Hey, guys. going to do a Soul Eater and Kingdom Hearts Crossover. Takes place when Sora wakes up. (I also might put in other fandoms to put in.)

Kingdom Of the Soul

Chapter 1: Taken from Death City.

Maka (Thoughts): I thought that...The only world around here was ours...And that their were no inhabitable worlds.
It was then something pulled us to different worlds. And we got separated. So me and Soul had to help Sora and his friends.

Maka woke up, seeing herself falling. Or was it Drowning?
"Am I...In the Black Blood again? Am I going insane?" She thought. But it wasn't black, it was dark blue. Like water.
"No...I'm in water?" She then closed her eyes again.

Was Maka Dreaming? Maybe she is.

"Maka!" Someone called, but it wasn't anybody she knew.
Her eyes slowly opened to see the light blue sky with the same laughing sun.
But just then. The other half became nighttime, and had the moon with the same dark bloody smile.
She was falling again. heading down to an island next to a mainland.
But just then, she was now falling down right past a clock tower before some sparkles came.

What she knew next was that she was flying.
Flying across London as she knew. It felt smoothing.
But as she opened her eyes. She was flying across an open sea. But faraway she could see a building.

The next thing she saw was a giant whale was about to attack her.
But she flew even higher and she saw another island with a ship next to it.
One canon ball almost attacked her. But she dodged it.

Next thing she saw was a town with a beautiful sunset.
At least it was better then being eaten by a giant whale.

The next thing she knew was she saw some weird place full of pumpkins, and a cemetery.
It had the same vibe as Death City had. A haunted vibe.

The next place she saw was a desert with a city that had a giant golden palace.
It was so beautiful. That she was about to cry.

As soon as she saw it, she was now at another town, it was being raided!
Maka soon flew over their. But she didn't see anybody.
She tried to find them but no avail.

She was now at an empty plane.
It felt like all life was gone. And as she saw a giant rock.
Maka wanted to know what was going on.

She saw a lion with a black mane, dark brown fur and green eyes.
Maka then saw that this lion had a scar on his left eye.
But just then. She was falling again in the blue dimension.

Maka didn't know how long she was falling.
But it didn't take long enough as she finally landed .
As she took her first step, beautiful doves came out and flew away.

And when she looked down.
And she saw Crona, lying down. Along with Ragnarök giving him the noogie.
It was a stain glass. But how was she standing on it if it was a window?

"Where am I?" She asked herself, but a voice. that was in a different language.
But she could understand it.
"You want me to what?" Maka asked. The voice told her again. "Protect the Keyblade master."

"What Keyblade master? I Don't know this guy! Is he anywhere? In Death City?" She asked.
But she heard the voice again. Telling her that the Keyblade Master Belongs in a different world.
"World? What world?" She asked, the only world she knew was this world. Her hometown Death City.

But just then, dark things appeared.
'Kishins?' Maka thought. She didn't know where Soul was.
And three weapons appeared. One was a sword, with a yellow hilt with a mouse emblem.
The second one was a shield, with a blue color on it, along with the same mouse emblem.
The last one was a wizard's staff the head was the same.

She had a second thought to get the sword and grabbed it.
Since that the sword was kinda like a scythe, she swung it real easy.
One by one, the creatures disappeared.

One minute later, a door appeared.
Maka wanted to get out. And opened it.

She wasn't at Death City, or the DWMA, But another window. This time it was Black*Star and Tsubaki.
She noticed that their were stairs.
Maka noticed a treasure chest.
As Maka went near it. A white creature came out.

"Some more?" She said, as she got out the sword wiping out three of them.
As she went for the treasure, it was a bottle of green liquid, but she knew she needed it for the future.
Maka then went up the glass like stairs.

The third glass floor had Death the Kid, Liz and Patty.
Again, the strange creatures appeared.
Maka then slashed them as she went past the creatures again.

The fourth wall had Soul and Blair on his head in her cat form.
At the end was a door.
But Maka knew that the creatures were in front of it,

One by one, they bit the dust.
Maka sighed, she wanted to get out of this crazy place.
She didn't care that it was a dream or not.

