A bit longer on this one then the last. Yay! Sorry for the wait. For a little there I got distracted by playing Kingdom Hearts. Anyhow...This one is up and going. :)


You know I'm the only one
I can make you come undone
And you'll be part of me
From now until eternity

I'm dressed to kill and you know that I will
We're dancing in the dark with my hands around your heart
Oh, heads will roll and blood will spill
But how can you resist when baby I am dressed to kill

~Dressed to Kill by Cher~


Almost as soon as I stepped out of Alice's room, Emmett was right there waiting for me. A laugh escaped me as I saw the look on his face, like a child waiting to know what he got for Christmas. "Did you choose?"

"I did?"

"Can I know?"

"Not you can't Em. It is going to be a surprise."


"No!" I said looking away, "No you won't know and another thing, no more eyes. I can't stand those puppy eyes."

"But you love me."

"That's not the point. I will not give in on this."

I still wasn't looking at him. There was no doubt that he was still doing that look in case I turned back.

I needed to get away. Not that I would give in if I looked, I just didn't want him trying. I didn't get that chance to leave though. Emmett spun me around and held me against the wall. "Don't walk away mad, please."

I let out a small laugh. He thought I was mad at him. "I'm not mad. Annoyed at myself but not mad at you."

"Really?" he said as if my reaction lifted a weight.

He was just too cute for his own good. I nodded. He leaned in and kissed me all the while wrapping his arms around my waist. Cold to the touch but at the same time it held a warmth that touched my core. When he took the moment to let me breathe, I spoke. "I'm still not telling you. Neither will Alice or Edward, if they know what is good for them."

A laugh sounded from across the house. "Now, since Alice took me right when I got home, I now have homework to do."


Placing my finger over his lips quieted him. "I have to sleep unlike some people, so I need to do it now."

Before he could stop me again, I gave me him a quick kiss and headed to my room.





Prom! Oh yay! Not really. Nothing was bound to go wrong but I just wasn't looking forward to the dancing, especially while still having to wear the cast to keep up appearances. Alice, being the fashion monster she is, decided to lock me in my room to help me get ready. she was not allowing Emmet to see me until we were going to leave. "Emmett will love it." she said placing all her 'tools' on the bed.

"Doesn't he always?" I said with a smile.

"But tonight is special. Senior prom only happens..."

My laugh interrupted her. "Says the girl who has graduated how many times now. I know I'll be going to another one eventually, if nothing happens that is."


"You know I can't live like this forever. If I meet more people with an ability, it will take a toll on me. That is...if it doesn't kill me."

She stopped in her tracks. "You can't think like that!"

"I have to be honest and truthful of what could happen. If I am not turned, I will eventually die because of what I can do. Everyone knows it, even if they don't want to think about it. My only thought, my only hope, is that I will be turned before that is even an option."

"It will."

She smiled with a sureness that made me really want to believe her. I was glad to have her on my side. But there was one thought in my head that popped up. One I wasn't sure I should ask.

As we continued to prepare myself for prom, we talked. Since the whole james incident, Alice had learned a lot about her past, about the human life she couldn't remember. She was telling me about what she knew. Every time she finished about one thing, I would start with another question. It got my mind from thinking too much about Prom. When she finally finshed my hair and makeup, all that was left was to get the dress and shoes on. As Alice left for one brief moment to get the dress, my mind went back to that one thought. I would have to ask her opinion. Alice was back in the room in no more than a minute. "Alice?" I said as she placed the dress and shoes on the bed.

She looked at me wearily. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just...I want your opinion. When we briefly mentioned about me being turned one day, a thought came to me. Is it...is it selfish of me to, when I am changed, to want Emmett to be the one to do it? I mean...I don't know if he could handle it but..."

"Alexa, it is not selfish. If I had a choice when I was changed, I would have wanted it to be from someone I cared about. It would just be an added part to your relationship. There's no need to worry or feel bad about it. I would feel the same if I was in your shoes. Now...get dressed and we can get this night started."

