I blushed as he carried me easily out in the hallway in front of Tessai.

"Relax, he's seen your gigai before."

"Hmph!" Crossing my arms, it did feel nice to not be handled like some freakin' package. "I know but it still doesn't put me at ease."

"Than how come you trust me?"

"Because I do."

"That's not a good reason."

Smiling, I stole his hat and put it on my head. "I'm a female, lets chalk it up as that." I heard him chuckle and sigh after that.

"Ah, the joys of being a female. Well, here we are."

I was placed on my feet and it took a moment but I was able to stand without my knees shaking. Using my hair to cover me, I stood to the side as Urahara opened the door.

"Oy! Close the door!"

'Oh gods.' Looking in the room, I saw Grimmjow lounging around on the futon. "Hey."

"Nel? What in the hell are you doing naked?"

"Long story but mind taking her Grimmjow?"

"Can't she walk?"

"I think so but I prefer if she didn't."

"Pheh, whatever. Commere."

I was swept up again from the ground and this time jostled like a package. Swatting his arm, I sent him a look for tossing me so roughly.

"Hush up, your fault for being so damn heavy."

"What was that?" Slapping him upside the head, I squealed kind of loud when I thought he was going to drop me.

"Alright, alright, enough you two. Grim stop being so mean and Nel stop abusing him."

"Oh fine."

"Anyway, let me get some sleep. Need to be up early to run the shop."

"Alright get some sleep Urahara." Waving him off, I was carried into the room and covered my ears when the door was shut roughly. "Brute."

"Yea whatever. You okay?"

"Yea, sleepy though." Curling into him, I enjoyed the body heat he radiated off. "Urahara had to repair the gigai again."

"Stop seeing the strawberry and it wouldn't happen."

"Kitty jealous?" I heard a displeased growl from his throat.

"I will drop you this time for real, don't push your luck."

Smirking up at him, it quickly turned into a yawn and my eyes felt heavy. Fighting against sleep, I wanted to talk to Grimmjow a bit more about whatever was on my mind.

"Don't fight it, go to sleep and you can deal with whatever it is in the morning."

"Mmm, okay." I felt something soft, cool, and warm at the same time. You know, besides being a complete jerk and asshole, Grimmjow could be pretty sweet at times. 'Maybe it won't be hard to fall in love with you after all.'

A/N: Okay this was rushed and just came out of no where so I'm sorry if its meh. But I'll try to make it better when my brain decides it wants to work. Have a nice day guys!