At last... chapter 30. This is, sadly, the last chapter. I know, I've enjoyed writing this story so much, and you've all left such amazing comments, that I feel like a real big jerk for ending this. But please don't be mad at me because there might be a sequel, maybe, I'm not quite sure right now. But as of right now, I just want to work on my other story "Sonny with a Chance of Jonas" because I really need to finish it; I've been putting it off for too long.

So, enjoy this final chapter and thank you for reading, really. Everyone one of you has been so amazing and I've never had so many wonderful readers! So thank you and I hope you can tell me what you thought of this chapter and the whole story in itself. :)

[Shane's POV]

The next morning, after Mitchie's confrontation with Eric and his idiot friends, I scheduled a meeting for Marissa and Caitlyn with John Fields at 2:00 PM. I also decided to invite Mitchie along, just to get her away from those jerks, especially that Eric guy.

Man, I hated him. I didn't even see the guy and yet he was the one I was punching in my mind. I kept imagining ways to get back at him, to do something to him for what he did to Mitchie. He really hurt her and I knew it was my turn to hurt him. I had all the reason to, he left bruises on Mitchie's arms. Bruises. Mitchie's sensetive, but it takes a lot to really leave a mark. I mean, not that I ever have, but Sierra told me. She said, "Mitchie could fall off a skateboard and be back on her feet within two seconds." She was a tough cookie.

Caitlyn and Marissa were so shocked when I told them what I'd told John, they were both silent for at least three minutes. I'd never known Caitlyn to be quiet for so long, considering she's got an opinion for just about anything. And Marissa, well, she's usually quiet, but when she's excited about something, everybody knows.

It was 8:00 AM by the time I got in the shower. I stepped out ten minutes later. I got dressed -black skinny jeans, a forrest green v-neck and black converse- and dried my hair.

I got downstairs, walking into the kitchen and seeing both of my parents sitting at the table, eating FiberOne cereal.

"Good morning," I said and they looked up at me.

"Morning," they said in unison and I walked over to the cabinet by the fridge, pulling out a box of Lucky Charms. It was my favorite cereal, even though it was a kids cereal. I guess I just never grew out of it.

"Sleep okay?" My Mom asked as I poured the cereal into a bowl.

"Yeah, I slept great." I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk, putting some over my cereal.

"That's good." she replied.

"Shane," Dad spoke up as I put the milk away. "John called earlier and informed us that you're trying to get Mitchie, Caitlyn and Marissa spots on the tour?" The look on his face was all I needed to know that he wasn't very impressed with my plan.

"Uh... yeah..." I said slowly. I wasn't sure what to say or how to respond without him blowing up on me. My plan was a good plan, it wasn't stupid. It was probably the smartest plan I'd ever had. Dad pulled off his reading glasses and really looked at me. I knew it was coming. The lecture.

"I have to admit, it's a really good idea." he said. I was about to yell at him, but stopped when I realized what he said. What is going on? Why did he just comment my good idea? Why is he acting so calm about this? Why was he being so calm? Did he take some happy pills before I woke up that morning? It was almost kind of scary that he was being so nice about the situation. I had to ask.

"So, you're not mad?" Dad sighed again and layed his paper on the table.

"No," he said, I let out my breath. "I'm dissapointed." my smile was gone and replaced with confusion. "You should have disscused this with your Mother and I before you made any decision of your own."

"Dad, I'm sorry, but we're leaving in less than two weeks," I grabbed my bowl of cereal and walked over to the table as I continued. "I needed a way to get Mitchie a spot on the tour. I cannot go another summer without seeing her," I sat down. "I honestly think I'll die." Mom sighed.

"Shane, I know Mitchie means to world to you," she put a hand on my shoulder. "But you have to let her live her own life, do her own things."

"Mom, Mitchie wants to come on tour with me, she loves music and she wants to spend time with me. I'm letting her do her own things."

