A/N: This is my first multiple chapter fic, it is however already written. I don't own any of the supernatural characters, although I wish I did. Thank you to Bartlebead for taking the time to beta this for me, you are much appreciated.


Outside the cozy apartment, wearing the meat-suit of a Doctors-Without-Borders physician, the Yellow-Eyed Demon surveyed his prodigy. He'd felt Sam receive his first vision. The power that resided in Sam, the power that gave him the foresight, came from Azazel, was a piece of Azazel. So when the vision came screaming into little Sammy's fevered brain, the demon had felt it too. He'd hopped into the first do-gooder he saw and came right on over to see for himself.

Oh, yes. Sam was progressing nicely. He'd separated himself from his family and he'd let his anger fester. Anger was good; it served a purpose in the Yellow-Eyed demon's world. It would help to prepare Sam.

He hadn't been any too pleased when he'd seen the Impala came rolling up, but it didn't matter. Before long Dean-o was leaving and the feelings coming off of him … the sadness, the self-sacrificing pain … well, it was positively delicious.

He let the cacophony of his meat-suit's soul screaming out in torment soothe him. He had plans and they were just starting to reach fruition.

A/N: Well this is it. Thanks again for reading; each and every review has meant so much to me. I welcome the critique and I look forward to continuing to grow as a writer. That can't happen without reviews so again I say thank you.