Chapter 5

Thanks to all who reviewed! Here's chapter 5!



In the middle of the night something wakes me up.

"Agh….Ahhh! No!"

"Peeta… Peeta wake up…" I whisper to him. His eyes flutter open and I see those beautiful eyes.

"What?" he says rubbing his eyes.

"Shhh….do you hear that?"

You can only hear the yelling very faintly for a while, and then -


That's when I recognize the voice.


What's he doing on this level? This is a high security level!

"It's Gale!" I almost yell.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm going to go see him…" I murmur, more careful with my voice.

Peeta doesn't object. I slip on my robe and walk silently over to the room on the end.

"Gale?" I ask.

No reply.


Still no reply so I decide to knock.

"Huh?" he obviously woke up with a start from my knocking.

"Gale it's me!" I yell.

"Hold on…" he says.

After about a minute, he finally opens the door.

"Katniss, hey." He says obviously exhausted.

"Yeah, hey. I heard screaming from my room and wanted to make sure everything's ok." I explain.

"Oh thanks. I just had a nightmare." He says.

"Do you wanna talk about it? It will make you feel better."

"Ok." He says and ushers me in.

He explains the whole dream to me. Everyone he ever knew was being burnt alive and then he was too.


"Katniss, thanks for coming." He says.

"No problem." I respond.

Just before I get up to leave he kisses. After that he just sits back down. While I'm walking back to the hall, so many questions fill my mind.

Why did Gale do that? Does he love me? Do I love him? Do I love Peeta? Who? How will Peeta respond?

When I enter my room again Peeta is still awake, reading.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Nothing, just a nightmare…" I lie.

"Ok. Go back to bed, you look tired." He says. He's right. I am tired.

I take off my robe and climb into bed. Peeta's arms curl around me and I fall into a deep sleep.