Disclaimer: I don't actually own Harry Potter, I just like pretending. Warning: This story is quite smutty, so if you're feeling prudish, come back later. Also, this is the first installment of a two-part story, so be looking for the second part very soon, which will be in Ron's POV. ;)

Ron and Hermione sat together in the boys' dorm on Ron's bed. It was a Sunday afternoon and, after much persuading, Hermione had finally managed to talk Ron into doing some schoolwork with her. She knew that he hadn't even started their Transfiguration paper that was due the next day. He'd tried talking her into going outside to fly around the quidditch pitch with Harry and the rest of their dorm mates but, after looking longingly out the window and sighing for a few minutes, he'd finally settled into his work.

Hermione had finished her paper a few days ago, but went over it now, as well as a few of her other assignments, and made a few changes every now and then. After about an hour, though, she looked over to see that Ron was still working on his paper, frowning in concentration, and she didn't feel like pretending to work any longer. So, instead, she sat there and watched as Ron wrote furiously. She was surprised at how focused he was; he didn't even seem to notice that she had finished, or that she was now staring at him in disbelief. This just wasn't like him.

After a few more minutes of writing, Ron finally stopped and stared at his parchment. He dropped his quill on the table beside his bed and flexed his hand. "Blimey," he said, finally looking up at Hermione. "Since when does that happen?"

Hermione laughed and said, "Since you actually started trying." He made a face at her and she smiled. "Do you want me to look over it?" she asked.

"Only if you promise not to hang me by my thumbs in the dungeon if it isn't perfect," he joked.

"Ha ha," Hermione said, rolling her eyes and grabbing the parchment from his lap, "very funny."

"Although," Ron continued, scooting a little closer to her on the bed, "I might be open to other forms of punishment."

Hermione blushed and looked away from his crooked grin that was giving her butterflies. Trying to seem unaffected, she said, "Calm down, Ronald, I haven't even read it yet."

He chuckled, and she looked down at the parchment and read over his essay. She looked up at him a few minutes later, smiling.

"This is good, Ron."

"Always the tone of surprise," he replied, sarcastically.

"Oh come on, Ron, really. This is great!" she said, placing her hand on his knee next to her. "Admittedly, there are a few places where you could have elaborated on the subject a bit further; but overall, I'm really impressed."

He looked at her for a moment, like he was trying to see if she was lying. She gazed back at him, still smiling and, after a second, he gave her a smile of his own. "Really?" he asked, his smile widening.

Hermione didn't know exactly what it was- watching him fly through his paper, so concentrated on his work, or the proud (and slightly smug) smile that he gave her now- but she suddenly found herself wanting Ron very much.

Without a second thought, Hermione leaned forward and pressed her lips to Ron's, hard, throwing her arms around his neck. She felt him freeze for a moment in surprise, but he quickly made up for it. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her tightly to him. Without breaking their kiss, Hermione crawled into Ron's lap, straddling him.

"Blimey," Ron said, pulling away from her slightly to give her a surprised look. "Maybe we should study together more often," he quipped.

Hermione chuckled. Feeling uncharacteristically bold, she gave him a coy smile and said, "Maybe we should. You'll find I have many ways of rewarding hard work."

With a groan, Ron flicked the curtains shut around his bed and muttered a quick silencing charm before almost violently bringing his lips back to hers. He trailed his tongue along her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth to him with a low moan. His tongue invaded her mouth and she tangled her fingers in his hair, the area between her thighs beginning to ache familiarly. Hermione rocked her hips against Ron's growing hardness and captured his tongue between her lips, sucking on it in rhythm with her strokes, making him groan longingly.

Suddenly, with a speed that made her dizzy, Ron rolled over so that she was caught between him and the mattress. He moved his mouth down to her neck and nibbled on the tender flesh there. Hermione sighed in approval as Ron's hands snaked beneath her shirt and teased her breasts through the fabric of her bra. He then removed her shirt entirely and Hermione took his off as well, trailing her fingers over his smooth, yet firm, torso. Ron leaned down and dragged his mouth across her collarbone as he removed her bra. His deft fingers made their way to her nipples, flicking and teasing them until the dull ache shot from between her thighs up into her throat.

