Hello! I can officially say that I call dibs on the Second Matt/Slider fanfiction! I can also say that I call dibs on the FIRST MATT/SLIDER M RATED FANFICTION! *insert evil laugh here* Anyway, this is not going to be your average story. In this story, Matt isn't from Earth. He's from Cyberspace. He also worked for The Hacker. (Not really a spoiler for the story, just needed background.) I am going to try to update at least three times a week, but weekly updates are what I am going for. This is my first Cyberchase Fanfiction and I really want it to be enjoyable for you all. Please let me know what you think.



"Mathew, Mathew, Mathew, did you really think that you would get away with your betrayal? Did you really think that I wouldn't find out about it? Running to Motherboard, I should've guessed that you were the one I needed to be worried about. You will be punished. Oh yes, you will be. Your parents will think that you are dead. Your lover will have the most important things taken away from him. And you, you will loose everything. You will be exiled to the Earth world until I decide I need you again and Motherboard will be none the wiser. She, like all of Cyberspace, will think that you are dead and gone! And don't think that you will find a way back to Cyberspace without me knowing, your parents on Earth will be artificial humanoids quite unlike us. You see, these particular mechanical devices have no will of they're own… They are completely under my control…"

Matt woke up, once again covered in a cold sweat. Tears instantly springing to his eyes but refused to fall. This was not the first time that he had had this particular nightmare which was a memory he longed to forget. He had long since accepted that he would never again return to the place he considered home. He had long since accepted that he would never again see his parents, his loved ones, his friends. Hacker would never again have use for him, and he would never truly be free. Yet Matt had decided to make the most of his time on Earth.

He had enrolled in a local school, under the guise of an 11 or 12 year old. Of course, since he was from Cyberspace in reality he was truly older than that of which he appeared. In actuality he was upwards of 15 years old, nearly 16 in fact, but he had to endure. He was always teased for his appearance being much younger than he actually was, but he knew that the teasing was never meant to hurt. It was only meant to be in fun. But that was in Cyberspace, not on Earth where no one knew his actual age but himself.

Pulling himself from those thoughts he glanced at the clock on his nightstand and saw that he was late getting up that morning. He thanked whatever luck that he had left that it was a weekend and he had no where pressing to be at the moment. Leisurely, he got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom where he went about getting ready for the day. Attached to the bathroom was a walk-in closet, full of clothes in various designs and colors. When Matt emerged, he was dressed in his lover's favorite green sweater that he was wearing when he was exiled to Earth and jeans. He slipped on his shoes as he walked out of the house, not locking the door behind him.

As he walked about, he tried to decide where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do that day. He decided on the library. When he looked up to find the way he would need to take, he was surprised to find himself standing directly in front of the old building. He stared, thinking that his feet had subconsciously taken him to his destination before he even knew what he wanted.

Shrugging, Matt walked into the library and spent hours inside. As he was about to leave, he felt drawn to a touch screen map on the wall of the library. He ambled over and stared at it, trying to figure out why he was inexplicably drawn to the device. While lost in his pondering, a young girl walked over to the map. Glancing over at her, he noticed that she was from his school. Her name was Jackie if he remembered correctly, which he always did. She too was looking at the map, only she was genuinely looking for where a section was located.

Matt feigned not knowing how to work the map in order to have a plausible excuse to just be standing there, staring at the map with a blank and far-away look in his eyes. Jackie took pity on him and tried to explain how to work the map. Matt faked not understanding multiple times before another young girl walked up, waiting somewhat patiently to take her turn with the map. After a few more "failed" attempts in Jackie trying to explain to Matt, the girl who had walked up became annoyed and started to complain.

When all three of them had touched the map itself, the chosen location lights began moving towards each other and the center. In just a few seconds a purple vortex opened up where the dots finally touched. All three of the children were startled, but Matt immediately recognized what it was. His hopes soared high before he crushed them down with the memory of Hacker getting to decide when he came back. This portal was clearly of Motherboard creation. So he was highly surprised when he was also sucked into the swirling, purple vortex and into his home.

I hope you liked the beginning. Review, pwease?