"Thank you," I said with a hug.

Smiling, Alice gently pushed me to the bed, where the dress and shoes were sitting.

Standing in front of the mirror, to say I was shocked would have been an understatement. A red sleeveless v-neck, fitted in the torso and to just below my butt and flowing the rest of the way to the floor. It was fitted enough to show my figure but not enough that it restricted my breathing or movement. With the dress I wore black strappy heels along with the same necklace that Alice had given me before the baseball game. My hair was in a curly kind of messy/casual updo, almost like Kate Winslet in the deck scene in Titanic. My green eyes popped with a light purple smoke shadow. I felt beautiful. It was the first time I looked at myself and felt like I belonged with the Cullens, the first time I felt like I even came close to being as beautiful as them.

I must have been staring at myself for long enough that my attention had to be drawn away. Alice gently touched my arm. "Come on," she said smiling, "I'm sure you want to show 'your boyfriend' how you look."

A small laugh escaped me. "If I must."

Surely, if I like it enough, he certainly would.

He wasn't there. The moment I stepped into the living room, I looked for him but he wasn't in there. I knew it should have mattered, but I felt a slight hint of disappointment at him not being right there. I just wanted him there, to see his reaction, to get the night started and over with. "Alice." a male voice sounded.

My heart started a mile a minute. Emmett's voice. He didn't come into view. However, Alice went to where his voice came from. Everyone else was already in the room waiting. It was just me and Emmett they were waiting on.

Only a brief moment elapsed and Emmett came into view. I could hear his thought at that moment. I was too distracted by my own thoughts of how he looked to try. He was gorgeous. A suit, fitted. Dark grey, almost black. A black vest and the only colour, a red tie. I knew he would look good but he caught me a little by surprised. When I got my thoughts back together, I could tell that Emmett was distracted by me. He was looking me up and down, his mouth slightly open. As if he just appeared next to me, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. So much thought, so much love. Too much distraction. I wasn't thinking, I wasn't breathing. I just wanted him.

Before I could stop myself, my knees went weak and I would have fell to the ground had it not been for Emmett having his arms around me. It took a few moments for me get my body back. While I did, I heard laughing. First I heard Emmett but then I also heard Wyatt. I gently glared at them both. "Dainty and delicious," Wyatt said with a smile in his voice, while raising his eyes brows multiple times. I softly growled. It shocked him for a moment but the smile quickly returned.

It turned my attention back to Emmett. He just smiled. "And what did you find so funny?"

"I kiss you and you almost faint."

"I wasn't expecting it and you know that."

"You still love me."

"Who said that?" a smile upon my lips.

He stepped back and flexed his arm. "Who can resist this?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Slyly, I raised my hand. "So you want to play that game huh?"

I went to run away but I was stopped, by him.

Emmett's cold arms wrapped around me, turning my body so I could face him. Before he could do anything I kissed him, immediately wrapping my arms around him, pulling him closer. Instinctively, he kissed back without delay. "Either get ready to leave, or go get your own room. I think my eyes are burning."

"Wyatt, as I told you once before, you are so lucky you are a vampire right now."

"Oh am I?"

"Don't make me do it."

"Do what?"

And I kissed Emmett again. "Oh, come on."

"Be nice, and I won't do that again tonight, in front of you."

He just smiled. Emmett spoke. "He can do it all he wants, if it means you kiss me like that every time."


"But you love me."

And I kissed him quickly. "All-righty, let's go. As much as I feel great right now, I want to get this night over with so the dancing will be past."

I could help but laugh lightly as he kissed me once again.

Just as he pulled away, he grabbed my cast-free arm gently and placed something there. A corsage made of red orchids. It was beautiful. Looking back up, Esme was right by my side with a boutonniere that matched mine. Emmett stood stoically and waiting patiently as a I placed it on his suit. Another kiss. I would never get tired of those. But as it happened, I saw a flash. Pictures! Esme had a camera in her hands and was taking pictures. I couldn't help but blush and lean into Emmett. Everyone seemed to laugh at me. But after a moment they all calmed down. Esme then took a few more pictures of everyone. When she had taken enough of Emmett and myself, we headed out to the garage. Being such a gentleman, he open the jeep door and helped me inside. Only a second later he was in the driver's side and we were off to the school.

