713 AD


Shilo ran through the forests on the outskirts of her home town. She was always one to never stay put for too long, always onto explore bigger and better things. Her mother always told her that one day her curiosity would get the best of her. She loved it in the forest, always finding something new and exciting to discover; a baby bird learning how to fly, the squirrels chasing each other, everything. Shilo loved seeing it all. She was surrounded by the trees in her favorite spot. Sometimes she would just lie down in the earth and smile as she dreamt; as she was doing now.

Her olive skin contrasting against the brown of the forest as she lay down in the earth beneath her, allowing her shoulder length black hair to pool under her head like a halo, her lips turning up in a smile before she closed her pale blue eyes and began to imagine herself somewhere else.

That smell was beautiful. It was the scent of something he had never smelled before and it drew him deeper into the forest—deeper into where she was. Godric had gotten closer to the scent to see where it had originated from.

There in the center of a small clearing was such a young girl, no more than sixteen years of age, lying down in the dirt, twigs, and leaves. Godric had never been so enamored by anything or anyone before this human creature before him. She was an intriguing little thing, why would a human take so much joy in lying themselves in dirt? He thought to himself as he watched intently with curiosity. So enchanted by her he foolishly stepped down a twig, breaking the girl from her reverie.

Shilo's eyes opened upon hearing the snap, standing to her full height immediately. Looking around her to find what had made the noise she laughed at herself for seeing a small rabbit bound its way from behind the trees.

"Oh," she said as she laughed at her own gullibility. "It's only a rabbit. A small, harmless little rabbit; you gave me quite the fright you know," she said kneeling down to pet the rabbit between the ears. "Go on now, run along you."

And with a light pat on the bum, the rabbit had scampered away from Shilo.

She tensed up as soon as the rabbit was out of sight. She felt—no she knew she was not alone, for the hairs on the back of her neck stood as soon as she felt cold eyes watching her back. Turning she saw him.

Out of immediate fright she screamed and fell on her back. Godric had been standing behind her the entire time she was petting the rabbit.

"Do not be afraid of me," he said holding out a hand to lift her.

"I'm not afraid," she said grasping her hand in his. As she did she felt…something when her skin touched his. It was miniscule, but she had certainly felt it. "You startled me is all."

"My apologies, it was not my intention," he replied as she stood, revealing herself to be only a few inches shorter than him.

Being closer to her now he was able to make out every remarkable feature on that beautiful skin of hers. The way her black hear shined something fierce under the moonlight, making her skin appear to be glowing. The light reflected off of her eyes, making her seem to have two small stars in place of where her eyes should be. Her natural rosy lips, he stared at those lips for what seemed like forever. Only breaking his eyes from them when she spoke again.

"They're so cold," she said as he began to look back at her.

He was confused; he had been staring at her lips for too long to know what she meant by 'they're so cold'.

"What do you mean?" he asked her, looking at her eyes as if he could see into her soul.

"Your hands," she said looking down at where they were still holding hands. "They're so cold…are you cold?" she asked upon noticing his bare torso, nothing but a pair of ripped of bottoms his only item of clothing.

"I'm aware," he said interlacing his fingers with her own as he stepped closer, grasping a lock of her hair and sniffing it. Bringing it to his nose as if inhaling it would give him the secrets to life. "…beautiful," he breathed out as he released her hair.

Shilo could barely say a word. She was too awestruck by this young boy to reply. He was so bold, and yet she didn't care. The moment she looked into his brown eyes she found she couldn't tear her face away from him; not if a thousand of soldiers were dragging her.

Her eyes traveled over the sun kissed skin of his face, taking in the way he looked in the light of the moon as well. His skin was adorned by tribal tattoos, showing her he had been a warrior from wherever he had come from. He could not have been from here, for none of the males looked like he did. He was different and she found herself drawn to him.

An invisible string connected to her chest and slowly brought her closer and closer to him. She didn't have time to register what she was doing until she felt her warm lips upon his cold ones. Each lip meshing into the other perfectly.

Like they were made for each other.

Godric didn't hold back when she kissed him, he had gladly accepted it as soon as he could feel her breath on his lips. His hand left her hand in exchange for her slim waist. Wrapping around her and bringing them even closer.

She didn't know why she was doing this only that it felt right and she didn't want to let him go when her arms wound around his neck.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Shilo! Shilo! Where are you?" came the voice of her young brother, Nico, of nine years. "Mother says it's too dark to be out on one of your adventures!"

Shilo felt Godric's lips leave hers as his forehead pressed into hers. "Shilo," his voice breathed out as he looked into her eyes. "Shilo…it sounds like someone is looking for you."

She groaned inwardly, she hadn't wanted this moment to end so soon. She still wanted to be held in his arms, their lips touching and never releasing. She was both confused and exultant at what had just transpired between the two.

