Alright everyone, I AM ALIVE...and ready to start "working" again. I have been reading fanfic after fanfic or various fandoms such as; The Dark Knight, Despicable Me, Ghost Hunt, Danny Phantom and many many many others! And this idea for Treasure Planet has been biting me in the ass like "WRITE ME YOU LAZY BUM!" So I sincerely hope you enjoy it. LET THIS SHOW BEGIN!

In the middle of a dark, cloud covered night, two large men wearing uniforms stand dutifully, their backs to a large wooden gate that hid a hospital. This hospital was large, old, and darkly intimidating. And this hospital was no ordinary hospital for those sick with the flu or injured. This was a hospital for the sick and demented, the mentally tormented, and the insane. An asylum.

The doors of the hospital's main building swung open, revealing a tall, thin man with a grim and dark face in a greenish brown trench coat. The wind was picking up and thunder started to voice off in the distance. The man sighed in annoyance.

"Perfect." The man groaned. "Richard!" He yelled into the hospital.

An older man, fatter as well appeared, stumbling over his own feet. "Yes, Master Caldwell? You asked for me?" He asked nervously.

" Are we ready to leave? I'd like us to be on that ship before the storm arrives." He asked in a haughty tone, not bothering to look at Richard.

"Yes sir! Just placing the last piece of luggage into place." He confirmed.

"Good. And the girl?"

"Kept as quiet as a ghost town in her chamber." He smiled. "The coaches are coming now."

"All right, I'll fetch for the girl so that she doesn't slip by you, again." Caldwell said, ice on his tongue, making the fat man flinch in shame and embarrassment.

Caldwell quickly and gracefully walked up the stairs. Higher and higher until he reached his desired floor. Then he made his was to the room at the end of the hall, passing the rooms of the many sick patients. Finally he made it to the room and without knocking swung the door open and peered inside to see no one occupying it. He narrowed his dark brown eyes in suspicion and stepped in with caution.

"Oh, young miss. Again with your little games?" He said tauntingly. " Now why don't we give it a rest for tonight and go on our way?"

He waited there in silence. He scanned the room for any movement. Then, suddenly the shadow of the door moved and he whipped around barley missing a pan to the face and tripped over the leg of the bed and fell to the ground. The assailant tried to strike again, but Caldwell quickly knocked her down by tripping her with his own foot. Once she hit the floor hard, Caldwell wasted to time to retrieve the pan and pull out his gun and point it at her as she was about to get up sight of the gun made her freeze in her position. She gritted her teeth and glared at the man now towering before her.

"Now, my dear. Let us not fight tonight. Wouldn't want to harm such a beautiful face, now would we?" He approached closer, keeping the gun to her face. He knelt down and grabbed her chin to force her to look at him. She averted her eyes. "Look at me!" He growled.

Her eyes involuntarily looked at him. The young woman's eyes seemed to glow with anger and hatred toward Caldwell. Her eyes of the sea and of the afternoon sky. These eyes are what had brought her to this situation. A frightening thin, yet strong man, and a gun to her face.

"See isn't that better? Come now...young miss." And without warning his hit her across the head with the butt of the gun, she was knocked unconscious and slumped down to the floor with a thud.

Caldwell stood up and dusted himself off, staring down at the young woman he just struck in satisfaction. Her short, maroon hair spread around her like a red halo, and her gray asylum patient uniform dress spread like wings. Quickly and silently he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as though she was a bag of potatoes and beets, not so much as a crimson angel. He ran swiftly down the steps and out the main door to of the hospital to the a coach waiting there, patiently, with a line behind it consisting of more coaches with carriers attached whom contained servants disguised as patients.

Richard gave a slight expression of confusion to the sight of the unconscious girl. He said nothing about it, though. He knew that the girl must've tried to put up a fight before being taken away. His master Caldwell threw her in the carrier where the patients were kept when transported by coach. It was padded, lucky for her, but had it been not so he would have still thrown her in, like burdening luggage. He loudly closed and locked the door, should she try to escape again. He went around and sat in his seat waiting for Richard to follow suit and sit in front of him. The coach finally started moving down the road and through the gate which revealed the outside world.

"Did it go well?" Richard asked rather sheepishly.

Caldwell to out his gun again to admire it, though it made Richard's face suddenly become painted the color of panic. "Why, yes, I guess it rather did..." He drolled tauntingly. "She's got quite the spirit, doesn't she?" He asked casually.

"Well, I suppose so, my lord. If you had to strike her down, again." He agreed eagerly.

"But what else should be expected...after all she is a Remnant." He smirked, glancing to the wall behind him, knowing that behind it was a carrier keeping her captive and cold. "Keeping her famished made it a lot easier, easier. She hardly had any strength. An excellent idea, Richard, I must give credit." he complimented, though he stared down at him with superiority.

"Thank you, sir, I'm not worthy!" He gasped. He never got a compliment that often from his master.

"Certainly." He smirked. He turned to look at trees pass by in dark green blurs, and then to the sky still cloudy and voicing. Then, soon a white smile of lightening graced the sky, followed by gentle rain that became harsher as time looked away, tired of the scene to his rather nervous, twit companion. "Nervous, Richard?"

Richard gulped down the little pride he had before replying. "W-well sir...I'm not very fond of storms, a-a-and you have yet to put away your arm." He started, or rather, stuttered. He looked down at the old buttons of his old dirt brown trench coat.