"Calm down, I was just saying." I sighed, nodding. I needed to calm down. Why was I being so defensive? Mitchie said she wanted to come, so, it wasn't like everything was going down hill.

"You're right, I'm sorry, Mom, it's just-" I sighed again "-I just don't want to be without her." she smiled, nodding as she rubbed my arm.

"It's okay." I smiled. "Now, eat before your cereal gets all soggy." I chuckled and nodded, eating my cereal.

It was 9:00 AM by the time I finished my cereal and cleaned up my bowl. I was supposed to meet Nate and Jason to get my hair cut before the tour, since it was pretty long. Mitchie said she didn't care how my hair looked. As long as she could run her fingers through it, anything was okay with her.

I said goodbye to my parents and walked out the front door with my phone and car keys. I hopped into my mustang and drove the ten miles to my usual salon. Yes, the guys of ConnectThree went to a salon. Doesn't everyone now? It's not like we were the only celebrites going to salons instead of barbershops. In fact, Brad Pitt has been seen coming out of the very same salon my brothers and I go to.

I arrived, pulling into a parking spot near Jason's Explorer and getting out as I slipped on my aviators. The flashes came as soon as I covered my eyes. The paparazzi knew I always got my hair cut a couple weeks before we started touring. They knew I'd be at that salon before the tour. I silently reminded myself to get my hair cut at least a month before our next tour.

"Shane!" Camilla, my hairdresser, spoke as I walked in, leaving the hound of paparazzi outside. I took off my sunglasses and hung them from my shirt, smiling at her.

"Hey Camilla," she walked over and wrapped me in her thick arms. Camilla was not a covergirl for skinny people weekly, she was just curvy. And she loved her curves as did almost every other guy that walked in here. Or maybe it was just her personality. Either way, she was loved. Come to think of it, Camilla is probably the reason they have any guy customers at all.

Camilla pulled away and looked me over, saying, "You've grown so much... and you need a hair cut badly." I laughed and she smiled. "Come with me." she said and I followed her to an open chair in the back of the salon. I sat down and she put a cape around my neck. "Alright, so what can I do?" she asked, raking her fingers through my hair like she did everytime.

"I just need you to take about an inch off all over, just keep the layers." she nodded and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. She grabbed a spray bottle and dampend my hair.

I spotted Jason and Nate in chairs behind me once Camilla spun my chair around so I couldn't see my reflection. I waved at them and they returned it.

As Camilla cut my hair, she asked how things were going with Mitchie. I told her everything was amazing and that Mitchie was working on her first album. Camilla told me she'd watched the video of Mitchie singing at Final Jam and loved her. She said, "Mitchie looked so alive, like the stage was her home." I had to agree. Mitchie's home definitely seemed to be on a stage, singing her heart out.

I also talked with Jason and Nate about reminding their girlfriends to meet us at John's house at 2:00 PM. They told me they'd get on it. They pulled out their phones and texted away. I smiled and shook my head.

"Hey, hold still!" Camilla held my head with her hands. "I almost cut your ear off." my eyes widend and I apologized as she went back to cutting. I definitely did not want to lose an ear. And losing one while getting your hair cut is probably the worst possible way.

After cutting my hair, Camilla washed it and then blew it dry. I payed her (plus tip), thanked her with a big hug and slipped my aviators back on. I told Jason and Nate I'd see them later and I walked back out to my car, the paparazzi still flashing away as they asked multipule questions about the tour. I let out a long breath and waved at them, giving them all the smile they wanted. I hopped back into my car and thanked the car company for tinted windows. I started it and pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to my house.

It was around 11:00 AM when I arrived back at home. Mom and Dad's SUV was gone so I pulled all the way up the driveway. I shut the engine off and stepped out, pulling my aviators back off and tossing them on the dash. I closed the car door and walked up the cobblestone walkway. I unlocked the front door and headed inside.

I changed my shirt, knowing it was probably covered in hair, and headed back downstairs, grabbing an apple from the basket on the counter in the kitchen. I noticed a note on the counter. I picked it up and read it aloud.

