Thanks all of those who reviewed- I tried to update as soon as I could for you ^^

Disclaimer: Naruo belongs to Kishimoto-sensee

Kiba wondered if he should feel guilty about enjoying watching Neji freak out, he wasn't sadistic or anything it's just that it was Neji! Nothing flusters him, Kiba should know because he's tried. It made the brunette ponder what his boyfriend's Dad was like, I mean, should he be worried too?

Shit, and the guy was a politician too, a member of the DIET and a Minister of State, which was like second to the Prime Minister…right? Kiba wasn't sure; he tended to ditch his current affairs class in high school.

Crap! I should read the newspaper more!

He just knew that his boyfriend's Dad was really really important, rich, a nobleman of some sort and thus inclined to be extremely stuck up. In fact as Kiba thought about it now maybe he should be nervous, then again it's not like Hiashi hating him will cause him to lose anything, he already had Neji's heart and vice versa. He and Neji were secure and in love with each other and nothing could change that, they've never had an agreement or conflict of interest, Neji always supported Kiba and he intended to the same for Neji. If anyone had a problem with that then they could shove it!

"Maybe we should have chosen a different restaurant." Neji muttered to the ground, Kiba just guessed that he was actually speaking to him.

"This place is fine." He shrugged it off; they were standing outside waiting for their families to arrive. Neji was pale and shivering a little but it wasn't because of the chilly night air, Kiba would have tried to calm him down if he hadn't before and deemed any further attempts a waste of time.

"Yes but I wanted to chose a place that was epicurean so that my father would come," Wait, KIba thought, he wouldn't even come if the restaurant wasn't to his liking? "but not so decadent that your family wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

"Stuff like that don't matter to my family, you could have picked any restaurant you wanted to." Kiba told him though when he rethought that he remembered that his Mom can be a bit loud at times, Naruto and Tsume didn't get along so well for no reason.

"I know but I want it to be perfect."

Kiba watched Neji's eyes fog into thought again, his brows creasing with worry and he couldn't help but think him cute. He sighed and came to stand before the taller man so that he would be all Neji could see; he hung his arms around Neji's shoulders and leaned in to kiss him.

"I think I need to distract you." he said against Neji's lips, he could feel passers-by watching them which made him press their bodies closer and kiss the other man deeply enjoying when Neji held his waist and leaned him back bit.

"Mn." Neji moaned at the taste of Kiba's lips then delved into the mouth that opened for him teasing Kiba's tongue with his making the brunette shiver. He released Kiba's lips so that he could breathe but moved to place kisses on his nape officially losing himself in his partner and forgetting that they were standing in the middle of a busy Tokyo pavement.

"Neji." Kiba breathed when he felt the others hot tongue touch the cool skin of his neck.

"Neji."… Neji paused, that wasn't Kiba's voice. His eyes shot up to look over Kiba's shoulder and found his father standing behind them looking not so pleased at all. Hanabi was there also smiling beside her father and Hinata was being helped out of the Limo parked behind them by the chauffeur.

"Father." Neji said and Kiba spun around in his arms, when Neji realized that he was still holdng him, because Hiashi's stare seemed glued to his son's hand on the man's hips, he let go of Kiba and stood straight as he adjusted his tie.

"Um." Kiba muttered as he witnessed one of the most uncomfortable silences ever, Neji snapped out of it and went up to his father to give him a hug.

"How have you been?"

"As always." Hiashi answered, his attention was now on the grubby looking man his son was just sharing a very uncharacteristic public display of affection with. He was wearing a suit, which was indeed commendable, but Hiashi could tell that it wasn't the man's usual form of attire because he appeared uncomfortable in it; his hair was spiked and messy as if he hadn't even bothered. In all Hiashi concluded that his son was with some sort of ruffian, and when Neji brought Kiba up to him to shake his hand he also noted that he smelt like an animal.

"And these are my sisters. Hinata and Hanabi."

"Nice to meet you." Kiba kissed Hinata's hand, like Neji taught him, and the pretty girl blushed then bowed to hide it. Kiba smiled, Neji had also told him that the older sister was quite shy and he should wait for her to get used to him. He said that Hanabi-

"Hey Kiba, I'm Hanabi, Neji talks about you all the time so don't worry I love you already. We should hang out some time." Kiba's pleasant smile grew to a toothy grin as his entire body wavered under Hanabi's enthusiastic handshake. She was just as pretty as Hinata and exactly like how Neji described her too.

"Sure!" Kiba chuckled, but then he heard a familiar sound, an old Jeep with a thunderously loud engine. Hiashi scowled at the thing as it parked a few meters away. "Ah, that's my mom. Be right back."

Neji and his family found their seats inside and waited for Kiba to return with his Mom and sister.

"So, what do you think?" Neji asked is father and Hiashi looked surprised by the question, he hadn't expected that his assessment would be wanted so soon but he could see the eagerness in his sons eyes. It was a display of impatience that Neji had never exhibited before and it was just a little unanticipated.

"Well," he began but then felt compelled to glance at Hanabi and when he did found a very intimidating (well she was a Hyuuga) look of warning in her eyes. "He seems- nice."

