Song: Story of Us Artist: Taylor Swift
Hey guys! I was listening to this while I was typing One Little Thing Can Change Everything and I'm like, OMG FANFIC! I hope you all enjoy :)
Hi, I'm Japan's pop star Hoshina Utau and this is my story. I know what you might be thinking, pop star wanting to be normal yada yada yada. Usually, you would be right, but this a different topic. My, so called, boyfriend, Souma Kukai, and I have been having relationship problems lately. He never talks to me when I'm at school and bothers me when I'm working so much it leads to us having a fight. I guess him and his friends are just 'cooler'. Sometimes I wish I did go by Hoshina at school instead of Tsukiyomi, shows his friends. He says he loves me, but I'm not so sure, whenever I pass him he just ignores me. Its very hard for me to do this and juggle a career at the same time.
"Utau!" my manager, Sanjou Yukari, said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. Oops, forgot I was trying to write a new song. Gr, not the time when I have relationship problems. I can't even think of anything when I'm stressed!"Gomenasai," I muttered. Yukari sighed."I can tell its about that Souma and even though I don't approve of a relationship I think you should take the rest of the day off," she said getting up and leaving.
Maybe if I call Amu, one of my best friends, to help. She has helped me write a song before.
I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us
How we met and the sparks flew instantly
People would say
They're the lucky ones
"Utau? Did something happen between you and Kukai?" Amu asked me while we were shopping."How'd you know?" I asked. She's smart, but she can be dense at times."I can always tell, you're one of my best friends," she said. I smiled a sad smile."Yeah we've been fighting a lot more," I admitted. I kept explaining how I liked it before all this happened. The first time we met, I just had a different feeling about him than I had with any other guy I've met. Then we started dating and everyone said I was lucky for having the perfect boyfriend. How ironic this turned out, huh?"Oh, I'm sorry," she said.
"It's okay, that's not why I called to hang out though. I need one more song for my new album, help me out?" I asked."Sure! Hey, you said that the best songs come from how you truly feel, why not write one about how you feel now?" Amu suggested. Not a bad idea.
I used to know my place was the spot next to you
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
Cause lately I don't even know
What page you're on
That Monday I ignored everyone and everything. The song started to form in my head and I just need the chorus. The day was going fine until last class, the only class I have with Kukai. When I got inside, their were almost no seats left. I glanced over at Kukai, of course he wouldn't save me a seat, and now I'm stuck sitting in the front.
I didn't even bother to pay attention to this lesson, I'm good at Math, I know what you might be thinking. How can a girl with a growing career know Math? I don't even know how, but I'm thankful I'm good at it."Okay class only do page 33," the teacher said. A few minutes later she spoke again, but toward Kukai."Souma-kun, what page are you even on!" hmm...thank you math.
A simple complication
Miscommunications lead to fall out
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up I can't break through
Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me
I don't know what to say
Since the twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
Next chapter
How did we end up this way?
See me nervously pulling at my clothes
And trying to look busy
And your doing you're best to ignore me
Next day wasn't my best day either. I almost have this song done! This stupid chourus is really being a pain! I sighed and pushed it aside, it's not healthy to be too stressed out. I'm already stressed enough with the fight Kukai and I had this morning. It was lunch time and I sat alone at a table. Rima and Yaya were off somewhere while Amu was probably making out with my brother in a tree. Usually Kukai would sit with me, but today he sat with his friends, no shock there.
I didn't feel like going to class and I kept feeling Kukai stare at me. I pulled at my clothes nervously trying to make it look like I was busy and not that I had nothing to do. After a while he stopped, guess he's finally ignoring me.
I'm starting to think one day
I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here
But you held your pride
Like you should have held me
On my way home I started to write again. Throughout the rest of the day I kept thinking of how I would tell this story to people if they ever asked. I will always love Kukai no matter what, but he's too prideful. I've known him for long, he would never admit he was wrong. If only he could hold me again, I always feel safe in his arms. At least Yukari will be happy that I'm almost done writing, at least one thing I've acomplished today.
I'm scared to see the ending
Why are we pretending?
This is nothing
I'd tell you I miss you
But I don't know how
I've never heard silence quite this loud
Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me
I don't know what to say
Since the twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
This is looking like a contest
Of who can act like they care less
But I liked it better when
You were on my side
Wednesday, complete hell. We fought again this morning and this was the most ridiculous one! He kept saying that I should be a good girlfriend instead of always thinking of my career. He said for me to make my decision after school
Yes time for lunch. At least today I have Amu, Rima, and Yaya for comfort in case he wants to deal with it at lunch instead."So what are you going to do?" Amu asked. I shook my head."It's like a contest between us, and not the good kinds. Its like were competing to see who could care less, but I liked it better when Kukai and I had contests that involved ramen," I said playing with my ramen. They looked at me with sympathy, but didn't say anything else.
The battle's in your hands now
But I would lay my armor down
If you said you'd rather love than fight
I had to ditch Kukai today, but I finally finished my song! And I'm singing it for my concert tonight. I made a list of who to invite, Amu, Ikuto, Rima, Nagihiko, Yaya, Kairi, Tadase, Lulu, Rikka, Hikaru, and Kukai. I hope he comes.
Later at the concert. Last song, the new one. I held the microphone near my lips and scanned the crowd until I spotted him, first row with my other friends. Perfect."Okay everyone, sadly this is my last song for the night. And it's something I had just finished today so I hope you like it. It's called Story of Us" I announced not letting my eyes leave him. The crowd applauded and I finally had to pull away from his gaze. The song started and I sang with my heart. The chorus was coming up and I held back a smirk.
"Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking. And I'm dying to know, is it killing you like it's killing me. Yeah. I don't know what to say. Since the twist of fate, when it all broke down. And the story of us, looks a lot like a tragedy now" I glanced at Kukai who looked at me. I couldn't read his face, maybe realization?
When I got done I left the stage to be greeted by my friends. Kukai and I faced each other. We didn't notice that everyone else had left us alone. He was about to say something, but I put my hand up stopping him. Now, its time for me to say what I have to say.
So many things that you wish I knew
But the story of us might be ending soon
"In case you didn't know that last song was describing us," I started."I am sick of you always ignoring me at school, but bothering me during work. And for your information I spend more time with you than my friends," I sighed and continued."I always thought that I would tell our story of how we became and grew closer, but it looks like our story is coming to an end," I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist. He turned me around and pulled me into his chest.
Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me
I don't know what to say
Since the twist of fate
When it all broke down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know
Is it killing you like it's killing me
I don't know what to say
Since the twist of fate
Cause we're going down
And the story of us
Looks a lot like a tragedy now
"I'm sorry Utau," my ears perked up."I've been a horrible, stupid, and idiotic to you. I shouldn't bother you when you're trying to work, and I should talk to you at school. The reason I didn't was because I always thought people would spread rumors and I didn't want to put you through it. I'm so sorry," he said. I snuggled into his chest smiling.
"Kukai, I missed you," I said crying a few tears. He lifted my chin and we shared a passionate kiss. I guess our story is only starting after all, but this chapter of our book has come to a...
The End
Hope you like it!