Chapter Thirty
The Meaning of Family
Night had fallen across the city by the time Anders and Fenris had taken their companions back to the Hawke estate. It hadn't been easy to find the former Warden but even now neither Hawke nor Theron was waking up. Anders had watched as Justice took control of Garrett instantly and pulled both of them into the Fade to find Theron.
The moment Garrett became aware of Theron's situation he had left the ruins behind and started running back to the Wounded Coast but Anders was helpless to watch as Garrett allowed Justice to take control and the spirit didn't bother to explain what he was going to do.
Instead he vanished in a flash of blue light leaving Fenris, Anders and Varric to find their way back to Kirkwall. Anders didn't stop running until he got back to the chained city and ran towards Hightown. If Theron was in trouble he went to the Chantry to see Sebastian. Varric and Fenris went their separate ways to try and locate Theron while Anders ran into the Chantry.
The mage asked the first few priests he could find where Sebastian was but none of them was of any help. The one time Anders needed him around and the priest had vanished. Cursing the healer left the Chantry and started making his way to the estates where Hawke's family lived. Theron would sometimes stop by to see Bodahn and Sandal. The city was already becoming quiet as darkness descended.
Anders felt panic beginning to grip his heart. Was Garrett all right? What did Justice do to him? How could he tell Theron was in trouble? Anders stopped when he saw a faint blue light glowing from the other side of the district. His heart seized with fear as he ran towards the glow. The mage stopped when he found the source of the light and his eyes widened in shock. He heard Varric and Fenris running up behind him but he didn't pay attention to what they were saying.
Theron was slumped against the wall, his body encased in red energy causing him to shudder and groan in pain. Sebastian was lying on his side; his head was bloody while a faint blue glow covered his prone form.
Anders stared at Hawke who was standing upright between them, his hands held out and blue energy flowing from his body. Anders could practically taste the magical energy in the air as Hawke tried to pull the rd glow from Theron who was beginning to spasm violently causing his head to slam against the wall.
Anders finally found the strength to move and he grabbed hold of Sebastian to pull him away from the growing magic while Fenris immediately tried to pull Hawke away. The elf was instantly slammed back against the wall on the other side of the district while Varric tossed a potion to the white haired warrior.
"Ahh!" Sebastian suddenly jolted awake as the blue light faded from his body. "T-Theron? Where is he?"
"Stay here." Anders demanded as the priest coughed and choked. Varric and Fenris stood where they were while Hawke continued to pour his magical energy into the thrashing elf.
"Any helpful suggestions elf?" Varric asked Fenris.
"I have never seen this type of magic before." the white haired elf replied although he did sound worried.
"There something inside Theron." Sebastian had staggered to his feet. "It's a demon. That thing attacked us."
"That explains why Hawke went a little funny back there." Varric kept his finger on the trigger. "Justice knew there was trouble."
"Justice?" Sebastian whispered. He grunted in obvious pain then collapsed on his knees.
"You shouldn't be moving." Fenris ordered sharply. "Let Hawke handle this."
"Theron needs me!" Sebastian tried to get up but pain tore through his body again. "Ahh!"
"Listen..." Fenris grabbed his arm. "If anyone can help Theron then it'll be Hawke."
"Garrett!" Anders cried out. "Stop it! Please snap out of it!"
The healer tried to move forward but Theron suddenly lurched forward and screamed. His body jolted violently while red energy started to pulsate while Hawke stepped forward and grabbed the elf's arms.
Before he could do anything Anders felt a surge of magic power and Anders was knocked off his feet by the force of the blast. Fenris and Varric pulled Sebastian away while Theron stopped moving and went still against the wall. Anders quickly cast his most effective healing spells when Hawke collapsed alongside Theron.
"Anders..." the mage felt his blood freeze when Justice's voice came from Hawke. Garrett's face was sickly pale and blood trickled from his nose. "Theron is running out of time."
