Hey Guys! Welp, I got my computer taken away so all of the chapters I wrote for Unseen Future and Time Machine are on a different computer and I didn't upload them to Document Manager before I got it taken away. So, until I get it back, I decided to write this since I got inspiration and I get to use my dad's computer at least. Hope you like this!
Chapter One
Blue tile after blue tiles. Wooden floorboards squeaking beneath my footsteps. Turn right, then left. Down the next hallway with phones ringing off the hook. Step into the elevator and press the button that leads to the fourteenth floor. Go down the hallway and make a left. Dodge the many reporters looking for the rising-in-fame band members. Make another left and push open the mahogany door with the name plate: Rachel Morgan, Producer of Magnet Studios.
"No, if he has a fever then use the auto-tune…No! We cannot afford to cancel another one of his concerts. Yes, hold on one second," my beautiful mother said and held the receiver and of the phone with her palm.
"One second, sweetie," she said and pressed the button for the next line, "Yes, I'm here…I'm pretty sure if she can't handle a twenty four episode season, then she has to go…her small role is easily replaceable…I don't care if she switches contracts to Golden Studios...Let the press go crazy, okay, bye," she hung up the phone and tied her long black hair into a loose bun.
"How was school, hun?" she asked me and I shrugged, leaning back on the white couch in her office.
"It was alright, considering I'm home schooled, mom," she smiled but not completely, the stress of work was evident in the way her eyes were dull and dark circles outlined her eyes.
"Cammie, I have a meeting in five minutes but I just wanted to remind you about the Oscar Awards tonight," she said while writing on a notepad at an amazing speed.
"How could I forget? It will be my first one," I pointed out with a smug grin.
My mother, Rachel Morgan, was CEO/Producer of Magnet Studios where we range from TV shows to Movies to Music artists. My mom inherited the company from her father when he retired just before he passed away. The business runs in the family, so naturally, I was going to inherit it after my mom retires. Not that I wanted to. I actually always wanted to get out of the show business and travel the world. But my mother had other intentions for me. That's why I'm home schooled, so I have more time to learn how to run the company, get to know my mom's many connections. Now you're probably wondering about my dad. He was a guitar player back in his fame days. He and my mom met when they ran into each other, literally, in the studio. But, when I was seven, his private jet crashed on their way to a concert. Ever since then my mother loved to drown herself in her work.
Then there was Golden Studios. They loved to steal our clients and sometimes even sent spies to steal our movie offers and pass it off as their own. Their CEO, Marissa Goode, was an enemy to my mother. I'm not sure exactly what their history was, but they definitely weren't best buddies or even fellow producers. Needless to say, I was brought up to never trust anyone who worked for Golden Studios, especially after Josh Abrahams, my Ex boyfriend. Turns out he was another spy, using me to get to one of our newest clients, just to get them to sign a contract for them. The worst part about it was that I had actually fallen for him. Hard. But did he care? Not one bit.
My mother smiled, grabbing her notepad and walking over to kiss my forehead. "Be ready to go at five sharp!" she said and threw me a set of keys.
"The Mustang? Seriously?" I asked amazed with my mouth gaping open.
She chuckled, "Well, you're turning seventeen in two weeks and it is your first Oscar. Go crazy for once, kiddo! Be a normal teenager!" I laughed at how childish my mom could act sometimes, her being a very important media figure.
"Just because I don't party or go crazy over brand clothes doesn't mean I'm not normal…actually it does," I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "See ya mom!"
I ran out of the crazy Studio building and relished the sounds of honking cars, calls for taxis, and the busy streets of Hollywood. That is, until I felt someone grab my arm and drag me into Chanel store.
"Bex! Are you trying to torture me?" I half yelled half laughed along with her.
"Bloody, Cam, you need something to wear for tonight!" she said pulling off her hat, letting her dark brown cascade down her back and pulled off her vintage sunglasses that had to be worth more than a couple thousand dollars.
Rebecca (Bex) Baxter had to be the most talented and beautiful British actress of our generation. She just recently got nominated for Best Supporting Actress for tonight's Oscar Academy Awards. She was even going to be a host!
"Well sorry that I don't have my own personal stylist," I rolled my eyes at my best friend. Yes, Bex, the ever famous, was my best friend, has been ever since we were nine when Bex made her first debut.
"Yeah, well you should," she said shoving dresses at me and directing me towards the dressing rooms. I chose the simple floor length, strapless purple dress with a soft satin material. The neck line didn't cut to far down, which I liked, and it was finished with a silver rhinestone waist band. It was elegant yet simple.
A pair of silver heels flew into the changing room and I caught them before it impaled my face.
"Thanks a lot, Rebecca!" I snickered.
"Anytime, Cameron!" she yelled back.
Once I stepped out of the changing room I was dragged, heals and all, to the make up department. Did I mention the dress was strapless?
