Hey guys, I know I should be working on 'Your Biggest Weakness' however sadly I have come down with a case of writers block. The doctor said I should be better in about a week and to write plenty of one shot's, so in this case I'll do a chatroom. I will be adding more users. BTW this is before Phantom Planet after D-stabalized.


Danny Fenton: Who made up the name for this chatroom anyway?

Sam Manson: Beats me


Danny Fenton: Wow, that explains so much.

Tucker Foley: dude, that just hurts

Danny Fenton: is angry with Mr. Lancer.

Sam Manson: is also angry with Mr. Lancer.

Simon Lancer: You 2 were late, so that's your punishment

Tucker Foley: is laughing his pants off.

Sam Manson: ZIP IT TUCKER!

Danny Fenton: Mr., Lancer does it HAVE to be Romeo and Juliet.

Simon Lancer: Mr. Fenton, you and Ms. Manson were late so you 2 will do the lead roles as Romeo and Juliet for the school play.

Danny Fenton: WHY?

Maddie Fenton: FINALLY! Something to take out the camera for!

Danny Fenton: Mom, please no camera I'm begging you I'll do all my chores plus the dishes, just PLEASE no camera.

Maddie Fenton: but this is such a camera worthy event! I'm taking the camera and that is final.

Sam Manson: Danny, get $20, pack a bag and meet me at the bus stop on Marceno Street.

Danny Fenton: Meet you in 10.

Dash Baxter: HA! Wailed on Fenton today 6 times! Hey that might be a new record!

Danny Fenton: That's him!

Danny Phantom: Young man, I'm ashamed in you!

Dash Baxter: But-but!

Danny Phantom: No buts! Now apologize to this young man.

Dash Baxter: Sorry Fenton…..

Sam Manson: Oh brother….

Yeah, that's what writers block will do to you. Hope you liked this chapter!

If you want to be featured in the next chapter, please put a request on your review, leave a fake name for me to use as well.