Here you are then, the final chapter of this story. There WILL be a sequel seeing as you all want one.

This chapter goes to everyone who has reviewed on this story, I hope that you will look out for the sequel

Special thank yous to Junjou Angel of course who helped me out of the writers block. And to RowanTree321 who has given me loads of fantastic reviews and postitve feedback, also to Watakushi-sama and Yaoifangirl89 for your reviews.

Thank you guys for reading and reviewing and liking

The usual disclaimer applies, I have no right to own these men as I would do despicable things to them like put them in a box and reserve the right to close the airhole (KATIE) XD

Thanks again for all your support

Enjoy the last chapter ^^

Chapter 7

The next morning found Usagi asleep and Misaki cuddled up as comfortably as he could without jarring his sore ribs. One of his hands rested on Usagi's stomach and his head was half on his chest, it was uncomfortable, granted, but it was comforting and warm.

Usagi had been so gentle with him last night. Usually he was rough and passionate but last night had been sweet and tender. Usagi had handled him like a porcelain doll that would break if he gripped too hard.

Misaki had felt all of his concerns melting away; he had felt whole and truly loved, as if he really was precious to the man who meant so much to him.

It had been great make up sex.

And now it was over and Misaki was doubtful again. He knew that he was being irrational, that if Usagi had really wanted him out then he wouldn't have bothered looking for him.

Usagi stirred in his sleep

'Misaki' he whispered encircling his arm around his lovers' shoulders

Misaki felt his heart swell with love and pleasure. He snuggled closer, burying himself into Usagi's chest, and as he did so he could have sworn he saw a small smile.

Sighing happily Misaki let his troubles drift away as sleep claimed him again.

Usagi tightened his arm around the young man, remembering last night he smiled wistfully. He should really take the time to worship Misaki more often, it had been worth the whole night just to see that look on Misaki's face; the look of pleasure and bliss as he forgot his worries and found his release.

Misaki was still asleep and Usagi couldn't bring himself to move his arm and let him go. So they both lay there until Misaki woke up again and was pleasantly surprised to receive a warm kiss into his hair. He shook his head and gazed upwards in adoration at the author.

Usagi felt guilty that he so often took that look for granted, even got bored of it, he really had to love Misaki more, and make sure that he didn't hide his love behind a stoic or sarcastic mask of indifference, make sure that Misaki knew that he was treasured, far more than the Marimo, more than this condo, more than Takahiro, even more than Suzuki.

Yes, he thought, taking hold of Misaki's hand as he got up to go and make breakfast, things were going to change around here.

Misaki was happy. Although he still ached from the attack it was easy enough to ignore if he kept his thoughts on last night. And today; Usagi made them both a lovely breakfast and he had booked them both a romantic meal in a private booth at a very expensive restaurant, despite Misaki's protests about saving his money.

'I can make more money' he said dismissively. Gently placing a hand on Misaki's cheek 'But there will never be another Misaki, and I want to make sure he knows that he means more to me than any amount of money I could ever spend on him.' And gazing deeply into his eyes he finished the statement with something the old Usagi never would have said 'I need you to know this Misaki, because if you don't then I will be constantly afraid that you will leave me for someone that you feel appreciated you more. And I can't be without you anymore. Not again.' He knew that his eyes were showing every emotion that he was feeling, and for once he didn't slam up his defences or turn away, he kept eye contact because to lose that would be to lose him, and Usagi wouldn't lose him. He couldn't.

Misaki's heart burst with happiness, his hand went to rest on Usagi's on his own cheek; he gently brought Usagi's hand against his chest so he could feel Misaki's heartbeat.

Then he replied softly 'That will never happen' and flung his arms around Misaki's neck and kissed the older man passionately.

Usagi's arms came to rest on Misaki's hips and he pulled him closer.

Misaki knew that one day he would have to face up to his demons, to what had happened and the consequences, but kissing Usagi now, so full of love that he thought he could fly he decided that this was neither the time nor the place, and that that day seemed a very long way away.

So there you have it. Another story completed. What do you think? Do you like the ending. BTW Junjou Angel, that was my attempt at smut XD I've never written smut before and I wanted it to be sweet so that's what you got :P I hope you liked it.

Please review and let me know thoughts and feelings on this story.

Thanks again :D

Love you all guys

Tibbins xx