If you haven't read My Favorite Summer yet, I suggest you do, because this is the sequel to it and I don't want anyone getting confused by what's happening in this one. After you read My Favorite Summer, I hope you enjoy reading this one. I plan to get the next chapter up soon, but it may have to wait, because I've got another story that I'm trying to update as well. It's called Sonny with A Chance of Jonas and I hope you can check that story out too. Thank you and enjoy!

Disclaimer: Yeah, I DO NOT own Camp Rock and that really sucks, but if I did, it would be so totally awesome! ^_^

"Mitchie!" My eyes shot opened and I sat up in my bed. I looked around the room, seeing everything I had. My light pink, very light pink walls were covered in posters of ConnectThree, Demi Lovato, The Jonas Brothers and others. My dresser was white and had pink and red hearts on the ends of the drawers and the knobs were red and shaped like music notes, each one different. And my bed, covered in pillows and different colored throws I had gotten while on vacation in Hawaii with my family. "Mitchie, are you up there?" I heard my Mom call from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I shouted back and pushed the covers off my legs.

"Hurry up and get ready, we're going out! Wear something nice." Mom shouted again and I stood up, running my fingers through my hair.

I took a shower, got dressed (pale pink peasant blouse, a floral knee length a-line skirt and black ballet flats), curled my hair, bumping my bangs, and put on my makeup. I looked in the mirror, seeing how much I had changed in the past six weeks. Had it already been six weeks? Wait, six weeks meant Shane was coming back soon. I got up from my vanity chair and ran over to the calendar near my bed. I ran my finger across the current week and stopped on Thursday. I went over two more days and saw Shane's name written in purple ink on Saturday. Shane was coming back in two days! I screamed and ran downstairs.

"What's wrong?" Mom came running over in a panic, looking completely out of breath. I reached the bottom step and wore my biggest smile.

"Shane's coming back in two days!" I said excitedly and started dancing around, not caring if my Mom was watching or not. She just laughed, seeing how happy I was.

"Mitchie, be careful." Mom cautioned me and I finally stopped, still smiling. She shook her head, laughing, and walked away. I stepped off of the last step and onto the hardwood floor, hearing the slight click my ballet flats made when they hit it. I sighed and walked into the family room, sitting down on the couch.

I thought about Shane. He hadn't broke any of his promises yet, well, other than calling me every ten minutes like he said. But I could understand that, I mean, could you imagine ConnectThree being up on stage and Shane having to call me right in the middle of a song? The fans would think he had OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Phone Disorder) and start rumors, wondering who he could possibly be calling in the middle of "That's Just the Way We Roll"? I shook my head and thought of something else.

"Hey Sweetie," I looked up from yesterdays manicure and saw my Dad, Steve, walk in and sit down beside me. I smiled at him and he rested both arms across the back of the couch. "You look pretty,"

"Thanks Dad," I told him and sighed for the third time. Dad leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, looking over at me.

"Something wrong?" he asked, seeing my expression, full of both excitement and nervousness. I looked at him.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just nervous."

"Might I ask why?"

"It's about Shane, Dad." He formed an "O" with his mouth and nodded slowly. I had to wonder if he even knew who Shane was. But I didn't ask.

"When is he coming back?" Dad asked, sounding somewhat curious, and not so much, at the same time.

"In two days," I told him and suddenly started to daydream.

Shane and I wrapped in each others arms, lying in a tall grass field, the sun slowly starting to set and the barely noticeable breeze starting to pick up. I look up at him, watching him watch the way I just lay there, feeling his heart beat into my back. I smile and put my hand on the back of his neck. Shane leans his head down and pushes my head up, slowly pressing his lips to mine.

"Mitchie?" I shook my head to escape my thoughts and saw Dad, still sitting beside me, still talking to me and obviously watching me daydream about Shane.

"Sorry, I was... thinking," I told him and she slowly nodded. "What were you saying?"

"I asked if you were excited,"

"Yeah," I said as I nodded "I'm really excited, but I'm still nervous." Dad nodded and put a hand on my back.

"Don't worry, you and Shane will be fine." I nodded and he stood up.

"Thanks Dad," I said as he left the room and waved a hand at me, letting me know he caught the "thank you".

We arrived at the restaurant. Dad parked the car and we all stepped out, closing our doors at almost the exact same time. We headed inside and Dad told one of the waiters something.

"...Mr Torres and... will be...thank you." Now that got me thinking: Who was Dad talking about? Were we meeting someone for breakfast? I rolled my eyes and followed Mom and Dad when our table was ready.