"Shane, went out to brunch with the Cyrus clan. See you later. -Mom and Dad." I smiled. My parents were having brunch with Miley Cyrus and her parents. They were good family friends. Nate and Miley used to hang out a lot when they were younger, they're still good friends, but Miley is always too busy with her own life. I honestly have to wonder if she just doesn't like us anymore.

I tossed the piece of stationary in the trash and took a bite of my apple. Suddenly, I heard the front door open. Nate and Jason walked into the kitchen. I nodded at them.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" Jason asked, walking over to the fruit basket and grabbing a banana. "There SUV is gone."

"Mom and Dad are out having brunch with the Cyrus's." I said and Nate looked at me, shocked. "What?" I asked, taking another bite of my apple.

"Mom and Dad are having brunch with Miley?" he asked. I nodded.

"And her parents." I added.

"Wow. We haven't seen Miley in forever." Jason said.

"Yeah, I know," I said after swallowing. "She's 17, isn't she?" Nate nodded and got that faraway look in his eyes. What was he thinking about. "Nate?" I said. Nothing. "Nate!" I repeated and he shook out of his dreaming.

"Dude, what's up with you? Were you thinking about Miley?" Jason asked and took a bite of his banana.

"Well, yeah. I haven't seen Miley since we were what... fourteen?" I really had to think. Had it really been that long? It sure didn't seem like that long. "We were really good friends. I miss her." I sighed and walked over to Nate.

"If you miss her so much, why don't you try calling her up and hanging out with her?" He looked up at me and nodded.

"Yeah... maybe I will. Thanks, Bro." I smiled.


Jason and I watched TV until it was around 1:00 PM. I told him I'd meet him and Nate at John's house after picking up Mitchie. I grabbed my keys and phone while running to the door. I jogged outside and hopped into my car. I started it up and drove down to Mitchie's house.

I was hoping. I was hoping this would all work out, that Mitchie, Caitlyn and Marissa would all come on tour with us and make this the best tour of our lives. I knew they guys wanted this just as badly as I did, they had to. This meeting was going to determine whether or not our girlfriends were going to be by our sides for the rest of the summer.

I pulled up to the curb and shut off the engine. I hopped out and walked up to her front door. I knocked and waited for an answer.

"I'll get it!" I head Mitchie yell. She opened the door and smiled up at me. "Hey Shane," she got on her toes and kissed me.

"Hey Babe," I said once we parted. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a cropped concert tee over a red tank and pink converse. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"One sec," she put up one finger and walked over to the sidetable. "Mom, Dad, I'm going out, I'll be back later!" she yelled and walked back over to me, her purse on her shoulder and her phone in her hand. "Let's go." I smiled and took her other hand in mine. We walked back to my car and I opened her door for her. "Thanks," she said and hopped in. I closed her door and ran around to the other side, hopping in myself. I started the engine and drove toward John Fields's house.

Mitchie and I talked about the tour and all the fun stuff we would do if she was officially coming. I told her about sharing bunks and watching movies until we fell asleep. It would be like having sleepovers at each others house, only, they would be on tour buses.

"And my parents won't be on the same bus." I wiggled my eye brows and Mitchie laughed.

"You are bad." she said, teasing. I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Do you really think all three of us girls are gonna end up coming with you guys? I mean, I know you told me what John said, but I honestly don't think I'll get picked."

"Mitchie," I groaned.

"I know, I know. I'm being too hard on myself." she said, mocking me. I sighed.

"Babe, you always take yourself for granted. Why can't you see what everyone else does?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I don't know. I don't feel like I'm all that great, I mean, yeah, we sound amazing together, but when it's just me..." she trailed off, looking down at her lap.

"Well, I think you're crazy." she lightly giggled, looking back at me. "You are incredible. You make me jealous." she squeezed my hand. "I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this, but when you finally believe me, you'll make me even more jealous." she giggled again. I loved her giggle.

