Tommy demorphed and immediately brought the team up to speed with the situation. "We need to get her out of there; it's my fault, entirely."

"Billy's working on it now." Trini said, motioning to the Blue ranger typing intently into one of the computer systems. "He's going to use some of Zordon's power to project himself up there, and show her how to fix her communicator to the frequency needed to pull her out. If that doesn't work he thinks that he can reroute our powers to one of us, and it will give us enough juice to get up there and get her out himself."

"I want to go." Tommy said quickly.

"No offense, but I think you're the last person she wants coming to her rescue." Kim said coldly. Tommy hung his head, knowing she was right. "Jason already said he would go."

"Success!" Billy cried, "I will return as quickly as possible." With that he put a headband with several wires connected to it and slumped down into his seat. Within two minutes he snapped back up, pulling the headgear off and turning back to the computer. "That plan failed," was all he said grimly, focusing on the monitors.

"Billy? Why wouldn't it work? Is it bad?" Rocky asked his friend.

Billy didn't take his eyes off his project, but did say sadly, "It's bad."


"Scream for me, like the first time you were here." Goldar whispered in Brooklyn's ear as he ran a scalpel down the side of her face slowly. She gritted her teeth, but said nothing, refusing to give him the satisfaction. He had burned her, beat her, cut her, and broken every finger and most of her ribs, but she wouldn't make a noise. "I am an expert at this little one, I'm sure you remember."

She prayed that she would pass out from the pain soon, but had a feeling she wouldn't be so lucky. She was delirious, although Tommy had been gone for an hour of earth time, in Zedd's palace, time had no meaning, and she felt that she had been there for more like 4 or 5. "Hey you overgrown gorilla!" She heard being called out. Goldar looked up and walked away from his work, while Brooklyn tried to focus on whatever distracted him.

"Wouldn't it be great if I did pass out and have a wonderful dream about being rescued?" She thought to herself. After watching Goldar fight a streak of red flew past him, picking her up and she felt the familiar tingling of being teleported.


The Rangers were standing by, waiting for Jason's return. Alpha, Trini, and Adam had everything they could possibly need prepped in the infirmary, while the others fidgeted nervously. The flash of red appearing in front of them made all of them breathe a little easier, until they saw Brooklyn's condition. Jason didn't speak and immediately went to the infirmary, where Alpha, Trini, and Adam had a long night ahead of them.

Hours later, Trini and Adam walked out to the others. "She's gonna be ok. Alpha had to use some of our emergency potions to get her stabilized. We got her fingers and wrist bones to almost good as new; her ribs are going to take longer, the cuts, burns and bruises, even longer. We focused on what she would need to fight and what was hurting her most." Trini reported.

Adam looked visibly shaken. "I've never seen so much blood from one Ranger before."

Tommy walked towards the infirmary door, and Jason stepped in front of him. "I have to talk to her man, come with me if you want, but I have to go." Jason stared at him for a minute, but stepped to the side and followed him in.

Hearing people walk in, Brooklyn sat up quickly, and then lay back down just as fast. "That wasn't my best idea." She groaned.

"Thank you." Tommy said, looking at her.

"I'm gonna start charging you for all this life saving." She responded, looking straight ahead, instead of at Tommy. "And you know, had I known I would get a lot more beat up working for you guys instead of against you, I probably would have rethought this whole arrangement."

Jason stuttered, trying to think of a response when Brook waved her hand at him. "I was kidding boss man. Can I go lay in my bed now, for a few days, or weeks… possibly months?"


"Great job today, don't push yourself too hard though, we need you at 100%" Jason said to Brooklyn two weeks later at the end of their group training. She nodded, but he knew she had no intention to take it easy. Tommy still hadn't spoken to her outside of necessity, and she seemed to be happy with that.

Tommy tossed and turned in bed till about 3 am, before giving up and getting out. He through on a pair of shorts, and was on the way to the kitchen when he saw the basement door cracked, and a light shining up the stairwell. He went down the stairs to shut of the light, but stopped when he saw Brooklyn working on a punching bag clad in only a sports bra and short orange shorts. He was a little shocked at how much it turned her on to see her body, but rationalized that it was just because she was a gorgeous girl, and he was a guy who hadn't gotten any in a while. "You should be sleeping." He told her. "You're supposed to be taking it easy."

