Addie: Any one getting tired of James being the bad guy in the Wrong. B/GWL fic?


Addie: Well I am and am acting on one of my others thoughts too. I don't own.

Ten Year Lie

James Potter held onto his youngest son tightly, shushing and rocking him to get the poor child to calm down. His wife, Lily, was fussing over a little red head, who cried out loudly. Albus had named the elder Potter twin the Boy Who Lived, but James knew better. He had lied to protect his younger one, to keep Harry out of the spot light. James had also noticed Lily showed favoritism to their eldest son, Sebastian. He would come home at times to find Harry hadn't been changed or bathed. One day he had even come home to find Harry hadn't been fed.

James sighed as Albus came over to him to check on himself and Harry. James had a feeling Albus knew he had lied about what had happened. Lily had eagerly agreed with the lie, singing Sebastian's praises. James hissed out a string of curses that Harry raised a hand to bat his father's face. James giggled and smiled down at his son. "Looks like you get more than my good looks, Bambi," He said. Harry giggled up at him and Albus smiled at the Marauder leader.

"I assume Harry is well?" He asked. "Yes, professor, just a scratch that might scar," he said. Albus stroked his beard and smile as Harry listened intently to James soft hissing. "I would have thought that a curse from Tom, but it seems the Slytherin family is more mysterious than we thought," he said. The poor man before him was tired and shaken. What Albus had thought as true love had turned out wrong and in the end it seemed the red headed muggleborn had broken two young men that Albus cared for deeply.

'We'll just have to see if Severus and James put the past behind them,' he thought then spoke, "Where will you go?" James looked up from his hissing and stared at the Headmaster. Where would he go? James knew the safest place for him and his son was a castle that had been passed down the Potter family for years, but he didn't know what Lily would do. For now, he would wait for her to make a move.

-Kaw, Kaw ten years later Kaw, Kaw-

James and Harry were sitting at their breakfast table in the middle of a large rose garden. It was a warm summer day that the two enjoyed, and James smirked as a large barn owl landed on the table. Harry looked up from his cereal and stared at the creature. James pulled the letter off its leg as two more owls flew onto the table. "Did Uncle Padfoot, and Uncle Moony write us?" Harry asked as he finished his Coco Puffs. James smiled and nodded his head. "Also, I think you'll be pleased to see this."

James handed Harry the letter and he never felt so proud as when Harry's eyes lit up in awe and happiness. "It's my Hogwarts letter!" Harry cried in joy. Harry bounced around the room and James laughed as he did so. "Daddy, can we please go get my stuff please!" the hyper child asked. James chuckled at nodded his head. "Yes, we'll go later today, for now enjoy the morning. It is your eleventh birthday," he told him.

"Can I play with your potions set?" Harry asked. James stared at the child for a full minute before raising an eyebrow. "No in a million years, Bambi," He told him. Harry pouted before running off to play with one of the many garden snakes that roamed the house. It wasn't odd that snakes had taken a liking to their home actually some of the snakes had been there when they moved into the castle. James was actually thankful that the snakes had stayed. They had save him a lot of time when Harry had found his way into trouble.

James sighed and started getting what Harry would need for a bath. House-elves were dolls, but James had preferred to take care of the smaller things himself, though the elves wouldn't let him near the kitchen. Hours later James led Harry through Diagon Alley to get Harry's things and he looked down at the bouncing child. "So where to first?" he asked. Harry looked up at him and a large grin spread over his face. "Potions," he simply said and James sighed. "Can't you just play with mud, sticks and leaves, for a little while longer?"

Harry huffed and pulled his dad to the Apothecary and James let out a large sigh. Not far behind them a man in black robes walked in and spotted the man with messy dark brown hair stooping very a little boy. James felt himself tense up and the man smirked. "Well, well, this is a surprise," the dark silky voice said. "Imagine my surprise to run into the one and only James Potter." James shivered and brought himself to his full high and smiled. "Hello there, Snape, what a surprise indeed," he replied.

Severus Snape raised his eyebrow at the shorter man and noticed something odd. "Where is Lily?" he asked. "I thought she would be with you." Harry whimpered at the mention of his mother and James put his hand on Harry's head. "I can't you really talk about that." He said. "Very well," he said and crouched down a little. "And who might you be?" Harry looked up at his dad who nodded. "I'm Harrison James Potter, sir," he said. "It's nice to meet you." Snape blinked at the politeness of the boy and James snorted slightly.

"Remus told him about manners so many time he can recite an etiquette book backwards," James told him. Snape nodded his head and then noticed the lack of packages around James. "It seems you have only begun," Snape said dully. "Would have rather started with his clothes, but Harry's been looking forward to making potions for so long that I couldn't say no," James said with a sigh. Once again, Snape's eyebrow touched his hairline. A Potter was looking forward to potions?

"I know its weird, right? " James laughed. "He found a potion book, and it started from there." Snape honestly didn't know what to make of the man standing in front of him. It was if the boy he knew in school had completely disappeared. "Parenthood seems to agree with you, Potter," Snape said. James looked up at him and smiled. "It's nice talking to you without trying to hex each other," he said. Snape nodded and Harry pulled his dad over to the counter. James paid for Harry's kit and Snape followed them out the door.

"If you don't mind Potter, I'm quite curious about your son," he said. "If you don't mind I like to accompany you today." James blinked and looked confused. He swore that Snape was up to something, though it had been years since James had thought about pranking, he smiled anyway. "No I don't mind," he told him. Snape nodded his head and followed the two Potters around as they did their shopping. Snape was still trying to figure out why Lily and the Brat-Who-Lived wasn't with them.