Mom and Dad sat next to each other and I sat across from Mom, obviously noticing the empty chair next to me.

"Uh, is someone joining us for breakfast?" I asked and they both opened their menus, looking at them and hiding their faces, pretending like they didn't hear me. I arched my brow and put my elbows on the table, resting my head on my knuckles. Why were they acting like that? Was this all of the sudden, "Ignore Mitchie Day"? I sighed and picked up my menu, opening it and looking inside to see what there was.

"Uh, excuse me," Dad said and got up from the table. I looked back at the menu and scanned the breakfast list. Eggs, more eggs, pancakes, lots more pancakes. I sighed again and Dad sat back down. I didn't bother to look up.

"Mitchie," My eyes widened and I felt my heart skip a beat. I turned to my left and looked up, not believing what I saw standing right in front of me. It couldn't be? It wasn't possible. How?

"Shane?" I asked, almost a whisper.

"Hey," he said and I suddenly stood up, running over to him and jumping into his arms, letting him spin me around. I cried into his shoulder, staining his white button-down shirt with both sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He set me down and held me head, looking at my tear stained face, much worse than his shirt. He wiped my cheeks and lightly kissed me on the lips, knowing my parents were watching, not doing anything more.

"You're back early," I said and he smiled.

"My manager cut the tour short, well, two days anyway," I smiled and hugged him again. We sat down and Mom handed me a tissue. I blotted (not wiped)my eyes and cheeks and, finally, stopped crying. Shane took my hand under the table and I looked at him, making sure this was all real. And now I knew why Mom wanted me to dress up for breakfast.

"I can't believe you guys didn't tell me," pouted at my parents. The only time they can actually keep a secret and they choose not to tell me. What was this? Opposite day? Mom giggled and put her hand on mine, still giggling away.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, but Shane wanted to surprise you and we couldn't say no," I looked over at Shane, seeing him nodding. Of course he wanted to surprise me, this was Shane Gray we're talking about. The only (yes, the only)guy I've ever dated who knows how to surprise someone when they most need it. How could he get more perfect?

"Did it work?" he asked, knowing full well that it did. I smiled and pushed him with the hand he wasn't holding.

"Yes. Thank you," I stretched up and kissed his cheek, remembering my parents were still in the same room. Sometimes they were an inconvenience, but I still loved them.

After catching up with Shane and letting my parents get to know him better, the two of us headed down to the park holding hands the whole way.

"I still can't believe you're back," I told him and looked up at his face. We were laying out on a blanket near the pond that wove through the park. The temperature was perfect, the sun was exactly where it should be, there was hardly anyone around -which meant less noise and people to bother us- and Shane's shoulder made the perfect head support. He looked over at me, making his signature smile.

"I'm glad I'm back," he confessed. I sat up and turned to him.

"Why?" I asked and he sat up as well.

"Do you know what it's like being stuck in a tour bus with Jason and Nate for six weeks?" he asked, I raised my brow line. "Let's just say I had nightmares about Jason's birdhouse," I made that "aww" face and rubbed his back. A nightmare involving Jason's birdhouse? I wondered, but honestly didn't want to know.

"Well, they came be a handfull sometimes, especially Jason, but we love them anyway, right?" Shane nodded and chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"Jason would not stop talking about Marissa, neither would Nate with Caitlyn," I nodded and realized, they were home too. And knowing Nate, he wouldn't have wanted to wait a minute to see Caitlyn. But I wasn't sure about Jason and Marissa. I had to wonder about them. Shane layed back down and I put my head back on his shoulder, laying my hand on his chest. "I think Jason and Marissa like each other," I turned to him.

"Ya think?" Of course, it was obvious they liked each other. The real question was, were they a thing or not? Shane rolled his eyes and laced his fingers with mine. He was looking especially amazing right then, even though I had stained his white button down shirt with wet tears full of mascara and foundation. At least the stain wasn't big and overly noticeable. "I'm sorry about staining your shirt," I told him and he looked over at me.

"It's ok, I've got plenty of shirts, I can afford another one just like this." I smiled and closed my eyes, listening to his heart beat again. It sounded like a lulluby, the kind you play for a baby to help her fall asleep. I could have fallen asleep right there in Shane's arms if he hadn't suddenly spoke up. "You've changed Mitchie," I opened my eyes and looked at him. "in a good way -you've really grown up."

"Thanks," I smiled and looked into his eyes, those gorgeous hazel brown beauties. I guess I had grown up some. After all, I hadn't seen Shane for six weeks. Maybe I was maturing.