"Oh, but I don't wish to go," Shilo whined as she held her hands in Godric's.

"I will see you again soon," he said kissing both her hands. "Do not worry."

"Wait!" she said crying out to him before he had a chance to completely leave her sight. "Your name…you never told me your name."

"Godric, and I will see you again," he said before vanishing before her eyes, but not before leaving words lingering in the air behind him saying, "I promise."

And that was the last time she saw him.

She came back the next night, around the same time to see if he would be there, her Godric. But he never came. She showed up the next night hoping to see him once more, and still he didn't appear for her. She had started to wonder if she really had dreamt of him that night—it would make sense seeing as how she usually found herself falling asleep in the woods. The third night she went to the clearing again in hoped if seeing that face again-or to at least hear his voice or feel his eyes on her to let her know he wasn't a figment of her imagination. But once again on that third night he still hadn't came to her. Shilo had come to the consensus that perhaps this Godric really was a man from her dreams. All too soon she would learn that Godric was very much real.

Shilo had in fact given up on the dream of Godric by the fourth night. It had been too long since she had seen him for him to be real. It was nearing dark and she had spent her entire time out in the forests. The nature in the earth would help her find some way to clear her mind.

She walked and walked until she felt her body grow tired. Deciding to just take a short nap surrounded by her forest friends, Shilo lay down near a tree and soon found herself wishing to dream of Godric.

The scent of burning wood and flesh left Shilo in a fit of coughing as she woke up from the horrid smell. She opened her eyes and stood to see it was darker than when she had fallen asleep. She had overslept longer than she wished too—her mother would be very upset with her.

But that smell was still there, and Shilo noticed it had increased as she got closer and closer in the direction of her village. What she thought was the smell of a large meal to feed an entire village was actually the smell of her entire home place burnt to the ground; everything destroyed and everyone—dead.

Shilo's eyes had begun watering on sight at the disturbing view before her. She walked through her broken village to see blacken bodies of people she once knew, people she had spoken to not very long ago. People she called her friends.

She broke down in hysterical sobs when she saw what had become of her own home and family: nothing. They were dead and burned just like the rest of the village. As she sunk to the ground her knees fell on something soft; a stuffed squirrel she had sewn for her brother—a brother that was only nine years of age. Shilo's cries had gone unheard, or so she thought.

The touch of a hand on her shoulder was enough to break her from her despair, turning she saw that one face that she had been missing terribly for so long—Godric.

She didn't care if he was real or not, she just wanted to hold onto him and pray that this was in fact a dream so that she could wake up to the smell of her mother's breakfast, her father's yelling, and the sweet voice of her brother. She would give anything for all of this not to be real.

But alas it was.

"Please, do not cry young one," Godric said to her as he smoothed his hand down her hair, trying to soothe her racking sobs.

"Bu—but you're not real…are you?" she said looking up at him threw hyaline eyes. Hoping that he was real so that he could comfort her since her family was gone. She couldn't bear the thought of having to go through this world alone—if Godric was real he would be enough.

"I am," he assured her, lifting her in his arms to take her away from this horrid nightmare. "I will give you a new life Shilo; a life with me."

Those were the last words she heard before passing out in his arms. But not before she caught sight of the victory flag setting atop what was her village's chief's house. The village that did this would one day pay tenfold, for Godric had also seen the flag. Before she knew it a black curtain had covered over her eyes.

Shilo had been with Godric in his makeshift home near the mountains for the course of three days now; it seemed like he was making up to her those three days he had left her thinking he wasn't real. He had been her sole dependence. She had learned soon that he was more to her than a stranger that took care of her. Shilo was in love with Godric and she no longer cared that she didn't know why she was in love with him she could only hope that Godric had felt the same for her.

When he came back to her that night she would surely tell him. She never saw him in the morning, he always told her he was out hunting food for her in the morning, and she believed him when he came back with an abundance of food; meats, vegetables, and fruits. He stayed near her at night though, as if something was going to snatch her away from him in the night.

Shilo was definitely sure Godric had loved her, for they had without a doubt kissed more than once in the three days she had been with him. Hell she would bet her life on it that Godric loved her. He had too. He made everything hurt less. He always took her mind off of the bad things, could make her forget what transpired with just a kiss. It was certain; Godric and Shilo loved each other. She would tell him tonight.

Godric was stoking the fire for her; it was colder than usual tonight. He always worried about Shilo's comfort, wanting everything to be just perfect for her, for he loved her. He loved everything about her, he loved her smell, her touch, her hair, her personality, her lips…oh her lips he could never get enough of. Shilo had become his world in those short three days they had been together.

"Godric," Shilo said as she walked over to him, her hands going to caress his back as she took a seat behind him. "My sweet Godric…why are you so kind to me?"