"Ms. Baxter! It's so good to see you again! Congratulations on your nominee!" a very perky woman with bleached blond hair and crazy highlights came up to us with curling irons.
"Thanks Savannah! But can you help out my friend here? She's going to be attending the Oscars too and I need to go to rehearsals," Bex said in her thick British accent.
"Of course!" Savannah said and waved Bex off while she started to curl my dirty blond hair into wavy ringlets. She put on a light brown eye shadow with eyeliner and mascara. she gave me diamond earrings and some silver bracelets.
"And to complete the look!" Savannah said very giddily and handed me a white mask with black rhinestones decorating it in ivy patterns.
"What's this for?" I asked holding up the mask that would cover only half of my face.
"Don't you know? The after party is masquerade themed this year," she said and placed the mask on me.
"You look stunning! Oh, even Leonardo DiCaprio would fall head over heels for you!" she gushed and I held back a sarcastic comment. Truth be told, I wasn't that pretty. Sure, my mom and aunt were beautiful, and I was always around famous stars, but to all of them I was just average. Average Cammie Morgan.
By the time I was driving back towards my mansion in Beverly Hills, it was already an hour before the Oscar Awards started. I parked the Mustang into our large garage and went back outside to join my mom in our stretch limo.
My mom was wearing a white gown that hugged her curves, her black hair had slight waves in it.
"You look wonderful!" my mom said and I smiled a bit.
"Thanks. Is the after party really a masquerade?" I inquired as the limo started to drive off towards the Academy Awards.
"As clichéd as it sounds, yes," my mom laughed and pulled out her white mask that matched her dress.
"Will Leonardo DiCaprio be there?" I asked and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.
My mother laughed and said, "Of course, his movie was nominated. But Marissa Goode will also be there," she said the last part with a dark look in her eyes.
"Mom, ignore her. Three of our company's movies have been nominated tonight, so enjoy it," I reassured her. Sometimes it felt like I was the mother and she was the daughter, but I knew she was just nervous.
We sat the rest of the ride in silence until we pulled up to a crowd of people and flashing cameras with a chorus of 'who is in that limo?s'. we stepped out to the flashing of cameras and reporters asking my mother about details about the new projects and the various actor's statuses.
It felt like hours before we actually made it into the building as we took our seats. I watched as Bex opened the awards with her co-host, the two of them reenacting James Bond and as an explosion erupted on stage and there stood my best friend as the smoke cleared.
The show dragged on, Natalie Portman won Best Actress, Bex won Best Supporting Actress, and I did get to see Leonardo DiCaprio. He looked better in his Titanic days.
Once the Awards were over, I went backstage to join Bex so we could go to the after party together. My mom was going to meet with one of her colleagues, Joseph Solomon.
"You were wonderful Bex!" I told her as we rode in the limo. She gave me a bone crushing hug as we both laughed and drank our glasses of coke, courtesy of the very comfy Baxter limousine.
"You know what, Cam? We should find ourselves guys tonight!" she said, slightly hyper from all the excitement.
I rolled my eyes, "Seriously? You know I'm not ready for that yet…I'm still not over Josh," I admitted, squirming in my seat.
"That loser? You could find someone so much better! Besides, it's a masquerade! All you have to do is browse, flirt, chat a little and make a decision. Good thing is they won't even know who you are beneath that mask," she said flicking the mask I had on.
"And I suppose you're going to do the same?" I asked, gesturing to her own mask.
"Nah, I have my eyes set on the gorgeous Grant. I just want to tease him a little bit. See if he notices me," she sighed. Grant was the lead singer of his band that contracted with Golden Studios. Bex had been trying to get his attention for so long now but he just ignores her and goes to one of his slutty groupie girls.
"You could do better than that. I'm glad that guy signed to Golden Studios, he's just another bad boy player," I crossed my arms.
Bex nodded. "I know, but there's something more to him than that, and I'm going to find out," she said and opened the door to the limo.
I followed her out and we linked arms as more reporters swarmed around us, well, surrounded Bex. I was invisible compared to my best friend. And I liked it.
The beat of the loud music rang in my ears as movie stars, bands, singers, dancers, broadcasters swarmed the party. Everyone wore masks and were either grinding on the dance floor or eating snacks and drinking on the other side of the large room.
I spotted Bex and Grant dancing when the music changed from upbeat to slow and acoustic. I swayed to the music as I stood in the corner, being invisible. I took a sip of my non-alcoholic drink and watched my best friend have the time of her life with the biggest crush she's ever had ever since Johnny Depp.
I was so entranced by the strobe lights and the music that I didn't notice when a guy around my age, with a black mask on, stood next to me.
"Hey," a gruff voice spoke, breaking me out of my trance. I looked up to see the boy with unruly dark brown hair that looked so soft I had an urge to run my hands through it. My ever-changing eyes met piercing green ones, although the were almost covered up by the mask he wore.
"Hi," was my brilliant reply.