Getting to school was the easy part. Getting out of the Jeep was not. I knew I would have to get out and get the night started but I wasn't sure how I was handle it all. Emmett just sat there patiently. I was going for him and he understood that. He wasn't going to push me. "You look absolutely stunning. Everyone is going to be staring tonight. And not just because of us as a group but because of you."

I couldn't help but blush. "Emm…"

"You look amazingly beautiful tonight. Absolutely sexy."

I never thought of myself as sexy. So it have someone call me that shocked me. "Sexy?"

"Yes, sexy. Just read the minds of the boys here tonight. I'm sure their minds won't always be on their dates."


"Just do. You'll see."

"We'll see."

Taking a breath, I was ready. I had to get in there sometime.

A few people litter the parking lot as I got out. A couple of them glanced our way as Emmett got to my side. With his arm around my waist we headed inside. Everything in the gym was stunning. It was decorated beautifully. I was so entranced by the look of it all that I didn't notice the looks we were getting until Emmett nudged me. As soon as I noticed the stares, the thoughts came my way. Damn! So hot. I wish she was my date.

Sexy! If she wasn't taken, I'd so hit that.

No wonder Emmett wanted Alexa. She is gorgeous.

As soon as I heard my name in those mass of thoughts, I knew Em was right. There was no doubt that along with the rest of the Cullens, I was going to be getting looks all night long. That I was sure of.

Almost immediately, Emmett grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the dance floor. I tried to pull away but there was no use with his strength. I really wasn't sure that I wanted to dance. "Emmett, please, I really don't want to."

"Alexa, please. You can. Just hold onto me, just mold yourself to me and I will lead you."

"If I happen to break anything, I'm going to blame you."

"Like I would let you get hurt."

The grin he was wearing made him look all the more enticing.

Boy was he right though. I forgot about everyone. All I could see was him. I molded myself to him, forgetting that all eyes were on us. As soon as we moved, I felt no hesitation. Without thinking, I followed his movements. I had no idea how I was doing so well without thinking of the steps. It was almost like his eyes put me in a trance. I couldn't look away and that in itself was giving me to the dancing.

A few songs passed. We needed to stop. Well, more accurately, I needed to stop. With his hand in mine, I pulled him to were the drinks were. Sitting down at a table we had apparently taken as ours, I couldn't help but smile as I saw Edward and Bella. The moment that she noticed where we were, she grabbed Edward's hand and took him our way. Standing up, I gave both of them a hug. "Bells, Edward, glad to see you finally got here."

"You knew about this and you didn't tell me?" She said, slightly flushed.

"Oh please. No one in the house can surprise me. So...if I was going to be made to come, then so were you. No way you were going to get out of it if I couldn't. By the way, you look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she said blushing. "You look stunning yourself. I mean really. You should know how beautiful you really are."

I couldn't help but blush a little myself. Then a look of realization hit Bella. "Hey! You distracted me."

All four of us laughed. Looking to Edward, I knew he wanted some private time with her. I nodded towards the door and smiled.

He took my lead and headed in the direction of the door, with his arm around Bella's waist. There was a smile on my face. I could feel the love between them. I didn't need any of my abilities to know that. When I lost sight of them, I turned back to Emmett to see that he was watching me. "It's great to see them together like that. I know Edward loves her, no question. And I can tell Bella loves him like nothing else in the world."

"Read her mind?" he said softly.

"You know I can't do that Emmett. Bella's mind is shielded, a mental shield. I know because I am to."

"Well, no reason to dwell on that right now. It's time to light up this party."

A smirk lit up his face as he stood up. He was feeling devious, excited, and love. I couldn't help but copy that smirk as I stood up with him. Grabbing my hand, he once again pulled me to the dance floor.