He turned around and grasped her fingers in his hand. "Why am I so kind to you?" he repeated back to her, not believing that she had just asked him such a question. "Shiloh…I love you. I've loved you since I first saw you in that clearing, lying down in the earth and smiling up at the sky. Shilo…you are my world."

Shilo felt her eyes water up at hearing him say those words to her, "I love you too Godric." She finally said to him. Earning the most passionate kiss from Godric she had ever had.

His lips meshing into hers more urgent than before. His hands moved across her back as he brought her body beneath his on the layers of quilts he put together to make her a bed. He had moved his lips to her neck. Kissing and sucking the soft, supple skin there ever so slightly. He knew what he wanted from her tonight, Godric wanted her virgin body and in return he would give her eternity and a day with him.

"Why did you stop Godric?" Shilo asked upon his lips leaving her neck as she looked up at him.

"Shilo I love you…and I want you…physically," he told her as he searched her eyes for rejection of what he wanted from her—there was none.

"I want you to take me Godric, I love you," she said her hands grasping his face as if he was going to run away from her. "I want you too."

And before more words could be exchanged, Godric had ripped the fabric covering her body from him off of her, throwing it across the room and then he did the same thing with his own clothes. Shilo felt his member on her inner thigh as he kissed her passionately. Wanting this night to be absolutely perfect for his love, he would be the utmost gentle on her, for he knew he was her first.

His hands travelled down her neck, between the valley of her breasts, across her stomach, and in-between her legs to that special place. His fingers groping the swollen lips of her anatomy. Shilo immediately gasped at the unfamiliar touch. Two of Godric's fingers entered her slowly, the tight ring of muscle immediately clenching around Godric's fingers. He began moving them in and out of her a faster pace, seeing how far he could go with her by just using his fingers.

Looking down at Shilo's face he saw that she was in pure ecstasy at his ministrations. He wanted to continue with them, truly he did but he did not want her first orgasm to come from that form of intercourse, he wanted it to come from the marital form of intercourse.

Kissing Shilo on the lips, Godric placed himself at the opening of her entrance, keeping his eyes on Shilo's the entire time. He would stop if she felt any pain or discomfort certainly. With a nod of Shilo's head he had began to enter her. That was the hardest part.

For at the feel of something foreign was causing Shilo a great deal of pain as Godric broke through her maidenhead. When he was completely inside of her he stopped, allowing her to get used to the size of him.

He had begun to move his hips, what Shilo thought would be the most painful wasn't. It was only uncomfortable but after a few more thrusts Shilo was enjoying it more than she thought she would. She had begun to hitch her legs up higher around Godric's waist, his body not feeling as cold as it usually was. She didn't know that this was due to him feeding previously to him entering the makeshift home they shared.

Shilo moaned out against his thrusts, she thought to herself that the man to deflower her with a kiss would also be the one to deflower her biblically.

Hearing the sound of Shilo's mews and cries of passion Godric increased his thrusting. Shilo was entirely grateful for it. She had tried to match his with her own but the attempt was futile as Godric had begun going much faster than she anticipated.

A click had sounded and Shilo's eyes opened to see Godric staring down at her with something in the way of his teeth—fangs.

She was immediately fearful for her life, for she knew what he was and everything had begun to make sense to her; never seeing him in the sun, never eating with her when he brought back food, always deathly cold one minute and then warm after a day's "hunt".

For the people in her village had names for his kind: Bautor de Sange…The Blood Drinker.

"Oh God…Godric what are you?" she said her hands going to his shoulders as if to push him off but try as she may, he was over ten times her strength. "Get off of me!"

"Shh, Shilo I do not wish to harm you, I love you," he said calming her with kind words and soft kisses. "I…want you to be with me…for eternity and a day Shilo. I want you as my mate, if you'll have me."

At that moment Shilo had forgotten her fear and wrapped her arms around Godric, leaning her neck to the side, giving him access. "I'll have you," she whispered in his ear.

Godric smiled and told her he loved her once more. Continuing on with his thrusts as he prepared to make Shilo his forever. It seemed that the short pause had brought them both closer to their peak.

"Oh Godric, bite me, please," she moaned and panted as she waited for the pain to come to her neck. "Make me like you, so we can be together forever."

"I will."

Her voice moaned out at the feel of her first orgasm, something she had never felt before in all of her sixteen years of existence. This was a feel she would never forget. Godric felt the wave rack through his body as well; his thrusts became more speedy and violent as he fuelled her of him. She gripped his arms for support. The feel of pleasure had disappeared and as Godric's fangs pierced her skin came a gush of blood, a lot of pain, and complete darkness.

Hope this all tickled your fancy, I know it tickled ShiloCoulter's fancy as she was the one I had written this for.

Questions, comments, concerns? Do I need to say where they go?