"What did you do Justice?" Anders cried as he wiped the blood from Hawke's face.
"The demon within him..." Justice gripped his stomach as he choked up blood. "It's stronger than I thought."
"Oh Maker!" Anders tried to heal Garrett but the possessed man reached up and gripped the healer's wrist.
"Listen to me." the spirit demanded. "If we can't defeat the demon Theron will be lost. I don't know if I can fight it again."
"We'll talk to Orsino tomorrow." Anders promised as Justice's blue light faded from Garrett's eyes and the mage was back in control.
"A-Anders?" Garrett whispered as he slumped heavily against his lover. "What...what's going on?"
"Don't you remember?" Anders whispered as he tightened his grip on the ashen blond. "Theron was in trouble. You went to help him."
"My head hurts...I can't think." Garrett gasped out. His nose was bleeding again and he was beginning to shake. Anders needed to get him home now.
"Garrett..." Anders murmured as he swallowed thickly. "Let's get you home."
"What about Theron?" Varric asked once Anders helped Garrett onto his feet. Fenris remained apprehensive, his green eyes giving away nothing.
"I'll see to him." Sebastian spoke up. He was already helping the red headed elf to his feet while Varric looked a little unsure.
"You can't tell the Chantry about him!" Anders pleaded with the priest. Sebastian said nothing but he tightened his grip on the elf. "Sebastian, this isn't his fault. We can help him."
"Choir boy..." Varric said gently, his tone serious. "Theron's been through enough shit in his life. Right now he needs friends. If you're going to hand him over to the Chantry then you might as well leave him here because..." the dwarf glanced back at Anders and Hawke. "They won't let you take him."
"He's possessed." Fenris folded his arms, anger clearly evident in his voice. "He might not even be Theron is he wakes up. Are you willing to take that chance?"
"He's still our friend Fenris." Anders scowled at the warrior. "We can't abandon him. He needs our help. Garrett wouldn't give up on any of us."
It was the truth and Fenris knew it. Garrett would never give up on his friends if they were in trouble. He went out of his way to make their lives a little more bearable. Since the confrontation in the Deep Roads years ago Garrett had been trying to find a way to free Theron from the spirit within him.
Fenris could only bite his lip as he looked away from the mage. He hated when Anders was right especially about Garrett. He was broken from his thoughts as Sebastian began to lead the elf away from the others.
"I'll take him home. We...we need to talk." the priest glared at the others. "You all owe me an explanation."
"I'm going to get Garrett home." Anders said as Varric helped him with the unconscious mage. "Fenris, where are you going?"
"Keep out of this mage." Fenris scowled as he followed after Sebastian and Theron.
"Should we be worried?" Varric asked.
"Let's just get Garrett home."
Varric looked worried but he helped Anders get the mage back to his home. When Bethany opened the door she instantly went pale and called for Leandra. Anders had to explain as best he could what had happened to Garrett but he left out a few details. The last thing he wanted was for Hawke's family to worry. Garrett hated being coddled over and confined if he was in trouble. Leandra didn't press the issue but Bethany kept her gaze fixed on Anders.
She wasn't blind to Theron and his problems. Thankfully Carver was at the barracks on his night shift and Anders managed to get Garrett to bed without any trouble. Anders took off the armour as best he could and pulled the blankets around the slumbering mage.
Anders took a moment to look over his lover and the worry only squeezed his heart more. Garrett was so pale and his breathing was a little harsh. Justice must have taken a terrible beating from the thing living inside Theron if Garrett was in this condition. Not wasting any time Anders quickly grabbed some herbs from the table nearby. Even though he used his magic to heal he liked to keep a supply of medicines handy in case he was too tired to regenerate his mana naturally.
He placed the herbs against Garrett's sweat slicked skin and gently rubbed them until they were absorbed completely. Garrett finally settled down after an hour of Anders administrating the treatment and the healer now sat on the bed and gently stroked Garrett's damp hair.