"Well," Caldwell put away his arm in a sophisticated manner. " you'll have to deal with your phobia alone, I can't help you." He waved his hand at him, dismissively.

"Yes, my lord."

After an hour or so of traveling in the coach they arrived to their destination. Lien Space Port. It was night, so few beings were around. Well, fewer than if it were day. Caldwell's coach led the others to a different path on the space port's roads that was for businesses and not so much expeditions or cruises. They pulled up to a robot security guard standing at the gate that led to their private ship that transported patients to go to other hospitals.

Caldwell stepped out of the coach and walked up to the robot with a false face of friendliness and a folder.

"Good evening sir, identification, passport, clearance and passes please." The Robot Guard said, systematically.

"Here you are." Caldwell passed his documents to the officer.

"Berman Caldwell, doctor at Gustaf Hospital for the Demented and Insane." The Robot Guard whistled. " Transporting patients to another place, eh?" He said casually.

"Yes...they're a little too much for the staff and employees to handle." Caldwell chuckled.

"That's understandable!" The Guard laughed as well. "All right, you're clear." The guard signaled for the gate to be risen.

"Thank you, sir." Caldwell said, getting back inside the coach. "More like brute with bolts." He said once inside with a sly smirk. Richard nervously chuckled. "It's good they don't check the luggage..."

Once they got through the gate they were at the docks to their ship. It was rather small compared to the other ships on the space. It was still big, and gray. A depressing shade of gray with rust. The windows had bars and some actually had glass but they were tinted. There were a lot of windows, which meant a lot of rooms to keep the patients in. And to keep track of them when they were out were search lights, already on.

At this time the young miss finally awoke, first thing she sees is the monstrosity through the small window of her carrier's door. She looked above an saw the captain of the ship. He was a sort of tiger creature, only with yellow fur and black stripes. He was muscular, and frightening due to the the black and gold military captain uniform evident battle scars. A torn ear, claw marks on the right cheek, and large fangs when he grinned at their arrival.

She decided to look away and studied the details of the ship for herself. On the side of the ship was " Asylum Express. " The windows. She saw they had bars and not glass...they were tiny too. The tainted windows.

'What's in there...?' She thought nervously. At that moment she felt herself panic when she kept looking at the ship. She didn't know why she was, she just knew she was when her heart started beating faster and her breathing came in more frequently. 'I don't want to go in there! No!' She looked at the ship with pure dread in her started to back away from the window.

The coach that held her carrier started to move toward the ship and up the steep ramp onto the dreadful mass, causing her to roll over and slam her back onto the carrier's door. Her panic was cut short due to the sudden pain of the impact. She separated from the hard surface and groaned, rubbing her head. Suddenly the coach was upright again causing her to fall with a grunt on the padded carrier floor.

As she tried to collect herself, the doors swung open to reveal two other doctors from the asylum hospital holding each door. She glanced at them bewildered and defensively. From the darkness of the night, Caldwell and the captain approached her carrier with wicked expressions on their faces. The light and shadows played on there faces and made them look more ominous and evil. The two doctors dragged her out by her arms. She tried to fight but it was futile, she was weak from hunger. They made her stand before the two awful men, but she refused to look.

"Ah, young miss...enjoy your trip." Caldwell taunted, with a cruel smirk. "Now, let me introduce you to this gentlemen here. This is Captain Flanagan, and you will give him the respect he no attacking people with pans, understood?" He addressed.

"Nice to meet you, madam." The Captain said politely bowing his head a bit. His voice was low and rough, it suited his appearance.

She didn't respond anything, but she did spit hatefully at the floor, very close to the Captain's boots. He didn't react at all, just dismissed it but kept staring at her eyes. However it made Caldwell react. Next thing she felt was a hard slap to the face.

"Arrogant rat!" He growled. " For that, you will go a fourth night hungry! And once we've finished unloading everything, you can wash the deck." He grabbed her arm forcefully. He dragged her across the deck until they got to a door that went down stairs to the rooms.

Caldwell slammed open the door to one of the rooms. It was dark, dirty, and smelled of iron and sickness, with only a window being the source of light. Caldwell tossed her inside and she fell hard to thinly padded floor.

"May this serve you a lesson once and for all, Iris." He spat at her and to the floor just as she did before. With one final glare and roar, he slammed the door so loudly it made her jump, though she knew it would come.

The young woman, Iris just sat up and looked up and out the window to see the moon smile at her, pitifully. Next she felt the ship move violently as it started up for liftoff, causing her to stumble on her own hands and knees. Once it ceased she just stayed in the position she was in and cried until she fell asleep and dreamed of her past. At least in her dreams of her past, Iris was safe from Caldwell, the Captain, and others from the Asylum who've done her harm. At least then, she could feel some sort of happiness again.

HI MY DARLING READERS! hows this for not writing fanfics in a while, eh! im trying to keep things a little mysterious, which is why it took forever to learn Iris' name. Anyway yes...Caldwell was inspired my Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. (LOVE THAT MOVIE) It feels so good to be writing again and actually having fun with it! well please read and review i really really really need opinions and criticism!

well either way i really hope you enjoyed it, i love you all! peace out until the next chappie! (I'll try and be quicker about it!) oh, and this is totally dedicated to my bfffffffffffffffffffffffff b-ball-chan...I LOVES YOU, GIRLY! imma watch quest for camelot now...wait no i got to sleep...SHIT!