A/N: This idea randomly popped into my head and I wrote it down. Not the greatest thing ever, but decent.

Summary: Burt overhears Blaine apologizing for last night, and goes ballistic. Barely longer than a drabble, rated T for language.

Spoilers: Well, Kurt and Blaine are together, which used to be just a ship, but is now a spoiler, so yes, through Original Song! :)

Burt Hummel was not one to listen in on his kid's conversations. In fact, he hated people who did. It was his opinion that children should be given distance and respect unless the parent thinks something is wrong. Then he would of course be willing to do absolutely anything to protect Kurt, but eavesdrop? Not his thing.

Of course, no one could blame him, really. Because the one and only thing he heard while passing by his son's bedroom was that Anderson kid saying "Look, I'm sorry about last night."

He froze.

His mind quickly went back to when he was a teenage boy. 'Last night' implied the S word, and 'sorry' implied…

That boy did not force Kurt to have intimate relations with him. Or he better not have, if he wanted to survive the next twenty minutes.

Burt quickly and quietly back-pedaled until he had his ear pressed up against Kurt's door.

A quiet sigh. "Don't be sorry, Blaine." Blaine. That was the bastards name.

"No, really, I am. I shouldn't have pushed you." Fuck. Burt could practically hear his blood pressure rising.

"I told you a million times, I'm not mad, it wasn't a big deal." Not a big deal?

"Not a big deal?" Huh. "I made you uncomfortable. You should never feel uncomfortable around me." Well you, kid, will feel uncomfortable sitting down for awhile. "It's just, I know you do it with all of the guys in New Directions. You've done it at least once with Santana, and remember last week when I walked in on you doing it with Finn? And I thought there was nothing wrong with it, because I did it with Rachel at that party, and that was in front of a bunch of people I didn't even know!" WHAT?

"No, honestly Blaine, I overreacted. I'm not even mad, you're totally right."

"No he's not!" Burt yelled, and suddenly realized that he had thrown the door open and was now standing in front of his one and only precious young little boy child and his rapist. "He is in no way right! That is never okay! Pressuring someone into doing… that!" Kurt gaped at him, before his face melted into a frown.

"Dad, were you spying on us?"

"W- No! Yes, I was!" Burt sputtered, "And don't say a word about it, young man! You've been doing those things with Santana? You've been doing it with FINN? I mean, you know I have nothing against it, but FINN? You know what," he barked turning towards the pale, shorter boy sitting next to his son, "get out of my house. Right now." Kurt stood with him.

"You know what Dad, I have no idea why you're freaking out like this, but fine, if he leaves, I'm leaving too!" Kurt stormed out, dragging Blaine, who was stammering out an apology, behind him.

The door slammed.

Burt groaned and put his face in his hands.

The Night Before

"Honestly Blaine, I'm just not up to it right now." Kurt complained, glaring at the boy pulling on his arm.

"Oh, come on Kurt, it's fun!" Blaine said, smirking.

"Yes, I know, but I just don't feel… comfortable… doing it here." Kurt muttered, glancing around at the mish-mash of random people who filled the karaoke bar. Three old ladies sat at one table; a young couple perched at the bar. In the corner, a group of middle aged men drank beer and complained about their wives. "Besides," he continued, "none of these people would appreciate our vocal talents. I don't even understand why we're here. And karaoke is cliché." Blaine shook his head.

"Nope. Too bad. No matter what you say, we are doing it. Now. And you have absolutely no choise in the matter."