"Yeah it's not exactly easy to sleep right now… you gonna tattle on me?" She asked not taking her eyes of the spot on the bag she was delivering punches to.

"…No." Tommy said quietly walking over to her and holding the bag while she continued. She didn't speak to him but did glance up, smiling slightly in way of thanks. After a minute more of working out, she paused slightly, placing her hand on her side and sucking a breath in slowly. Tommy touched her shoulder and pressed his other hand against the one on her side. "You need to be careful, we need you for when we have to fight again."

Brooklyn's heart skipped a beat when Tommy touched her, and she pulled away quickly. "I don't need another person telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I'm a big girl."

Tommy sighed, "Yeah you're a big girl, but that doesn't mean your team shouldn't worry about you."

"You've haven't worried about me since I got here Tommy, do me a favor and don't start now."

"I told you I was sorry for how I acted. I meant it, are you going to just be a bitch the entire time we work together?" Tommy said, raising his voice slightly as he got more heated.

"Yeah well, it's a little hard to pretend everything's cool when I still have the souvenirs from you not being in control. I know how that poison works, if you hadn't hated me so much, you wouldn't have been so susceptible to Rita's control. If she had asked you to take Kim, or Jason, or Rocky, you probably would have been able to shake it off." She hissed stepping towards him.

"If you hadn't spent the past two years trying to kill us, maybe I would have been a little fonder of you." He said stepping forward himself. They were close enough to feel the heat coming off of each other.

"You're unbelievable, you're a pig headed, close minded, arrogant, asshole!" She yelled at him.

"And you're an evil, bitchy ice queen, who thinks she's too good to work with us." He said back.

"Fuck you!" She responded trying to slap him, but was stopped by Tommy's reflexes. He glared for a moment, then, a feeling similar to the one that overcame him on their rainy night, he pulled her into him and kissed her feverishly putting his hands on her face. He was surprised that this time she didn't pull away, didn't resist him, instead putting her hand on his neck, standing on her toes to get closer to his height. He picked her up and laid her down on one of the mats, not taking his lips off of hers. He straddled her and moved his kisses down to her neck, and she finally found her voice. "We shouldn't do this." She whispered.

"Then tell me to stop." He responded, pulling her sports bra up and turning his mouth to one nipple, and his hand to the other. Brooklyn didn't respond, instead running her hands through Tommy's hair, and letting them rest on his shoulders. He pulled on her shorts and boy short underwear tossing them to the other side of the room, and pulled his own shorts off, revealing his large, already engorged excitement. He placed his hand between her legs, and smiled slightly at how wet she was for him. As he positioned himself to enter her, she looked him in the eyes, and spoke again. "We can't."

"Do you not want me?" He asked her.

"I… I do." She admitted then groaned as he entered her slowly, filling her up completely. He wasted no time, and began hard, fast strokes.

There was no tenderness, no sweet nothings to whisper in each other's ears, this was sex. Rough, animalistic, sex.

"Say my name." Tommy whispered in her ear as her whimpers became more frequent, as she reached the point of orgasm.
"Not a chance." She replied, biting her lip and digging her fingernails into his back.

"Say it. " He said again, slowing to rough deliberate thrusts, driving Brooklyn crazy.

"Tommy… God, Tommy!" She said throatily as she fell over the edge into a star inducing orgasm. Shortly after, Tommy joined her in ecstasy, and then rolled off to lie next to her, and they both lay not moving, the room silent, save for their labored breathing.

After she regained composure, Brook stood up and began throwing her clothes back on. Tommy watched her, and grabbed his shorts, standing to meet her.

"Do you want to go smoke?" Tommy asked her.

"No… I just… God what did we do?" She asked looking up at him.

"I don't know what came over me." He admitted to her.

"It was a mistake. We aren't going to do this. We have to check ourselves." She said.

Tommy nodded. " It must just be a physical thing, I know you and I fight a lot… but you're beautiful, and its …"

"Physical… right." She said before turning and walking out.

"Right." Tommy repeated to himself.