Neji knew his father well enough to not be fooled by that one but he was interrupted from delving by Kiba's return.

Hiashi watched his son rise out of his seat to great Kiba and his family and smirked. He leaned closer to Hanabi and Hinata to whisper, "Well at least your brother appears to be the man in this incongruous relationship."

Hanabi looked annoyed at him, "And what are you trying to imply father? That Kiba is the woman?"

Hiashi looked as her as if she was stupid to be asking answers, "Well what else could he be?"

Hanabi exhaled sharply as she rolled her eyes, "He's impossible." She muttered to her sister.

The three stood to greet Kiba family, Kiba noticed his mother smile a little devilishly when her eyes fell on Hiashi-san, a reaction like this from Tsume is usually worrying in Kiba's experience. Tsume was always a firce woman, she was a radical feminist and a political activist so it sort of worked for her, but her son hoped to all things holy right now that that side of his mother doesn't come out tonight.

Please behave yourself, he tried to tell her with his eyes but Tsume's attention was now on Neji's father.

"Hyuuga Hiashi." The man introduced himself as he shook her hand, he was apprehensive about being so close to the coarse looking woman, she was someone he definitely would not approach or allow to come near him if it were under normal circumstances. Really, the things he does to please his children….

"I know who you are, and your work under your position in the DIET." Tsume smiled, then she chuckled darkly, "This is going to be fun."

Naruto had possibly just had the best sleep in long time, it was so good he didn't want it to end. First of all Sasuke's bed, he didn't know where the raven bought it or from which heavenly god's bedroom he stool those sheets from but it was the most comfortable thing he'd ever laid on, the fact that it all smelt like his boyfriend just made it even more perfect. He'd slept like rock all through the night, even the dull ache in his ass somehow brought the pleasure all together.

"Mmm." He buried hisself deeper into the warm spot he'd dug for himself amongst the pillos, the cool fabric on his naked body, he kept his eyes closed trying to savor the feeling pure coziness. But then he realized that something was missing….. "Sasuke?"

The blonde's head bobbed sluggishly up as he looked for the raven but found both nearby sides of his empty. He sat up to lean on his elbows and to look around the room, when his eyes adjusted to the light from outside and he stopped squinting he saw Sasuke sitting on the armchair he kept in his room. He was in his pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and he was staring at Naruto like some solemn sentinel.

"The hell." Naruto said under his breath because his voice wasn't awake yet, he cleared his throat, "Dude, that's really creepy. Why are you siting there? Why aren't you in bed next to me?"

Naruto only heard the last part after he said it and immediately blushed. Shit! Sasuke was going to molest him now. But to his surprise the perverted man who always waited patiently to just pounce on the blonde at the first sign of any affectionate weakness didn't do such at all. He face seem to become even more stern, Naruto thought the dark serious look worked for Sasuke- it made him even more handsome – but this was a little too out of the raven's normal behavior.

"Are you okay?" He asked now sounding concern and Sasuke caught onto the fact that he was being strange. He tried to smile for the blonde as he got up then placed a kiss on those pink lips noting that Naruto had drooled all over his pillows, some also dampening his cheek, like he normally does. He would have teased the blonde but he really wasn't up to it, his thoughts were on more heavy things.

"Check your cell; it's been buzzing all morning. I'm going to make you something to eat downstairs." He told Naruto before he headed for the door, "Not ramen."

Naruto pouted, he was just about to ask Sasuke for that too.

With a heavy sigh at the thought of eating something Sasuke was going to make- bleh, hope he doesn't make that granola and plain yoghurt thing like he did last time.- he turned over in the bed to reach for his cell on the side table. He cocked his brow for a moment when he noticed that the windows in Sasuke's room were all closed with metal chains through their handles tied together with heavy looking pad locks.

Was that there last night? He wodered then glanced at his phone, twenty-five missed calls from Kiba.

"Geez, was there a fire?" he muttered then chuckled at his own joke, but soon it dawned on him that with Kiba the possibility was strong. He called his friend back quickly.

Kiba answered almost immidiatly and when the blonde voiced his concerns about their apparment he wasn't amused, nor did he get irritated by Naruto's lack of trust in him.

He just said, "Naruto, it was a disaster."

"What was a disaster? Oh my god, is the apartment really gone?"

"Naruto! Stop being a dumbass! Last night! The dinner with Neji's family was a disaster!" Kiba shouted angrily.

"Kay, don't need to be so loud. What happened?"

"My mom happened, she started picking on Neji's Dad about all some political stuff that I didn't understand, but that doesn't matter because she shouldn't of been talking about at time like that anyway, then it turned into a fullout argument."

Naruto was trying not to laugh, Tsume nitpicking some poor old sap was too much like her, he almost wished he was there to witness it. "Tsume fought with Neji's Dad?"

Kiba hessiated, "No, I had a fight with Neji, and I don't know what's going to happen cause i can't forgive him."

End of chap 8

Reviw and tell me what you think ^^

i'll update soon, hopefully the next will be longer.