So im really on a roll but mostly cause i had this written already lol i know my grammer is bad but if you have any input id love to read it. tks

Himino was crying when sasame put her down. Go was holding hajimi and mannen stood there feeling helpless.

"Sasame, what's going to happen to the others?" She said between sobs.

he just looked at her with thoes sad eyes. He did not know what else to say. He knew she would probably hate him, but he knew hyate would have wanted her to live. So how was he supposed to tell his friend that she had to let them go.

"Where is shin?" Hajimi asked.

" He isn't coming back is he. " mannen blurted out. "the rest of them are gone. "

"Now listen here. "Go ordered.

"Yes." Sasame spoke very soft but he was heard.

"What? You can't mean that. "Himino pleaded. " i can save them. We just need a plan to go back! "

Sasame crumpled to the ground. the others surounded him. Because he carried her his wounds were bleeding again and he colapsed. She did not want to believe they could be beaten but he was right. None of them were in any condition to fight and she knew the others would not last through the night in thoes containments. kei. Shin. Hyate. They were going to die because she failed them.

Go picked up sasame and spoke but she no longer knew what was said. She could no longer make herself listen. Hajimi and mannen took her hands and led her behind go. She hadn't noticed the giant wind chimes or the fountain or that they even made it to the mansion. She didn't care when her father and mother came running out to her or that mawata was hugging her. The only thing she could think of was the ones who she could not save.

"Dad, " mawata spoke. "She is going to be alright? "

They sat together in a spare room with sasame on the bed. Go and mannen were trying there best to fix him and hajimi was laying in myune's lap. Himino had gone to her room unable to shake the feelings. She decided she needed to be alone.

"I hope so. "He replied.

"This is all my fault! "Myune cried, causeing everyone to look at her." I set her up with that fake date. It's my fault she ran into them! "

"Actually, they would have found her eventually. "Go admited. "It's our fault as knights. We knew something was wrong when we left. We were trying to protect her. "

"I wanna go see himino. " hajimi said. "She makes me feel better. "

"Mannen you go with. Maybe you two can make her relax. " go said.

For once mannen didn't argue and the two boys left to himino's room. The rest of the family filtered out to get some sleep and to let sasame rest.

Himino woke to a small hand against her face. She could remeber bits and peices of an aweful tried to focus on the chirping.


She woke to a small boy with bright orange hair and soft blue eyes watching her. She sat up to see hajimi on her left and mannen on her right.

"So i guess it was real. "She said a bit depressed.

"Himino, i'm hungry." He said getting her attention.

She quietly got out of bed so she would not disturb mannen.

"Then lets go get breakfast for everyone." She said putting on a fake smile.

As she led him to the kitchens they decided on pancakes and for a short time she was able to really smile. He laughed when she would successfully flip one and it was like they had never left. But only for a short while.

In the mean time go had decided to cheak on them and about freaked when himino and hajimi had dissapeared. He woke mannen but he had no clue.

"What are you two doing?" Sasame asked walking in.

"Himino is gone!" Mannen yelled.

Before anything else could happen the two walked back into her room to see the three wide awake and alert.

"Just where... are thoes pancakes?" Go asked.

"Yes, sasame should you be up?" She asked watching him.

"I will be fine." He replied. Every one had settled and she passed out the hot cakes. She smiled and tried to not think about the others.


She looked around but no one had spoken.

"Is some thing wrong?" Sasame asked noticing her reaction.

"What happened to takako?" She asked.

Sasame droped his head. The boys stoped eating and go almost choked on his food.

"She died six months ago. "


"How can that be?" Himino asked confused.

They all looked at her.

"Takako is the one who led me to you. I could not have gotten to leafenia on my own. Besides, she saved me from drowning to death."

"Himino," go said. "Sasame is telling the truth. We couldn't save her."


Suddenly takako was beside her bed.

"See!" She yelled pointing at her.

They looked at her with worry.

' himino, i am dead.'

Himino turned to face her in confusion.

"But... it can't be... how? "

' listen, you don't have much time. I can take you back one last time. The dead knights have left and you can return to save the others.'

Takako held out her hand.

" i won't be beaten!" She yelled.

as she grabed her hand a bright light filled the room. She heard the knights call out to her and then nothing. When she opened her eyes she was standing infront of the containment feild again.

' i will try to buy you some time but you must hurry.'

She nodded and moved in the barrier. just as she had left itthe three remained. She waisted no time in rushing to the closest one. It was kei but like the others he was beaten badly and she could see the wounds. She placed her hand upon the ice and suddenly felt like she had before they escaped. How could she feel drained already? She tried to focus and after the same feeling he was free. After placing him she ran to the next. It was shin. He didn't look to bad but she was begining to fade. Her time was almost out.

"Shin. I'm going to save you." She whispered.

Just as he broke free she heard sasame and go apear.

"Himino." Sasame looked scared.

Ignoreing him she ran to the last one. It was hyate. he was importaint to her and she had to save him. just as she touched the ice sasame reached for her and they fell. A second later an ice shard hit the ground where she stood moents ago. It was them again.

"Back for more? " isha asked.

"Go get kei. Shin stay with him. " sasame ordered.

"You think were just gonna let you run away?" Shou replied.

"Sasame i can do this. " she pleaded.

"Himino you have to trust me. " he begged.

She turned to face him and nodded. He hugged her while he fought back his tears. Turning her away he fired a sound blast and in an instant the other knights dodged and darted in. Go was able to escape with the others and tried to keep them at bay from himino.

"You know this is not as fun as befor." Isha wined.

"You dont seem to have the same fighting energy as before." Kito observed.

"Sasame lets pret. Then i can take them and save hyate." She pleaded again.

With a final sound blast he grabed himino around the waist and plumeted into the ground, shifting out of the field. When she opened her eyes she started to flail.

"Sasame please!" She cried.

He opened the bridge of light and as they went through only one thought crossed her mind. He was gonna die.


The three knights turned to the last cage as it shattered.

"What the hell?"

"How did he get out?" shou yelled.

All three fired a blast at him and when the smoke cleared the fallen knight was gone. The only thing left was blood and some of his clothing.

"Damn. "Isha said looking over the remains.

"Now what? With out the last ice orb her powers wont be drained." Shou said.

"We can use a decoy. we will get her."kito replied.

"Sasame please!" She cried.

"It's to late!" He said shaking her slightly.

"So hyate is the one who didn't make it." Kei said observing the crowd.

"But.. i "himino could not form words.

"Himno, shin was fadeing when you got him. Hyate must have been to. he would not want you to die, please understand this." Sasame pleaded.

she didn't respond. She only collapsed with her hands covering her face. It was her last chance and he was gone. After all he had done she felt let him down.

Sasame lightly brused her head and put her to sleep. He caught her before she hit the ground.

"We need to rest. Lets go." He ordered as he picked her up.

So i hope this was ok. I might do some tweaking later but for now ill work on the next chapter.