"Now I think you're crazy." I laughed and she leaned over, kissing my cheek.

We pulled into John's humongus driveway ten minutes later. Nate, Jason and Marissa were already there, talking to John. I shut off my engine and we stepped out just as Caitlyn pulled in behind us. I waved at her and she smiled.

"Shane," John said and I turned, looking at him as he walked over.

"John," I smiled as I shook his hand. "This is my girlfriend, Mitchie Torres," I put my hand on the small of her back and she smiled at John.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Mitchie said as she shook his hand. He smiled.

"I can say the same." This was wonderful. John loved Mitchie already. I was so happy, I couldn't stop smiling.

"John," Nate spoke up as he walked over. John turned to Nate. "This is my girlfriend, Caitlyn Gellar." Nate said, gesturing toward Caitln as she walked up. John shook hands with Caitlyn and they shared a few words.

"Well, let's not stand out here all day." John spoke to everyone. "Come on inside and we can get started." We all smiled and followed John inside his house.

Now, I'd been inside John's house before, but none of the girls ever had, so this was big for them.

"Oh my gosh, this place is amazing." Mitchie whispered as she stared in awe. She held my bicep in her hands, her mouth open in shock. I smiled and we continued to follow John.

"Alright, I've got a studio in the back. Mitchie, Caitlyn," both girls looked at him. "the boys told me that this is your department." they nodded with smiles. "And Marissa," she looked at him. "I'd like you meet the woman who makes your favorite stars stand out from the crowd. Gwen?" John said and a tall, thin woman walked out of the living room, holding a binder. She had salt and pepper hair that was braided to one side and ended at her elbow. "Ah. Gwen, I'd like you to meet Marissa Cooperdale. Marissa, this is Gwen-"

"Gwen Livingston!" Marissa cut him off. They shook hands as Marissa went on. "I love your work. You really brought Justin Timberlake's sexy back." We all burst out laughing and Marissa looked around, wondering why we were all laughing. Gwen giggled.

"Thank you," Gwen said and looked Marissa over. "And I can see you're on the same path to bringing 'sexy back' one of these days." Marissa blushed and gave her a quiet thank you.

"Gwen, why don't you get Marissa to work on a simple task." Gwen nodded.

"Come with me, Marissa." she said and walked off, Marissa following. She waved at us and dissapeared into the next room.

"Why don't the rest of you come with me?" John said and we nodded, continuing to follow him. He brought us into the studio, which Mitchie and Caitlyn practically gushed over. I definitely had to say, it was a lot bigger than our studio. In fact, it was probably twice as big as ours. Way to show off, John. "Caitlyn, why don't you give me a some sound," he said and Caitlyn nodded, walking over to the sound system and messing around with a few knobs. She hit another button and the music started playing. John nodded with delight. "Very good." Caitlyn smiled like a little kid.

"John," Nate spoke up and he turned to him. "Caitlyn is also a really awesome dancer." we all nodded with smiles. John nodded and walked over to the sound system, picking out a track. It started playing.

"Show me what you got." John said and Caitlyn got into position, listening to the beat. She started to dance and all of us watched in amazment. Caitlyn was blowing us all away. Now I knew where Mitchie got her awesome moves from. After about thirty seconds, John motioned for her to stop. She did and he cut the track. "Why do I even bother looking for people when ConnectThree has all the talent in the palms of their hands?" We all laughed and then John called on Mitchie. "Let me hear you sing, Mitchie." Mitchie looked at me.

"Blow him away, Babe." I smiled and she smiled back, nodding.

"I can make the ran stop if I wanna, just by my attitude..." Mitchie sang the lyrics to her song, "Work of Art". She sounded amazing and you could not have edited her voice to sound that amazing. It was all natural talent. She definitely had it. Mitchie sang to the end of the first chorus and John smiled.

"Mitchie, where have you been hiding?" he said and Mitchie smiled. "Awesome work."

