I've been meaning to write something like this, since I got hooked onto Hanna is Not a Boy's Name. But I either keep forgetting, or I stop and lose focus.
This is rather short, but I kinda like it. I especially like the entirety of the dialog.
I'll try something else later.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tessa Stone. The definition is from dictionary(dot)com.
Deathly Denial
Summary: Conrad has a theory about death and vampirism. Hanna just wants to make him feel better.
"Hey, Conrad! Whatcha up to?"
"I'm, ah, looking something up. Hey, Hanna, can I talk to you?"
"Yeah, sure! What's up?"
"Well, it's actually a theory I'm trying to wrap my mind around. I feel like an idiot, but- can I run it past you?"
"Course! Anything ya need, Connie!"
"Please don't call me that. Anyways, I was actually searching the, er, definition of death. It says here that that death is 'the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.' But, I dunno, something seems off. I'm dead, aren't I?"
"Well, yeah."
"But, I'm here, aren't I? I'm talking to you. I need to eat, I can think. I can process ideas, I can create things…. Doesn't that technically defy the definition?"
"Well, I guess. But you're a vampire. Technically, you shouldn't exist."
"But I do exist! So, in some form of the word, I'm not dead!"
"Conrad, I think you're taking the one meaning too literally…"
"I'm not! Look, Hanna- If death means the cessation of the vital organs, then I'm not completely sure if being a vampire is being dead. The fact that I need to eat, that it's not a choice, doesn't that mean that at least one organ is still being used?"
"I… suppose…"
"And if I can think, I'm using my brain. That's another organ!"
"No, no, let me finish. I can hear, I can see, I can feel pain and emotion! All of these functions need organs! In fact, the only organs I don't need are my blood cells, my heart, my lungs, and maybe parts of my digestive system! Everything else works fine! I can't really be dead!"
"….Yeah, Hanna?"
"You don't act dead."
"….Thanks, Hanna."