True glared at the paper on her desk. It wasn't fair that she had to stay after school and write lines. It wasn't her fault Miss Willis couldn't take a joke. Really, who would have thought a drawer full of bugs, snakes and spiders would freak her out so much! The poor creatures were scared nearly to death. She would have to track them down and apologize later. Luckily none of them were killed by Miss Willis's screaming rampage through the schoolroom.

She smirked as she looked around the room. There were several bookshelves in disarray and the floor was littered with pencils and papers. She was supposed to clean that up too. With a sigh she wrote five of the two hundred lines she had to finish before she could leave. There was no way she would finish all of this before Vin came looking for her. Or, more likely, Miss Willis went to find Vin. True rolled her eyes as she thought about her brother and teacher. It was obvious that they were sweet on each other. She just wished they'd get on with it! There was nothing worse than watching those two dance around each other, making eyes when they thought the other wasn't watching. UGH!

True wrote five more lines, then started to fiddle around with her powers, trying to make her pencil write without her touching it. She managed a few lines, but they werent very legible. With a sigh, she picked it up and wrote a few more. Maybe she was going about it all wrong. Maybe she needed to switch things around a little.

She ran to the window to be sure no one was coming. Seeing no one, she turned back to the room and started to use her powers to put the room right again. She sat down as she did so, and wrote several lines as she cleaned. It took a lot of concentration to do both at once, which is why she didn't realize Miss Willis returned until she heard a loud gasp.

Startled, the pencils True was holding up in formation (spelling something she definelty would be in trouble for) crashed loudly to the floor. "Ummmm…" For once in her life she was speechless! She was never so glad to see her brother step up behind Miss Willis.

"Ah hell."

Miss Willis turned to Vin. "What is going on here? What did I just see?"

"Parlor trick? Dream? You ate some magic mushrooms?" True offered.

Vin glared at her. "Not 'nother word." He turned back to Miss Willis. "I don't rightly know how to start Lauren."

Miss Willis crossed her arms over her chest. "Just start at the beginning Vin."

"Finally!" True muttered to herself, glad they had reached the first name stage.

"Well, it aint really my story ta tell. True, ya might as well tell 'er, she seen some of it anyhow."

True bit her lip. She trusted Miss Willis, but she needed more. She might just be able to kill two birds with one stone. "Well, first I gotta have assurances."

"Assurances?" Miss Willis questioned.

"Yeah. " True wasn't sure how to do this tactfully so she just decided to be her normal, bold self. "Look, everyone knows ya got the hots for each other. The sooner ya admit it, the better cause its downright sickenin'. So, ya want my story, I gotta know if ya plan ta take your relationship ta new level." True had to stifle a giggle as both of them blushed a bright red.

"True, that aint none of your business!"

"It is if'n ya want me ta share something like this!"

Vin understood where True was coming from, but he couldn't believe she would just put it out there like that! "True, git ta the boardin house an up ta yer room. I'll be along in a bit."


"Me an Lauren got some things ta discuss. Now git!"

"Fine…but don't go tellin her anything till ya two get it all figured out!"

True was about to go insane sitting in her room. How long did it take to talk about things like that. Unless they… "Eww, gross!" She shook her head to rid it of the images that came to mind. She heard Vin coming up the stairs and sat down on her bed to protect her backside from any impromptu swats.

"Git cleaned up. We gotta dinner date." He stated as he pulled a dress from the closet.

"With who? Miss Willis?"

Vin gave a small nod and tossed the dress to True. "Git dressed."

True let it hit her in the chest and fall to the floor. "I aint wearin this less we're havin dinner with the President!"

"Ya started all a this, yer gonna finish it." He picked up the dress and put it into her hands.

True frowned. She knew she was in a lot of trouble but this was asking a lot. She jumped up, determined to make Vin understand she would not be wearing a dress. Before she could say a word, Rhianna entered the room and stood between Vin and True.

"She will be ready in a few minutes."

True glared at her cousin, then at Vin. She knew she couldn't win when they ganged up on her like this. "This sucks!"

Vin gave her backside a hard swat. "Then next time mind yer own business."

Once he was gone, Rhianna took the dress from True. "Come on, I will help you."

"No way! I aint wearin a dress just ta eat supper!"

"You will put this on and behave yourself, or I will tell Nathan what really happened to your hand the other day."

"Ya wouldnt…" True stopped, realizing her cousin would tell him. The last thing she needed was for anyone to find out she'd somehow managed to burn her palm while playing with fire. She'd thought that couldn't happen with fire she generated, but found out the hard way that she was wrong.

Luckily, Rhianna was able to heal it just as Nathan arrived at the Clinic. She had created quite a tale about how she had managed to scratch her hand deep enough to need Rhianna's intervention. To say Nathan wouldn't respond well to the truth would be an understatement. "Fine. But don't think I'm gonna forget this!"

"Just hush and put this on." Rhianna helped her put on the dress Nettie made, admiring the needle work as she did so. She would have to talk to Nettie about making a dress for her as she did beautiful work. After she'd fastened the last button, she pushed True into a chair. "Now, lets do something with your hair."

"Ya put ribbons or bows in my hair an there's gonna be a funeral." True growled.

Rhianna smiled, ignoring her cousins comment. She knew from experience that sometimes it was best to just leave True be when she was feeling put upon. She carefully teased out all of the tangles, then pulled her hair back into ponytail, clipping it at the base of her neck with silver barette.

"There, now your hair wont be in your food as you eat."

"Yeah, but now everyone can see my face! I wont be able ta get away with nothin!" She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest, pout in full bloom.

"Good. Then maybe you wont make things worse than I am sure they will be once all is said and done." She pulled True into a hug to take some of the sting out of her words. "Your in enough trouble Ennoilid. Promise me you will be on your best behavior."

True returned the hug, knowing her cousin was right. "Fine."

"Nah uh uh….say it."

She heaved a big sigh. "I promise I will behave."

"Good." Rhianna held her at arms length, marveling at the change a dress and brush could produce in her young cousin. "Now go before Vin comes looking for you."