"Thank you." she smiled, blushing and I hugged her.

"Awesome work." I whispered into her hair.

"Now, Mitchie, you can play an instrument, right?" John asked. Mitchie nodded.

"I can play the guitar and the piano." John nodded.

"Come. Let's go check on Marissa progress." we all followed John again.

John led us to one of the guest rooms. Marissa and Gwen were inside it, looking at clothes. John knocked on the door frame and they turned around, smiling at us. "Is Ms. Cooperdale ready to wow us?" John asked her. Marissa nodded and motioned someone from the bathroom. Three guy models walked out, wearing clothes that closely resembled stuff ConnectThree would wear. John looked them over, then turned back to Marissa. "Awesome, Marissa. Just awesome." she smiled.

"Thank you."

"Alright, anyone else hungry?" we all nodded, saying stuff like "Yeah", "I am" and "Duh!". John led us to the dining room, the table already set with dishes, silverware and glasses. "Grab a seat." John said and everyone sat down. John was at the head of the table and then it was (in order) Mitchie, Caitlyn and Marissa on one side and Me, Nate and Jason on the other.

The food was brought in seconds later by a waiter and a waitress. They set our food infront of us. It was Chicken and vegetable pasta with lemon butter sauce and a small salad on the side. Then the waiter and waitress left and brought back sparkling champange, non alcholic, of course. Hey, even though I was old enough to drink, I knew better. Just because I was 21 didn't mean I was going to start something I'd never done before, just because I was old enough to do it.

John talked to us about the tour. He told us where we'd do our first show, what songs we'd be singing, unless we decided to switch some of the songs. And he also mentioned that since our fan base had grown over the last month, we would probably be playing sold-out shows. That got us pretty excited. But he never did bring up anything about opening acts. I figured he was still deciding.

After lunch, John told us we could all hang out in the game room until he was finished with some tasks. The guys and I showed the girls to the game room and we all started messing around. Nate and Jason were playing a game of table hockey against their girl friends while Mitchie and I were playing Pure, a video game that involves driving around on ATV's. We were doing a race at one of the stadiums and Mitchie was in front of me at the moment. She was doing pretty good, but I knew I could beat her. I finally got my chance as I got to a jump and sailed over Mitchie's ATV and driver, which by the way was a girl and mine was a guy. Mitchie gasped and gunned her ATV, trying to catch up to me. But it was too late. I passed the finish line and the game declared me the winner.

I stood up from the game chair, my arms raised in the air as I shouted, "Yeah! Whoo! I AM AWESOME!" Mitchie jumped up and tackled me, knocking me to the ground. We laughed, knowing they were all watching us.

"Get a room!" They all shouted and we laughed some more.

"Hey!" we heard and turned to see John standing in the doorway. Mitchie climbed off of me and helped me up. "What's going on?" John asked, seeing how Mitchie and I were just laying.

"I beat Mitchie on Pure so she tackled me to the ground!" I told on her and she slapped my arm.

"You are such a tattle-tail!" I yelped and held my arm. "Oh, Shane, I'm so sorry!" She rubbed my arm and bit her lip.

"Uh..." John trailed off, not sure of how to take our little... reaction. I took in a breath and rubbed my arm a few more times.

"Sorry John, we were just goofing around too much." I said and he nodded.

"I'm so glad you guys don't act like that on tour all the time." John crossed his arms over his chest and nodded toward the others. "Who's winning?" he asked.

"Us!" Caitlyn and Marissa said in unison, then giggled. I chuckled and looked back at John. He nodded and looked back at Mitchie and I.

"If you'll all follow me, I've got some news."

We all sat in the living room, John on one couch and us on the other, facing him. He rested his elbows on his knees, looking at us, like he was looking at us for the first time. I had to wonder what his news was, what he was about to tell us. I knew it had something to do with the tour, but John's news could be bad or good, and knowing John, he'd tell you flat out. I was afraid the news was going to be bad, even though John had said that he loved Mitchie and wanted her. I just wasn't sure at that moment.

