I've been trying to upload this chapter for a few days but for some reason a error come up when I've been uploading it. Sorry for the delay.

I had my next 3 classes with at least one Cullen but each time I managed to sit as far away as I could then rush out of class as soon as the bell went off.

I walked into the crowded lunch room and took a look around. The Cullens all sat over at the window, they were all watching my every move. I gave a sarcastic wave then walked over and sat next to Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy and Tyler.

They all murmured hello as they look down at their phones, texting. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, what's going on? My phone went off just then.

To; Isa

From; Elena

We came up with a plan just before you got here to make the Cullens jealous. You and Damon will pretend you are together, as in dating and everything. Damon was more than happy to take on this role I'll have you know, he'll be as flirty as he can with you during History and he's already making sure that all human students won't remember anything that happens in History class. We want to make you out as badass as possible so we'll bring up Klaus without trying to give to much away. Nod if you're okay with all of this.

I could feel a smile try to pull on my face as I bit my lip. I nodded as discreetly as I could so the Cullens wouldn't know we were planning something. "What're you going to do about Klaus, Isa?" Jeremy asked from beside me.

"Kill him," I shrugged, making it seem as if I didn't care about it. I noticed the all of the Cullen's eyes widen at my words.

"You know that Damon will protect you, we all will. Speaking of Damon, how is it going between the both of you, you looked cosy in bed this morning," Stefan said, winking.

I squeezed my lips together to stop laughter, I could feel my cheeks darken a shade. "We're doing perfectly fine. We were cosy until you woke us up," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Is he a good kisser?" Bonnie asked.

"Dude, there are 3 guys at this table," Tyler moaned, banging his head off the table.

"Think about kissing him. It's better than that," I told her laughing and ignoring the guys whistles.

To; Isa

From; Damon

Maybe you'll even get a real kiss so you can actually tell the truth.

I looked at my phone and smirked, not even bothering to reply. I felt all tingly and happy. Only Damon could make me feel as joyful as I was.

"That was lover boy, right?" Jeremy asked.

"Don't call him lover boy, but yes. It was Damon," I said.

"You look like you're glowing, Isa," Caroline told me.

We all laughed and returned to conversation about class. I listened into the Cullens conversation throughout lunch too. Jasper had already gone off with Alice to call Esme and Carlisle and inform them about me, from what I could hear they were planning on coming to the Salvatore house tonight.


I walked to my last class of the day with a smile on my face, the reason being I got to see my Damon.

"Hi Sir, I'm new," I said as I walked up to Damon, winking at him.

"Wells let's introduce you." Damon put his arm around my waist and turned me round to the class. At this moment I was so thankful that all the human students with the exception of Jeremy weren't even aware of what we were doing. I could see Edward's eyes fill with rage as Damon and I flirted. All the Cullens somehow managed to be in this class so they must all be posing as seniors. Rosalie was grinning at me, Emmett was practically drooling, Jasper had a look of disbelief and Alice looked hurt. They'd never expect me to behave this like, especially with a teacher. The Bella they knew is nothing like Isa, it's something they'd have to deal with. "Class, we have a new student. Go on and introduce yourself, sweetheart," Damon said, grinning.

I bit my lip to stop from smiling as I looked into to class. "I'm Isabella, only my friends get to call me Isa so don't even try it. I moved here to stay with my good friends the Salvatores. I like alcohol, a lot," I said grinning. Tyler and Jeremy started cheering as they called my name for me to sit next to them. Bonnie and Elena were down the front of the class with Stefan but Caroline was next to me, constantly gossiping about how hot Damon was to make sure the Cullens heard that me and Damon were a thing. "Sir, I'm stuck," I called out to him.

Damon walked over and bent down beside me, with his hand on my thigh. I sat frozen as his hand tightened around it. "What can I help you with, Isa?" Damon asked.

"Well, Mr Salvatore I'm not quite sure how to word this question," I said, handing him my sheet of paper.

Damon grabbed my pen off my desk and wrote the answer down for me. "There we go. I like you calling me Mr Salvatore, remember me to get you to do it more often," he whispered in my ear.

I let a breath out as he walked back to his desk, smirking. He was clearly happy with the effect he was having on me, I don't think he realised that now I wasn't acting.

"The sexual tension between you to could be cut with a knife," Caroline exclaimed.

"Dude, I think it's a chainsaw we'll need, not a knife," Jeremy said as Tyler gave him a high-five.

I ignored them and continued on with my work, smiling the whole time. I could feel the Cullen's eyes on me. Each of them would take turns to look at me which resulted in Damon giving them all detention for 'not doing their work', I couldn't be happier at the fact Damon was using the whole teacher position to his advantage. If the Cullen's reported it to the headmaster, we could easily use compulsion and Damon wouldn't get into any trouble, not that Damon would let anyone shout at him except me.

…Later That Night…

The whole group was at the Salvatore house tonight since the Cullen's were planning on stopping by. None of them wanted to be at their own house in case a fight broke out with the Cullens.

I heard 7 footsteps running outside, the Cullens were here. Perfect.

I went over and sat on Damon's lap and took the bottle of Whisky of him as I began to pour the liquor down my throat. Damon had his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I heard the doorbell ring in the background and Stefan go answer it. Damon pulled my head towards his as soon as Stefan muttered the words 'Come on in'. Our lips met and flowed together. Damon's hand was beginning to itch it's way up my shirt as my hands tugged on his hair, he moaned into my mouth as I smiled into our kiss.

"Isa, Damon, break it up. We have guests," Stefan said, speaking as if he was scolding us. I hopped of Damon's lap and pulled him up with me.

"For the record, best kiss of my life," Damon murmured into my ear as we stood.

"Bella, what happened to you?" Esme said, heartbroken. I could feel my walls start to pull down now. Carlisle and Esme were some of the nicest people I'd met and I instantly felt guilty for what I was doing. Tonight would be a long night.

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