And as she opened the door, she saw something new.
The window had a boy she never saw before.
The boy wore a red jumpsuit, white and black jacket, yellow clown shoes white fingerless gloves, and Spiky black hair.
But Maka couldn't know the eye color since that they were closed.

Along with the boy were a young woman, a young man, a duck and a dog?
It was confusing Maka, as usual was wanting answers.
But on the other side, she could of sworn she saw something faraway.
Was it a Kishin?

But she knew the shape, the shape of a lion. But not the same as she saw the lion from before.
As she got closer, the lion looked a lot bigger.
He had a golden mane and fur with amber gold eyes.

They both looked at each other silently.
But just then, they both heard a creepy laugh.
Maka turned around, she saw herself. It was her when she and Soul were using the Black Blood to fight Crona.
Black Blood Maka was twitching as she swung to what look like a scythe with some kind of crossed out heart on it.

Maka looked scared, she wanted someone to protect her.
But just then, she felt the fur of the lion.
He was looking at her softly and nodded, turning into a sword with a golden hand guard.

Maka then faced the Darkness that was her.
"Ohhh! Weak me wants to fight?" Dark Maka asked as she gave a psychotic smile.
"I'm not weak!" Maka called, as she ran towards her.
But as Maka swung at her arm, she had completely forgotten that she had Black Blood when she was fighting Crona.

"Did you forgot?" Dark Maka asked, "I have Black Blood!"
She then swung the original Maka a bit far to the edge.
"Ohh She went so far!" Dark Maka said as she was on the bottom end of her Scythe.

But little did she know that Maka was behind her.
She didn't see her real fast, but got hit pretty hard.
"Next time! Look behind you before you boast!" Maka said, readying the Lion sword.

As Dark Maka fell to the floor, nothing happened.
But Maka was being cautious. She then noticed that the Dark scythe vanished and went right next to Dark Maka.
Dark Maka laughed evilly "Nice job." She still laughed. "Maybe next time, you'll get stronger and fight me again."

Everything was sucked into a bright light.
"Maka!" She heard Soul's voice.
"Maka? Are you alright?" She heard Blair's voice.
She slowly opened her eyes. as the bright morning sun was in the window.

(And the Sun was close to Soul and Maka's Apartment.)


(The sun is in it's original position.)

Anyways, back to the story.
She then saw Soul and Blair in her cat form.
"So it was a dream..." She said softly.

"What the hell was wrong with you? I was worried!" Soul said as she saw Maka waking up.
"Sorry about worrying you Soul." She apologized, looking at the sun.
Soul Eater sighed, "Well, I made breakfast. Get dress."

Later, after breakfast. Soul and Maka were going to the DWMA
"Yahoo!" Called out Black*Star. As he was on a rooftop.
"Black*Star's here and ready to kick Kishin ass!" He yelled as he jumped down.
Both Soul and Black*Star slapped each other's hands.

"What are you two doing?" Death the Kid asked. as he, Liz and Patty came into the picture.
Tsubaki transformed back into a human, looking at her partner.
"Come on Kid, lighten up!" Patty said. And put her fingers into Kid's mouth trying to make him smile.

Crona walked into the scene.
"Oh hey Crona!" Maka said, Crona looked at her. and said "He's waking up..."
"Who's waking up? Are you talking nonsense?" Soul asked.
Ragnarök came out of Crona's back and said, "Hell I don't know what this kid's talking about. He's been sprouting words that even I don't know!"

Crona must've had that dream too. Since Maka was told that she'd had to help someone called the Keyblade Wielder.
But before Maka could say something, the sky was acting weird.
The others looked up, and a swirling pink portal.

One by one, the teens had been sucked in.
The First one was Black*Star.
The second one was Tsubaki.
The third one Chrona and Ragnarök.
The fourth one was Liz,
The fifth one was Patty,
the sixth one was Soul,
The seventh one was Maka
The eighth one was Kid.

All of them tried to reach each other.
But they never did.
"Maka!" Soul called out. It was the last thing she heard before all of them were sucked into the portal.