I grabbed Mitchie's hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. She looked over and smiled at me, but I could tell she was just as scared as I was. This was the moment that would determine our touring futures.

"Shane, Nate, Jason," John started. "You guys have been my most popular boy group for three years now," we smiled at him. "and I would hate to lose you guys to someone else." he smiled back. "I hope you boys' continue to work for me and continue to make amazing music for your fans." we nodded.

"Thanks, John." I said and he nodded.

"Mitchie, Caitlyn, Marissa," John turned to the girls and I suddenly felt Mitchie's hand tense.

[Mitchie's POV]

This was it, this was our moment. This was the conversation that would determine whether we had spots on the tour or not. I was freaking out, like, almost sweating freaking out. I tensed as soon as John turned to us girls' and said our names. It was like being called on by your least favorite teacher, asking you to answer a question that nobody else could possibly know. I took in a deep breath and listened as John continued. "You girls have talent, really, you do." we smiled.

Complimenting us, that wasn't always a good start... especially when said like that. "Caitlyn, you are on your way to becoming the next biggest producer, or dancer out there." she smiled. "Marissa, you've got serious style and any fresh designer would be honored to work with you." Marissa smiled, nodding her thanks to John. "And Mitchie," now it was all on me, only me. "Shane was right when he told me you had talent, you didn't dissapoint me when you sang before." I smiled and looked at Shane, seeing him smiling back at me. I turned back to John. "But when it comes to entertaining and being called 'the next big thing', my boys' only get the best." us girls nodded, understanding.

Of course John wanted the best for ConnectThree, I mean, they were one of the most popular boy groups when this conversation was happening, and they still are. I have no reason to doubt he would want any less for them on tour. They were like the children John never had, but would probably have wanted if he had actually wanted any children. "So, because I only want the best for ConnectThree, my decision is this," he paused, leaving us all waiting for whatever his decision was. Don't leave me waiting, John. Tell me now! He took a breath and said, "Welcome to the tour, girls." he smiled. At first I thought I hadn't heard him right.

"W-what?" I asked, letting out the breath I had forgot I was holding in. What did you just say? I thought. John smiled again.

"You heard me." Caitlyn and Marissa gasped and my mouth hung open in shock. A huge smile spread across the boy's faces and I felt like screaming. I was about to when Shane covered my mouth with his other hand. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself and Shane, pulled his hand away from my mouth, wrapping me in a warm hug. "Congratulations to you all and I can't wait to work with you on the tour." we all shook hands with John and left, leaving him to continue on with his day.

As soon as we stepped outside, all of us girls let out screams of joy, amazement and excitement. The boys laughed at our giddiness and wrapped us in hugs.

"Alright, who says we should go out and celebrate?" Nate asked once we parted and everyone jumped in with a simple, "Me!".

"Jase," Shane said as we walked over to his mustang. "why don't you pick a resturant and lead they way." Jason nodded.

"Will do." Jason said and we all hopped into our veichles. Jason and Marissa pulled out first, then Nate, Caitlyn, and Shane and I.

We ended up going to Coldstone Creamery to celebrate our victories. We all split an oreo ice cream cake and talked about the things we would be doing on tour. I hadn't realized how much work went into touring, but I was up to the challenge, especially since Shane and everyone else would be there to help me through it and vise versa.

But this was it. We were finally all going to be together, on tour with ConnectThree and living the life of the rich and famous. This was going to change our lives, change the way we look at life and ourselves. We don't know where it's going to take us, but we will all be there together, through the ups and the downs, hand in hand because, in two weeks things will be drastically changed. I can only imagine where this life is going to take us.

Alright, here's your time to review and let me know what you're thinking. I hope you can also read some of my other stories because they need some readers lol. Oh, also, don't be afraid to suggest story ideas to me. I might not be able to work on them right now, but I will be able to get around to them eventually. Oh, and you'll get credit, of course!