A/N: My first Jacob/Edward fic!

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters do not belong to me.


His heavy, labored breaths echoed around the room, creating an eerie symphony in the gloom. Lying on the bed, unable to get comfortable, his body was wrecked with shooting pains and bothersome aches. The young man tossed and turned, clearly exhausted by his limp and slightly hazardous movements. Sweat coated his skin like a second layer, making the flushed flesh shimmer in the faint light. The sheets stuck to him, his clothes clung to his feverish frame. His coppery hair, darkened by sweat, was plastered to his head.

A low moan escaped his lips as he turned yet again, feeling more miserable than he had likely ever felt in his short life. In fact, he felt so terrible that tears burned intensely in his jade eyes while an equally intense burn gripped his lungs. Within a fraction of a second, a coughing spell had taken a hold on his already frail body, robbing him of breath and turning his lips blue from the lack of oxygen. When it finally ceased, the tears had spilled over and it felt ever harder to breathe. The pale boy could feel himself slipping into darkness, one that so far had brought him no relief. For even in unconsciousness, there was no escape from the sickness that had plagued him for so long now. A soft whimper left him as he slipped under. If one had been there and listened close enough, one would've heard a single name from the faint sound. Jake.

He woke to a damp towel being being pressed gently to his burning forehead. "Edward?" a voice asked. A deep timber that he knew so well. Green eyes swept open and gazed blearily up at the one who meant so much to him. Dark brown eyes gazed back at him, concern and lover shimmering brightly. "Jake," he said, lips turning up into a small smile at the sight of his...his...his everything.

"How are you feeling?" The dark haired young man asked as he gently swept aside the darkened copper strands of hair, giving him a better view of the emerald eyes that he so loved.

"Better," Edward smiled, though he ached all over and his lungs burned mercilessly. He was putting on a brave face, however, not wanting to add to Jake's distress at seeing him like this. His valiant effort was destroyed all too soon when another bout of coughing tore through his thin, fragile body. Shaking from the pain, he vaguely felt strong arms gather him close, holding him together. Sagging in exhaustion against Jacob when the agonizing coughs ended, Edward took a deep breath, feeling strangely dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

"No you're not," Jacob whispered, his face tight with distress, his voice strained with hurt. "You don't have to lie, E."

"I'm not lying," Edward murmured, cheek resting on Jacob's broad shoulder, hands clutching the arms that circled him protectively.


"No matter what happens. No matter how bad things are. No matter what the day is, I'm always better when you're here, Jake." The arms that held him close tightened ever so slightly and a deep shudder ran through Jake's body as overwhelming emotions ran through him. Edward tipped his lips up in another soft, dazed smile. He really wasn't lying when he said he was better. Here in the arms of the one that loved him more than anything else in the world, the one that was his best friend and lover, his everything, it was just... better.

Thanks for reading! A review would be nice.