Hi, this is my first fanfic! I'm not really much of a writer, so, here goes nothing! BTW, I'm testing out spacing between lines, so sorry if there's any mishaps or it's hard to read.



"NO! No, please no!" I yell out as the mutts of all the people in the Games gnaw at me.

"Ahhhhh! No –" I scream before something shakes me awake.

"Katniss! Katniss, wake up!" I hear. Who is this? Why are they shaking me awake? My eyes open slowly and I realize who it is. Peeta. The boy I met when I was 5 years old. The boy with the bread was shaking me awake at 3:00 A.M.

"What?" I ask tiredly.

"You were having a nightmare and you were screaming. I didn't know what to think, maybe there was a burglar!" he explains.

The thought makes me silently laugh. A burglar in Victor's Village. Ha. Funny.

" Thanks, I guess." I realize what I'm wearing and blush. It's one of the Capitol nighties, not to provacotive, but a little revealing.

Peeta seems to notice this, but only when I start blushing.

"Katniss, don't be embarrassed" he says. I blush even more.

"Um, Peeta? Could you…um…stay here for tonight?" I ask. I don't want those nightmares to come again.

"Sure," he says grinning.

He climbs into bed and wraps his arms around me, not tightly, but not to lightly. The comfortable kind of way. The way I love it.

The night went perfectly, except something completely unexpected happens in the morning.

So what do you think? Does anyone have any guesses as to what may happen in the morning? And also, please review! By the way, this is only the prologue, so that's why it's short.
