I do not own Danny Phantom or Lord of the Flies.

Gangsta Danny

Sam leaned against the bank of lockers, twirling a lock of dark hair around her finger and glancing at the front doors every few minutes. Tucker shouldered his backpack and adjusted his glasses. "What's up, Sam?"

"Did you happen to talk to Danny last night?" Sam asked.

Tucker shook his head. "No. I was playing Doom all night. Tried to set a world record. Didn't go well."

Sam rolled her violet eyes and set off down the hall with Tucker right behind her. She pushed her way impatiently past her fellow peers and headed towards Danny's locker. "Well, I talked to him. And he seemed...depressed."

Tucker arched an eyebrow. "Did Skulker melt his comic books again?"

Sam snorted. "No. He didn't tell me what was wrong. He just sounded sullen and sad."

She halted so suddenly Tucker had to grab on to her shoulders to keep him from falling over. She gaped at the direction of Danny's locker and Tucker followed her shocked gaze and instantly clapped a hand over his mouth.

"What the heck?" he exclaimed.

Danny's normally messy black hair had set a record today. It stuck out at every angle, only held down but a gold cap that was sideways on his head. His baggy jeans sagged down his butt, revealing his green and white Danny Phantom boxers. His white T-shirt was replaced by a large black and silver hoodie. His untied laces flapped against the tiled floor as he came to meet them, his blue eyes hidden behind black shades.

Sam collected herself and glared at Danny. "What are you wearing?"

The teen halfa frowned and stared down at himself. "I thought this was cool."

"If you're a plumber! Pull up your pants!" she hissed.

Tucker snickered. "Nice boxers, dude."

"Shut up, Tucker," Danny sighed. "Look, I'm having a bit of an identity crisis."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Identity crisis? Well then, let me help you. You're Danny Fenton. You are fourteen-years-old. You go to Casper High. Your parents are ghost hunters. You are also Danny Phantom, Amity Park's hero."

"But that's just it! As Danny Phantom, I'm popular, a somebody."

"You were public enemy number one until last week," Tucker pointed out.

Danny waved his hand dismissively. "But now I'm not. It's so depressing, getting praised as Danny Phantom and getting whaled on as Danny Fenton. As Danny Fenton I'm a nerd! I need a cool personality to suit my Phantom side."

Sam rubbed her temples. "This is going to be a long week."

"A week? How do you know it's going to go longer?" wondered Tucker.

The Goth crossed her arms. "This whole deal is going to go bad very quickly. It won't last long. And if he starts getting out of hand I won't let it last long."

"Point," agreed the techgeek. He turned to study Danny. "What are you supposed to be, anyway?"

"I'm a gangster! Isn't it obvious?"

"Yeah. Sure."

The bell rang and Sam muttered darkly to herself as she and her friends hurried to Lancer's class. They settled in their usual seats in the back. Dash and his thugs were snickering and sneering at Danny.

"Yo, Fenton! What's with the getup? You look like a freak! Oh, wait, you always look like that!"

Danny scowled and slouched in his seat. His cap fell over his shade-covered eyes. Lancer walked into the room at that moment, snapping at everyone to be quiet. He dropped his briefcase on his desk and went to take roll call when his eyes fell on Danny.

"Mr. Fenton?" he asked in surprise.

"Yo." Danny tilted his hat up and glanced at his teacher.

Lancer frowned. "Hats off in class Mr. Fenton. Sunglasses too."

Danny pulled the hat and shades off and tossed them on his desk. "That's bogus, man."

Lancer arched an eyebrow and pulled his attendance folder from his desk drawer and gestured to the board. "If you think that's bogus, than I guess you're going to hate writing the summary on the first twenty pages on Lord of the Flies, huh, Mr. Fenton?"

I really gotta learn to keep my mouth shut, Danny sighed and stood up, slouching to the front of the class and picking up a piece of chalk from Lancer's desk. He reached up to write and frowned when he felt a sudden breeze on his legs.

That's odd...wait.

Sam propped her head in her hands as she watched Danny turn a great crimson colour as the class howled with laughter at his fully exposed Danny Phantom boxers. Dash and Kwan were taking pictures and howling while the rest of the class fell out of their seats in hysterics.

Danny quickly bent down and pulled his pants up from the floor and jerked them back up around his waist. Lancer fought back a smile and glared at the class. "Settle down, people," he ordered, trying to calm them down.

The teen halfa speed-walked out of the class with his head down. Sam clucked her tongue and smirked slightly. "Looks like Gangster Danny is out. What do you think he'll try next?"

"Something with a belt," Tucker said with a laugh and replaced his red beret with Danny's gold cap and studied his reflection in his P.D.A screen. "Nah," he decided. "Not my style."

"Where do you think he got those boxer shorts?"

"Don't know. But we ought to deal with his obsession of collecting Phantom merchandise. It's weird," replied Sam.

"One thing at a time."

Danny returned to class, greeted with shrieks of laughter. He burned red and looked pleadingly at Lancer. "Alright, I'm sorry mouthing off. Do I really need to write that summary?"

Lancer grinned. "I think you've faced enough punishment. You may take your seat."

"Thanks," said Danny gratefully and he hurried to his seat. He was wearing his gym shorts, which fit snugly around his waist. Tucker laughed openly and quickly silenced when his friend glared daggers at him. He then turned his blue eyes to a smiling Sam.

"Not one word, Sam. Not. One. Word."