I saw his lips curve into a smirk and my knees suddenly felt wobbly.
"Why aren't you out on the dance floor?" he asked, leaning against the wall and staring at me. I turned so my half exposed back was pressed against the wall, not meeting his gaze.
"I could ask you the same thing," I told him with ice in my voice. I wasn't about to trust another boy, especially a stranger.
His smirk grew wider as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He had on a black tux that showed his tough build. He probably took off his coat jacket earlier because his white collared shirt was rolled up at the sleeves, showing off his tanned skin.
After a long silence he stood in front of me and held out his hand. "Well then, want to dance?" he asked.
I looked up into his eyes, the only feature of his face I could see. Confusion swept over me. I was just plain Cammie, why would this boy ask me to dance? Easy answer: He was using me, just like Josh.
When I didn't take his hand, he stuffed his hands back in his pockets, shock and confusion clear in his eyes.
Feeling guilty I said, "Look, I'm sorry but I have to go," I said and picked up the bottom of my dress and started to head out the doors, away from the press. I just ran, in heels, to nowhere in particular. My broken heart and memories of my dad crept into my mind. I was being used yet again. I just wouldn't let it unfold as far as it did the first time, I learned my lesson.
Stone brick after stone brick. The scuffling of my shoes against cement. Street light after street light. That's when I realized I was in an alleyway in downtown Los Angles on a Sunday night, wearing a strapless dress.
Panicking, I fished for my phone in my clutch purse when I realized, I left my purse in Bex's limo. I leaned against the stonewall, cursing myself for being so naive and stupid. My feet were probably blistered and sore from my hours of power walking. I slipped off the high heels and slipped to the ground, letting the tears flow over my mask when I heard footsteps. A hand rested on my shoulder, so in response, I grabbed that very hand and flipped the person over on his stomach, digging my knee into his back.
"Hey! Watch it!" a familiar gruff voice said and I tightened my grip until I saw those green eyes.
"W-What? You followed me? What are you? A stalker?" I yelled and thought a moment before adding, "Or just desperate."
The nameless boy took my moment of grief to flip us over so he was on top, his and my masks still intact.
"Why would I be desperate of you, you probably had to sneak into that party," he smirked.
"Wait, so you don't know who I am?" I asked at this new revelation. Why was this boy stalking me if he didn't know my family connections?
"Never seen you in my life. Maybe if I knew your name…" he trailed off and I flipped us over again so I was on top.
"Nice try, stalker, but you're not getting it out of me that easily," he smirked and pushed himself off the ground with ease, lifting me up with him as well. I couldn't help but think about how strong he must be…
"I'm not a stalker, you just ran out of the party alone at night…in LA. You're going to get yourself killed wandering around looking that beautiful," he said. I blushed at his words; his eyes seemed sincere as he talked.
"Why do you care?" I asked my voice like acid yet he didn't even flinch.
He stared into my eyes and for a second I thought he would be able to see through my mask.
"How about we just start over?" he asked holding out a hand.
This time, I took it hesitantly. "That would be nice."
He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist, catching me by surprise.
"What are you doing?" I asked, gripping his arms that wound around me.
"Starting the dance that should've happened earlier," he said and pulled me closer. I smiled shyly and wrapped my arms around his neck, wishing I could reach up and take off his mask, to see his beautiful green eyes more clearly.
"Dancing in an alley, you're such a romantic," I teased, sending a smile his way.
He laughed and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, better than any song or lyric I've heard by various artists, which is a lot. "The best I could do at the moment, considering this was your choice of venue."
I rolled my eyes, "Tell me about yourself."
He looked down at me, contemplating on what he should tell me.
He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm in show business," he said simply, "what about you?"
"Show business too," I said with a smile.
"Really? What do you specialize in?" he asked with sincerity in his voice, like he actually was curious.
"I play the guitar, sing, I've been on a couple of shows with my friend," I said honestly. I really did all those things, it just wasn't the entire truth. If I told him now about my mother or me inheriting Magnet Studios, he would think I was a snob, or he really would turn out to be a backstabber like Josh.
Zach nodded with a slight smile that made me feel bright inside. I just met this boy and I was already falling for him. I can't let that happen. But I could enjoy this moment while it lasts. Chances are we won't see each other after this.
"Now do I get to know the name of the beautiful girl that is most likely falling for my charm?" he asked with his stupid smirk.
"Do you ever stop smirking?" I asked with a grin.
He let out another laugh that sent vibrations through our bodies.
"Will you ever tell me your name?" he asked again and we stopped swaying back and forth.
"You tell me yours first," I said, think I had the upper hand, not prepared for what came next.
"Fine. It's Zach. Zachary Goode."
The next thing I knew, I was running out of the alleyway with the heir to Golden Studios calling for me to come back.
But I knew it was too good to be true. I was Cammie Morgan, Zachary Goode's rival in the little thing we call show business.
Review please? Maybe I'll continue?