James pulled harry into Madam Malkin's and pushed Harry onto the stool. The boy standing next to harry looked over at the small brunette and looked confused. "Are you going to Hogwarts this year?" he asked. Harry nodded his head and the blonde smiled. "That's good," the blonde said. "I heard that Sebastian Potter will be joining us. I want to know more about his twin." Harry looked at him in confusion. Someone wanted to know about him? That had to be a lie, no one, except his dad and uncles, cared about him.

James looked over at the pair and felt his over protectiveness rise up. There was something about that blonde that made James want to hide his son from the world. But he put it down as being silly. "It seems Draco has taken a liking to Harry," Snape said. James jumped them spun around to glare at the taller man. "Would you not do that?" James snapped. Snape smirked and James shivered. "Why should I?" he asked. James turned back around in a huff and crossed his arms.

"Because it's creepy," he said. Snape chuckled lightly and James scowled. It seemed Snape had grown a large backbone. After Harry's robes ware done with James lead the small group out. Upon getting to Olivander's, James stood stiffly. Snape looked at the red headed woman who haunted his dreams the last ten years. She didn't look any different from when he had last seen her.

"James, how nice to see you," She said. "Sebastian, say hello to your father." Without looking at the man, Sebastian said hello, and Snape raised an eyebrow for the hundredth time that day. Where one Potter was polite, the other was snobby and rude. 'If that damn hat puts them in different Houses, please let me get Harry,' He thought. "Hello Sebastian, Lily," James said. "Harry Say hi to your Mum." Harry peaked around Snape's cloak and the potions master blinked. When had the boy gotten there?

"Hi, Mum," He said staring up at her. "Hello, dear," she said. "Are you and Harrison getting his wand?" James nodded his head and Harry ducks further behind Snape as Sebastian glares at him. Snape felt his head spinning. It was like the elder Potter hated his younger twin. More importantly Lily seemed cold and uncaring to the other Potters. What had happened to Lily and James? Wait Since when had Potter been James? It was all beginning to confuse him.

Harry held onto Snape's robes as his brother stepped forward to get his wand. Olivander looked down at Sebastian and smirked. "Well Mister Potter, the world expects great things from you," the wand maker said. "But one must not be tempted by Evil. Ah let's try this one, Ash 12 ½ inches, phoenix feather." Sebastian gave it a wave and the windows broke. Harry whimpered at the smirk on Bastian's face and Olivander snatched the wand back. "Willow 10 inches, Dragons Heart string."

Bastian waved this wand and this time red and gold sparks shot out the tip. "That's it, now for your brother," Olivander said looking at Harry. Large green eyes stared up at the man and he smiled back down. "Hello young one," he said. "Many expect great things of you as well. Let's begin." It seemed like hours had gone by as each wand rejected Harry. He was actually on the verge of tears.

"Haha, Harry's a squib!" Bastian laughed. James glared at his eldest child, and Snape made a mental note to get the Brat in trouble on the first day and give James the notice. "Sebastian, hush," Lily said. Bastian looked rebuked and James sighed. Finally after what seemed like forever, Olivander got an idea and disappear into the back. "Mummy, I want to go," Bastian whined. "After you're brother get his wand, then we can go from Ice cream," told him. "But I want to go now!"

"Here we are, Holly, 11 inches, Phoenix feather," Olivander said. As soon as he took the wand, Harry felt a warmth spread threw him and Olivander smiled. "It seems, Harry we can expect very great things from you," he said. "The wand in your hand is very special, the Phoenix that gave me the feather for your wand gave me just one other feather. Yue, 13 inches, Phoenix feather. The man who owns that wand is who broke up your family."

James' eyes widened for a second and before he narrowed them. Olivander had always been perspective; maybe he figured it out. Seconds after Olivander stop talking, Lily paid for Bastian's wand and stomped out of the store. On the way out, Bastian glared at his twin for taking the attention away from himself. "It seems I have upset her," he said. "Why did you lie that night, James?" Snape looked at James in confusion and James pulled Harry closer to himself.

"To protect my son from what Lily did to Sebastian," he said. "Harry doesn't need to be in the spotlight and have to world watching his every move. It would kill him, or the very least drive him insane." Snape felt the last piece of the puzzle fall into place. On that Hollow's Eve ten years ago James had lied to protect the real Boy-Who-Lived, and some time later Lily and James had gotten a divorce, each of them taking a twin. Where Sebastian grew up to be spoiled rotten, Harry grew up in a loving home with correct discipline.

Snape was sure Lily had taken this to muggle court as well as theirs . James must have lost almost everything but Harry, which was the only saving grace Lily had for not removing Harry from his father. But a new question popped up into his head. Where were these two staying? James would have given up everything for this little boy, it seemed, but Lily would have cleaned him out. Then it hit Snape like a ton of bricks. There had been rumors when they were in school that James family had spanned back further than most families and that the name "Potter" had only appear on all family documents three centuries ago.

If Snape believed the rumors, then James had something that only he could access, and if he also guessed again, only Harry would get what James had kept hidden. James had acted more Slytherin than any Slytherin Snape had ever known. 'Could it be true that the Slytherin Family is still here?' he wondered. He watched as they left before he followed quickly. He wanted to know this new Potter. The man who lied to the world to protect an innocent boy. The man who had shed his Gryffindor skin to reveal a Slytherin.

"Potter, where is it you're staying?" He asked. James looked at Snape and sighed. "You figured it out?" he asked. "Yes." James looked up at the taller man before looking away. "Slytherin Castle," was all he said before leading Harry away. Snape was stunned once again. This was truly something he would have to watch over.

Addie: Okay I'm starting this because there isn't enough Snape x James where James is uke. I can only read so much Sirius x Snape before for my pro RemxSiri side starts yelling at me.

Seto:…Please review.