"Anders?" Bethany entered the room quietly. "How is he?"
"Sleeping, thank the Maker." Anders rubbed his face tiredly. He was so exhausted with worry and healing that he didn't hear Bethany approach him until he felt a hand on his back.
"You look terrible. Get some sleep Anders." She pleaded gently with him. "I'll watch Garrett."
"But it's my fault he's like this." Anders whispered before he could stop. Justice had never been this bad with him as far as reactions went. He and Justice had both wanted the merging to happen. Anders felt tears sting his eyes. He still kept hurting Garrett no matter what decisions he made.
"This is not your fault." Bethany said sternly. "I know how much you love my big brother and he's so lucky to have that kind of devotion. Anders, please get some rest. Garrett wouldn't want you to do this to yourself."
"You really know how to play the guilt card." The healer smiled sadly while Bethany squeezed his shoulder.
"How's Theron?" the blond man asked. He hoped the former Warden was alright especially after the confrontation with Justice. More than that he hoped that Sebastian wouldn't sell him out.
"Sebastian didn't say much." The dark haired woman frowned. "But he wanted us to know that Theron is resting."
"He's been through so much shit." Anders winced as his headache began to worsen. "I have to convince Orsino to help us."
"You're right and I'll help you." Bethany put up her hand when Anders was about to say something. "My brother means the world to me Anders and Theron is a good man. I'm not going to sit around and wait, not when I can do something for them."
"Thank you..." Anders murmured as he reached up and squeezed her hand. "Maker, I'm so tired."
Bethany gently pushed the mage onto the bed so he lay curled next to her brother. Within moments Anders was sound asleep and Bethany left them room quietly. She took a breath before heading downstairs to see mother and Carver about Garrett's condition.
Carver had been worried sick about his brother since he got home from the barracks. In the last hour people had reported seeing bright blue light in Hightown and Aveline had been left with little choice but to send the guards out to investigate. Bethany spotted her brother at the fireplace talking with mother.
"How is he?" Leandra approached her daughter once Bethany made it down the stairs.
"They're both asleep, thank the Maker. Anders and I are going to see Orsino tomorrow." Bethany replied while Carver looked troubled. "What's wrong Carver?"
"We can't keep this up forever Beth." Carver sighed heavily. "Aveline sent us to check up on reports of blue light seen in the city. Word is already spreading that the templars are starting their own investigation."
"But the Viscount has been lenient with us." Leandra stood before her two children. "Surely Garrett won't be taken by the guards for something they can't yet prove."
"Even if the Viscount can help I'm not going to wait." Bethany was resilient. "It's not just Garrett who needs our help."
"But we can't exactly force the First Enchanter to help us." Carver ran a hand through his short hair. "Look, let's just get some sleep before trying anything. If Garrett is back on his feet tomorrow we'll talk to him then decide what to do."
Leandra looked unsure but she eventually made her way upstairs to see Garrett before settling in for the night. Carver smiled reassuringly at his twin although it didn't quite reach his eyes. Bethany didn't need to say what he was feeling. They were all worried sick about Garrett. This wasn't the first time Justice caused him problems.
Sometimes Bethany would hear her brother screaming in the middle of the night but come the morning he had forgotten what had scared him so much. It was only a matter of time before the templars started coming to their door in full force and not even the Viscount could hold them off forever.
Bethany started to walk towards her own room. Hopefully she'd be able to think better after some rest. No matter what it took Bethany was determined to protect her big brother even if it meant going against the templars.
I'm back!
I'm so sorry for the prolonged hiatus but when my second semester was finished I went to Florida for the summer and I lost my muse for writing when I got back. But recently I played the Legacy DLC and I've started playing DA2 from the start again. My muse is back from the dead
Also later in the story I want to incorporate the Legacy DLC because I thought the story told was beautiful and truly heartbreaking. If you haven't played it yet then I really recommend it. Coming up next we're back with Theron and Sebastian.
See you all soon my dear readers.