"Ron," she choked out, digging her nails into his shoulders. She was finding it hard to breathe.

He brought his mouth back down to hers and kissed her feverishly. As they kissed, they worked at removing the rest of their clothes. Hermione nibbled on Ron's bottom lip and he gave a low growl. He trailed his fingertips across her nipples, and down her body, making her shudder. He hesitated as his fingers reached her middle, circling around her ever so lightly. Hermione hissed in longing. Ron looked down at her and smirked, and she knew that he was teasing her. He wanted to hear her say that she wanted him, that she couldn't take it anymore. Which was true, of course, but she hated giving in. She always did, though, in the end; she could never hold out against him.

Ron applied a bit more pressure with his fingers as he continued to trace patterns against her. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Ron, please," she breathed, squirming with unsatisfied longing. "Please." It was all she could manage to say.

Ron smiled beautifully down at her, knowing he'd won yet again. "Gladly, love," he said, innocently, making Hermione roll her eyes and stare up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, she felt his fingers pull away. She was just about to complain when she felt his tongue make one long stroke against her.

"Oh," she breathed, in shock, before crying out in pleasure. They'd never done this before, and she knew instantly that, as much as she enjoyed Ron's fingers against her, they couldn't compare with his mouth. He kissed her folds gently, sucking and licking in just the right way. She arched her back against the bed and whimpered, her middle throbbing furiously. She reached down and tugged on Ron's hair as he continued flicking his tongue against her, teasing her until she hurt. She felt like she was going out of her mind with need. Then, before she knew what was happening, Ron slipped his tongue inside her and any grip on sanity she had been clinging to shattered violently.

"Oh, Ron!" she cried out, digging her nails into his shoulders. His tongue squirmed around inside of her and she gasped at the sensation. She was already so close to release, but she tried desperately to hold on as she instinctively rocked her hips toward him.

Ron trailed his fingernails up and down the sides of Hermione's waist as he began gently sucking on her nerve, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The pressure built against her middle and she felt like she was on fire. She clutched at the sheets in a frenzy, trying to hold on.

"Oh, god, yes, Ron!" she whimpered. "Just like that. I... I..." But Hermione couldn't finish. She couldn't think straight, and she didn't even know what she was trying to say. All she knew was that she was there. The pressure that had been building suddenly broke and sent waves of warm, intense... shocking pleasure through her entire body. She cried out so loudly that the sound rang in her ears. Her legs tensed around Ron's head, holding him in place as she feverishly rocked her hips against him. She was almost sobbing, it felt so good; she was blinded by a bright light and she felt like she was imploding. She continued to grind her pelvis as she slowly came down, shaking, until she finally laid back, limp and gasping.

...And yet, despite all that she had just experienced, Hermione realized that she wasn't quite done; she was surprised to find that she still ached. She knew then that she wouldn't be fully satisfied until she felt Ron pumping inside her, steaming and hard.

Ron snaked up her body and stared down at her, his eyes wide.

"Fucking hell," he said. "I always knew you were good, Mione, but you even taste sweet."

She could feel herself turning red, but she smiled back up at him. She took his face in her hands and said, still gasping lightly, "What you just did... Do you really... think you're gonna get away... with that?"

Ron gazed down at her, and gave her that crooked smile that he knew she could never resist. "God, I hope not."

A/N: Well, okay, then! Hahah. I hope you guys liked this. :) I don't have a whole lot to say other than to watch out for the sequel to this story that I'll be posting very soon. That one will be from Ron's POV, and it'll be his turn to... be rewarded. ;)

As always, read and REVIEW! A little hint: the second part will be up a lot sooner if I get a review. Two or three would be life-changing. :D